

第一章 绪论

1. 机体的内环境(internal environment) 2.稳态(homeostasis )

3. 反射(reflex) 4.反射弧(reflex arc)

5. 旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation) 6.自身调节(autoregulation )

7. 负反馈(negative feedback) 8.正反馈(positive feedback)

9. 前馈(feed-forward)

第二章 细胞的基本功能

10. 被动转运(passive transport) 11. 单纯扩散(simple diffusion)

12. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)

13. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel)

14. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel)

15. 离子通道(ion channel)

16. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel)

17. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel)

18. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport)

19. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)

20. 同向转运(symport ) 21. 反向转运(antiport )

22. 出胞(exocytosis ) 23. 入胞(endocytosis )

24. 跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)

25. 刺激(stimulation) 26. 兴奋(excitation)

27. 兴奋性(excitability) 28. 阈值(threshold)

29. 极化(polarization ) 30. 去极化(depolarization )

31. 超极化(hyperpolarization ) 32. 复极化(repolarization )

33. 内向电流(inward current) 34. 外向电流(outward current)

35. 电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)

36. 静息电位(resting potential) 37. K平衡电位(K equilibrium potential)

38. 动作电位(action potential) 39. 超射(overshoot )

40. “全或无”现象(“all or none”phenomenon )

41. 阈电位(threshold potential) 42. 局部电位(local potential) ++

43. 时间性总和(temporal summation) 44. 空间性总和(spatial summation)

45. 量子释放(quantal release)

46. 兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)

47. 等长收缩(isometric contraction) 48. 等张收缩(isotonic contraction)

49. 前负荷(preload ) 50. 后负荷(afterload )

51.肌肉收缩能力(contractility) 52.不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetauns)

53.完全强直收缩(complete tetanus) 54.运动单位(motor unit)

第三章 血液

55. 血细胞比容(hematocrit ) 56. 血浆渗透压(plasma osmotic pressure)

57. 血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)

58. 血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)

59. 悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)

60. 红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)

61. 红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility) 62.血小板黏附(platelet adhesion)

63. 血小板聚集(platelet aggregation) 64.生理性止血(hemostasis )

65. 出血时间(bleeding time) 66.凝血时间(clotting time)

67. 血液凝固(blood coagulation) 68.血清(serum )

69. 凝血因子(clotting factor) 70.内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)

71. 外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway) 72.纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis )

73. 血型(blood group) 74.红细胞凝集(agglutination )

75. 凝集原(agglutinogen ) 76. 凝集素(agglutinin )

77. 交叉配血试验(corss-match test)

第四章 血液循环

78. 心动周期(cardiac cycle)

79. 等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)

80. 等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)

81. 每搏输出量(stroke volume) 82. 射血分数(ejection fraction)

83. 心输出量(cardiac output) 84 心指数(cardiac index)

85. 异长调节(heterometric regulation)

86. 心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)

87. 心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)

88. 等长调节(homometric regulation)

89. 快反应细胞(fast response cell) 90.慢反应细胞(slow response cell)

91. 期前收缩(premature systole) 92.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)

93. 自动节律性(autorhythmicity) 94.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)

95. 潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker) 96.异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)

97. 房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)

98. 膜反应曲线(membrane responsiveness curve)

99. 钙触发钙释放(calcium-induced Ca release)

100. 外周阻力(peripheral resistance)

101. 动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)102. 收缩压(systolic pressure)

103. 舒张压(diastolic pressure) 104.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure) 105. 中心静脉压(central venous pressure)

106. 微循环(microcirculation ) 107.压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)


第五章 呼吸

108. 肺通气(pulmonary ventilation) 109.肺换气(gas exchange in lungs) 110. 呼吸运动(respiratory movement) 111.弹性阻力(elastic resistance)

112. 顺应性(compliance) 113.肺的静态顺应性(static compliance) 114. 比顺应性(specific compliance) 115.肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant) 116. 气道阻力(airway resistance) 117.潮气量(tidal volume)

118. 余气量(residual volume)

119. 功能余气量(functional residual capacity)

120. 肺活量(vital capacity) 121.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity) 122. 用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume)

123. 肺通气量(pulmonary ventilation)

124. 解剖无效腔(anatomical dead space) 125.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space) 126. 肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)

127. 通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio)

128. 血氧容量(oxygen capacity) 129.血氧含量(oxygen content)

130. 血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation) 131.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve) 132. 肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex)

第六章 消化与吸收

133. 消化(digestion ) 134.机械性消化(mechanical digestion) 135. 化学性消化(chemical digestion) 136.吸收(absorption )

137. 慢波(slow wave ) 138.胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone ) 139. 脑-肠肽(braingut peptide)

140. 黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus bicarbonate barrier)

141. 胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)

142. 容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)

143. 紧张性收缩(tonic contraction) 144.胃的排空(gastric emptying) 145. 肠-胃反射(entero-gastric reflex ) 146.分节运动(segmentation contraction ) 147. 胆盐的肠-肝循环(enterohepatic circulation of bile salt)

第七章 能量代谢与体温

148. 能量代谢(energy metabolism)

149. 食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food)

150. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)

151. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient) 152. 基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate) 153. 体温(body temperature) 154.温热性发汗(thermal sweating) 155. 精神性发汗(mental sweating 156.热敏神经元(warm-sensitive neuron) 157. 冷敏神经元(cold-sensitive neuron)

第八章 尿的生成和排出

158. 管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)

159. 肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate)

160. 滤过分数(filtration fraction)

161. 有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure)

162. 肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)

163. 葡萄糖吸收极限量(transfer maximum of glucose)

164. 渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis) 165. 球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance) 166. 水利尿(water diuresis) 167.清除率(clearance )

第九章 感觉器官的功能

168. 感受器(receptor ) 169. 感觉器官(sense organ)

170. 适宜刺激(adequate stimulus) 171. 换能作用(transducer function) 172. 瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)

173. 互感性对光反射(consensual light reflex)

174. 瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)175. 视敏度(visual acuity) 176. 暗适应(dark adaptation) 177.明适应(light adaptation) 178. 视野(visual field) 179.听阈(hearing threshold) 180. 耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)

181. 耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)

182. 眼球震颤(nystagmus )

第十章 神经系统的功能

183. 突触(synapse ) 184.经典的突触(classical synapse) 185. 兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential)

186. 抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential)

187. 非定向突触(non-directed synapse) 188.电突触(electric synapse) 189. 神经递质(neurotransmitter ) 190.神经调质(neuromodulator ) 191. 受体(receptor ) 192.激动剂(agonist )

193. 拮抗剂(antagonist ) 194.上调(up regulation)

195. 下调(down regulation) 196.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber) 197. 肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber) 198.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition) 199. 传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition)

200. 回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition) 201.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition) 202. 特异投射系统(specific projection system)

203. 非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system)

204. 牵涉痛(referred pain) 205.脊休克(spinal shock)

206. 牵张反射(stretch reflex) 207.腱反射(tendon reflex)

208. 肌紧张(muscle tonus) 209.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity) 210. α僵直(α-rigidity ) 211.γ僵直(γ-rigidity )

212. 自发脑电活动(spontaneous electric activity of the brain)

213. 脑电图(electroencephalogram )

214. 脑干网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system) 215. 慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep) 216.异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)

第十一章 内分泌

217. 激素(hormone) 218. 允许作用(permissive action) 219. 长反馈(long-loop feedback) 220. 短反馈(short-loop feedback) 221. 超短反馈(ultra-short-loop feedback)

222. 下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)

223. 应激反应(stress reaction) 224.应急反应(emergency reaction)

第十二章 生殖

225. 月经(menstruation ) 226. 月经周期(menstrual cycle) 227. 增生期(proliferative phase) 228. 黄体期(luteal phase)


第一章 绪论

1. 机体的内环境(internal environment) 2.稳态(homeostasis )

3. 反射(reflex) 4.反射弧(reflex arc)

5. 旁分泌调节(paracrine regulation) 6.自身调节(autoregulation )

7. 负反馈(negative feedback) 8.正反馈(positive feedback)

9. 前馈(feed-forward)

第二章 细胞的基本功能

10. 被动转运(passive transport) 11. 单纯扩散(simple diffusion)

12. 经载体易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via carrier)

13. 经通道易化扩散(facilitated diffusion via ion channel)

14. 电压门控通道(voltage gated ion channel)

15. 离子通道(ion channel)

16. 化学门控通道(chemically gated ion channel)

17. 机械门控通道(mechanically gated ion channel)

18. 原发性主动转运(primary active transport)

19. 继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)

20. 同向转运(symport ) 21. 反向转运(antiport )

22. 出胞(exocytosis ) 23. 入胞(endocytosis )

24. 跨膜信号转导(transmembrane signal transduction)

25. 刺激(stimulation) 26. 兴奋(excitation)

27. 兴奋性(excitability) 28. 阈值(threshold)

29. 极化(polarization ) 30. 去极化(depolarization )

31. 超极化(hyperpolarization ) 32. 复极化(repolarization )

33. 内向电流(inward current) 34. 外向电流(outward current)

35. 电化学驱动力(electrochemical driving force)

36. 静息电位(resting potential) 37. K平衡电位(K equilibrium potential)

38. 动作电位(action potential) 39. 超射(overshoot )

40. “全或无”现象(“all or none”phenomenon )

41. 阈电位(threshold potential) 42. 局部电位(local potential) ++

43. 时间性总和(temporal summation) 44. 空间性总和(spatial summation)

45. 量子释放(quantal release)

46. 兴奋-收缩耦联(excitation-contraction coupling)

47. 等长收缩(isometric contraction) 48. 等张收缩(isotonic contraction)

49. 前负荷(preload ) 50. 后负荷(afterload )

51.肌肉收缩能力(contractility) 52.不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetauns)

53.完全强直收缩(complete tetanus) 54.运动单位(motor unit)

第三章 血液

55. 血细胞比容(hematocrit ) 56. 血浆渗透压(plasma osmotic pressure)

57. 血浆晶体渗透压(plasma crystal osmotic pressure)

58. 血浆胶体渗透压(plasma colloid osmotic pressure)

59. 悬浮稳定性(suspension stability)

60. 红细胞沉降率(erythrocyte sedimentation rate)

61. 红细胞渗透脆性(osmotic fragility) 62.血小板黏附(platelet adhesion)

63. 血小板聚集(platelet aggregation) 64.生理性止血(hemostasis )

65. 出血时间(bleeding time) 66.凝血时间(clotting time)

67. 血液凝固(blood coagulation) 68.血清(serum )

69. 凝血因子(clotting factor) 70.内源性凝血途径(intrinsic pathway)

71. 外源性凝血途径(extrinsic pathway) 72.纤维蛋白溶解(fibrinolysis )

73. 血型(blood group) 74.红细胞凝集(agglutination )

75. 凝集原(agglutinogen ) 76. 凝集素(agglutinin )

77. 交叉配血试验(corss-match test)

第四章 血液循环

78. 心动周期(cardiac cycle)

79. 等容收缩期(period of isovolumic contraction)

80. 等容舒张期(period of isovolumic relaxation)

81. 每搏输出量(stroke volume) 82. 射血分数(ejection fraction)

83. 心输出量(cardiac output) 84 心指数(cardiac index)

85. 异长调节(heterometric regulation)

86. 心室功能曲线(ventricular function curve)

87. 心肌收缩能力(myocardial contractility)

88. 等长调节(homometric regulation)

89. 快反应细胞(fast response cell) 90.慢反应细胞(slow response cell)

91. 期前收缩(premature systole) 92.代偿间歇(compensatory pause)

93. 自动节律性(autorhythmicity) 94.正常起搏点(normal pacemaker)

95. 潜在起搏点(latent pacemaker) 96.异位起搏点(ectopic pacemaker)

97. 房室延搁(atrioventricular delay)

98. 膜反应曲线(membrane responsiveness curve)

99. 钙触发钙释放(calcium-induced Ca release)

100. 外周阻力(peripheral resistance)

101. 动脉血压(arterial blood pressure)102. 收缩压(systolic pressure)

103. 舒张压(diastolic pressure) 104.平均动脉压(mean arterial pressure) 105. 中心静脉压(central venous pressure)

106. 微循环(microcirculation ) 107.压力感受性反射(baroreceptor reflex)


第五章 呼吸

108. 肺通气(pulmonary ventilation) 109.肺换气(gas exchange in lungs) 110. 呼吸运动(respiratory movement) 111.弹性阻力(elastic resistance)

112. 顺应性(compliance) 113.肺的静态顺应性(static compliance) 114. 比顺应性(specific compliance) 115.肺表面活性物质(pulmonary surfactant) 116. 气道阻力(airway resistance) 117.潮气量(tidal volume)

118. 余气量(residual volume)

119. 功能余气量(functional residual capacity)

120. 肺活量(vital capacity) 121.用力肺活量(forced vital capacity) 122. 用力呼气量(forced expiratory volume)

123. 肺通气量(pulmonary ventilation)

124. 解剖无效腔(anatomical dead space) 125.肺泡无效腔(alveolar dead space) 126. 肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation)

127. 通气/血流比值(ventilation/perfusion ratio)

128. 血氧容量(oxygen capacity) 129.血氧含量(oxygen content)

130. 血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation) 131.氧解离曲线(oxygen dissociation curve) 132. 肺牵张反射(pulmonary stretch reflex)

第六章 消化与吸收

133. 消化(digestion ) 134.机械性消化(mechanical digestion) 135. 化学性消化(chemical digestion) 136.吸收(absorption )

137. 慢波(slow wave ) 138.胃肠激素(gastrointestinal hormone ) 139. 脑-肠肽(braingut peptide)

140. 黏液-碳酸氢盐屏障(mucus bicarbonate barrier)

141. 胃黏膜屏障(gastric mucosal barrier)

142. 容受性舒张(receptive relaxation)

143. 紧张性收缩(tonic contraction) 144.胃的排空(gastric emptying) 145. 肠-胃反射(entero-gastric reflex ) 146.分节运动(segmentation contraction ) 147. 胆盐的肠-肝循环(enterohepatic circulation of bile salt)

第七章 能量代谢与体温

148. 能量代谢(energy metabolism)

149. 食物的热价(thermal equivalent of food)

150. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen)

151. 呼吸商(respiratory quotient) 152. 基础代谢率(basal metabolic rate) 153. 体温(body temperature) 154.温热性发汗(thermal sweating) 155. 精神性发汗(mental sweating 156.热敏神经元(warm-sensitive neuron) 157. 冷敏神经元(cold-sensitive neuron)

第八章 尿的生成和排出

158. 管-球反馈(tubuloglomerular feedback)

159. 肾小球滤过率(glomerular filtration rate)

160. 滤过分数(filtration fraction)

161. 有效滤过压(effective filtration pressure)

162. 肾糖阈(renal threshold for glucose)

163. 葡萄糖吸收极限量(transfer maximum of glucose)

164. 渗透性利尿(osmotic diuresis) 165. 球-管平衡(glomerulotubular balance) 166. 水利尿(water diuresis) 167.清除率(clearance )

第九章 感觉器官的功能

168. 感受器(receptor ) 169. 感觉器官(sense organ)

170. 适宜刺激(adequate stimulus) 171. 换能作用(transducer function) 172. 瞳孔对光反射(pupillary light reflex)

173. 互感性对光反射(consensual light reflex)

174. 瞳孔近反射(near reflex of the pupil)175. 视敏度(visual acuity) 176. 暗适应(dark adaptation) 177.明适应(light adaptation) 178. 视野(visual field) 179.听阈(hearing threshold) 180. 耳蜗内电位(endocochlear potential)

181. 耳蜗微音器电位(cochlear microphonic potential)

182. 眼球震颤(nystagmus )

第十章 神经系统的功能

183. 突触(synapse ) 184.经典的突触(classical synapse) 185. 兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential)

186. 抑制性突触后电位(inhibitory postsynaptic potential)

187. 非定向突触(non-directed synapse) 188.电突触(electric synapse) 189. 神经递质(neurotransmitter ) 190.神经调质(neuromodulator ) 191. 受体(receptor ) 192.激动剂(agonist )

193. 拮抗剂(antagonist ) 194.上调(up regulation)

195. 下调(down regulation) 196.胆碱能纤维(cholinergic fiber) 197. 肾上腺素能纤维(adrenergic fiber) 198.突触后抑制(postsynaptic inhibition) 199. 传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition)

200. 回返性抑制(recurrent inhibition) 201.突触前抑制(presynaptic inhibition) 202. 特异投射系统(specific projection system)

203. 非特异投射系统(nonspecific projection system)

204. 牵涉痛(referred pain) 205.脊休克(spinal shock)

206. 牵张反射(stretch reflex) 207.腱反射(tendon reflex)

208. 肌紧张(muscle tonus) 209.去大脑僵直(decerebrate rigidity) 210. α僵直(α-rigidity ) 211.γ僵直(γ-rigidity )

212. 自发脑电活动(spontaneous electric activity of the brain)

213. 脑电图(electroencephalogram )

214. 脑干网状结构上行激动系统(ascending reticular activating system) 215. 慢波睡眠(slow wave sleep) 216.异相睡眠(paradoxical sleep)

第十一章 内分泌

217. 激素(hormone) 218. 允许作用(permissive action) 219. 长反馈(long-loop feedback) 220. 短反馈(short-loop feedback) 221. 超短反馈(ultra-short-loop feedback)

222. 下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamic regulatory peptides)

223. 应激反应(stress reaction) 224.应急反应(emergency reaction)

第十二章 生殖

225. 月经(menstruation ) 226. 月经周期(menstrual cycle) 227. 增生期(proliferative phase) 228. 黄体期(luteal phase)


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