


A How many in your party?


B one


A This way, please.



Can I have a look at the menu, please?


A Here you are.


B:Could you give me a second, please? (could you wait a moment?) 顾客:请给我我们一会儿时间好吗?



B: What have you got this morning?


A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments and everything.


B: I’d like to have a glass of milk, please. And I want my milk to be delivered 10minutes after my breakfast is ready, for I like to have it when I finished eating something. Is that okay?

A:Sure,I have already taken it down. And would you like some eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?

B: Yeah, I want fried eggs, and be sure it is sunny side up.


A:Sunny side up?

B:yes.And I would rather have some sugar with it.

A: Any cereal, sir?


B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥

A: Got it. Do you want any dessert?


B. let me see. What do you have or what do you like to recommend for me?

A I strongly recommend sandwich cookie, I am sure the moment you take a taste of it you will fall in love with it.The flavor of it will definitely make an impression on you/

B, Sounds great .I would like to have a try.

A: Anything to drink?


B:a cup of coffee


A:Anything to be paid attention to?

B:yeah,my coffee must be hot and no sugar,please.

A:Okay. hot,no sugar.

B:And how long will it be before my breakfast Is ready?

A I am afraid you will have to wait until 8 o’clock

B:God! Somewhat late.

A:Sorry.you see it is busy now and I will try to make it a little earlier

B :But I have an appointment at9,so I have to leave at 8:30.I hope it will not be too late

A:Maybe you can reserve you table next time you come to us. Today I will report your situation to the manager, he will help

B. that’s considerate of you .

A:I have taken all of the food you have ordered.

DO you want anything else?

B: No, that’s enough. Thank you.




A How many in your party?


B one


A This way, please.



Can I have a look at the menu, please?


A Here you are.


B:Could you give me a second, please? (could you wait a moment?) 顾客:请给我我们一会儿时间好吗?



B: What have you got this morning?


A: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments and everything.


B: I’d like to have a glass of milk, please. And I want my milk to be delivered 10minutes after my breakfast is ready, for I like to have it when I finished eating something. Is that okay?

A:Sure,I have already taken it down. And would you like some eggs? 还要来点鸡蛋什么的吗?

B: Yeah, I want fried eggs, and be sure it is sunny side up.


A:Sunny side up?

B:yes.And I would rather have some sugar with it.

A: Any cereal, sir?


B: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. 好的,来一份麦片粥

A: Got it. Do you want any dessert?


B. let me see. What do you have or what do you like to recommend for me?

A I strongly recommend sandwich cookie, I am sure the moment you take a taste of it you will fall in love with it.The flavor of it will definitely make an impression on you/

B, Sounds great .I would like to have a try.

A: Anything to drink?


B:a cup of coffee


A:Anything to be paid attention to?

B:yeah,my coffee must be hot and no sugar,please.

A:Okay. hot,no sugar.

B:And how long will it be before my breakfast Is ready?

A I am afraid you will have to wait until 8 o’clock

B:God! Somewhat late.

A:Sorry.you see it is busy now and I will try to make it a little earlier

B :But I have an appointment at9,so I have to leave at 8:30.I hope it will not be too late

A:Maybe you can reserve you table next time you come to us. Today I will report your situation to the manager, he will help

B. that’s considerate of you .

A:I have taken all of the food you have ordered.

DO you want anything else?

B: No, that’s enough. Thank you.



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