

SectionⅠ listening comprehension (20 marks,1 mark each )

Part A

Directions: You will hear a passage about Food resources under pressure. Listen and complete the sentence in questions 1-5 with the information you’ve heard. Write not more than 3 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table

Part B

Directions: You will hear a passage about Microsoft’s Vision of Future. Answer the questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording

Part C

Directions: Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage about Plant Fever. You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question11-13.

11. A. They are sprayed with pesticides C. They are in poor physical condition

B. They are facing an infrared scanner D. They are exposed to excessive sun runs

12. A. to estimate the damage to the crops C. to measure the size of the affected area

B. to draw a color-coded map D. to locate the problem area

13. A. By resorting to sport-sprarying C. By transforming poisoned rain

B. By consulting infrared scanned experts D. By detecting crop problems are an early date

Directions: Questions 14-16 are based on the following passage about Modern Building and Health. You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question14-16.

14. A. air conditioning B. stress

C. allergic materials D. poor air exchange

15. A. It’s good for energy conservation and people’s health

B. It causes condensation at night and produces bacteria

C. It wastes electrical energy

D. It can stop the growth of bacteria and fungi

16. A. air conditioner is harmful to health

B. air conditioning is not the only factor for people’s headaches

C. workers in air-conditioned offices are painful

D. switching off air conditioning can help purify the air in the office

Directions: Questions 17-20 are based on the following passage about Sporting . You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question17-20.

17. A. Sporting activities are forms of biological development

B. Sporting activities have actually developed from hunting

C. Sporting activities are essentially forms of taming the prey

D. Sporting activities have changed the ways of hunting

18. A. any member of the opposing team B. the goal keeper

C. the goal-mouth D. the football

19. A. successful farmers B. cooperating hunters

C. runners and jumpers D. skilful sportsmen

20. A. It is farming that gives human beings enough leisure time for sporting activities.

B. Farming is very important in human civilization because it saves human beings from risks.

C. It is hunting that provides human beings with much simpler ways of obtaining meaty meals.

D. Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern man to exercise hunting skills which his forefathers developed for survival.

Section Ⅱ Vocabulary (15 marks,1 mark each )

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Ⅰ with a single line through the centre.

21. “He was unable to endure the torture of the enemy and surrendered. He_ his comrades.

A. revealed B. exposed C. suspended D. betrayed

22. On the side of the hill, there is a_which was once the entrance to a gold mine.

A. deep hole in ground B. deep hole in the ground

C. hole deep in ground D. deep in the ground hole

23. She’s got so_to light music that it has become a constant companion of her life.

A. use to listen B. used in listen

C. used to listen D. used to listening

24. Classroom testing, if well done, most certainly_a stimulus to study and real learning.

A. acts for B. acts as

C. acts on D. acts to

25. I feel quite confident in_Mr.Jackson to you for the vacant post of research assistant.

A. submitting B. recalling

C. proclaiming D. recommending

26. A poor man has to_many things which a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.

A. go through B. go over

C. go without D. go about

27. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been_with the theoretical aspects of the subject.

A. embraced B. adjusted

C. alternated D. integrated

28. Topics of conversation should be_to the experiences and interests of the students.

A. rigid B. relevant

C. rigorous D. remarkable

29.They did considerable work to_the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.

A. instruct B. impart

C. acquaint D. dictate

30. Only the Chinese have successfully_pandas and raised their babies in captivity.

A. bred B. exerted

C. expanded D. availed

31. The purpose of the official inquiry is to_the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.

A. come at B. come into C. come for D. come over

32.The chairman made a(an)_statement before beginning the main business of the meeting.

A. intensive B. preliminary C. intermediate D. operational

33. Only in recent years_begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

A. people have B. have people

C. since people have D. people who have

34. At the last committee meeting, the notion that the club_open until midnight was defeated.

A. remains B. remained

C. remain D. would remains

35. I don’t think Johnson will succeed in his new job, for he is not_to do that type of work.

A. compatible B. consistent

C. convenient D. competent

SectionⅢ Cloze Test (20 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Ⅰ with a single line through the centre.

SectionⅣ Reading Comprehension (20 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer SheetⅠ with a single line through the centre.


Television—that most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies ,marked by rapid change and growth—is moving into a new era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.

The word

Television is more than just an electronics system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.

The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is non-broadcast television, which provides for the need of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.

Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for about forty seven years in a form. similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast network, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major surveyors of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our perception of it as well. We have come to look upon it as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.

56. With which topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A. recent changes in modern technology.

B. the marriage of broadcasting giants.

C. the role of television in today’s society.

D. the content of broadcast television program.

57. The word “put”(2nd sentence of 2nd Para.) could best be replaced by which of the following ?

A. expressed B. asked C. placed D. inserted

58. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a function of electronics in television transmission?

A. the conversion of image into electronic impulse .

B. the sending of impulses through a wire cable.

C. the changing of one image into another image.

D. the feeding of impulses into a receiver.

59. What field of television is intended for specific groups?

A. broad-based B. reconstituted C. traditional D. non-broadcast

60. Which of the following statements about the relationship between television and its viewers can best be inferred from the passage?

A. Viewers do not take an active role in watching television.

B. Viewers would prefer increased news coverage.

C. Viewers like to use television to reach other human beings.

D. Viewers are grown tired of television.


Got milk? Be very afraid. Or, preferably, a bit skeptical. some folks are about try to convince you that milk is toxic. But the real question is, what’s more dangerious to your health: milk, or celebrities and activists embarked on the latest trendy crusade(改革)? This month marks the publicity-pumped debut of the Anti Dairy Coalition, a band of physicians, self-described “Holly-wood”.

If milk isn’t the prefect food, it’s still got some big things going for it. It’s an inexpensive source of calcium, protein, potassium and other vitamins and minerals, and unlike other sources of calcium, such as, say, steamed kale, milk is a food kids will eat. The ADC feels that milk is the root of most human maladies(疾病), but I can point to other single-issue obessive who insist the villain is meat or wheat or sugar or some other substance that our species has long and happily consumed. I often learn something by examining their claims. But I keep coming back to the mainstream nutritionisits, who emphasize a balanced diet and advised moderation in all things.

61. The ADC holds that giving up milk will cause the following diseases EXCEPT_____

A. breast cancer B. diabetes C. heart disease D. lung disease

62. The writer thinks that milk_____

A. is toxic and we should give it up.

B. is very nutritious and we should consume it as much as possible.

C. is the most ideal food .

D. has its pluses and minuses and we should consume it sensibly.

63.It is clear from the passage that_____

A. the writer is of the same opinion about milk with the ADC.

B. the writer regards milk as the root of most human diseases.

C.the writer advises people to stay out of trouble with milk.

D. the writer’s opinion about milk differs greatly from the ADC’s.

64. According to the passage, if you suffer from laclose intolerance_____

A. you had better giver up milk entirely.

B. you should have less milk every day .

C. you can take lactase which catalyzes(催化) lactose into glucose(葡萄糖) and(半乳糖).

D. you must see a doctor.

65. we can conclude from the passage that the writer is_____

A. an unprejudiced person B. an opinionated person

C. a worldly person D. a wise but peculiar person


Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject—and studied the brain—say that they are. Research for my book “Late Talking Children”drove home point to me. Three quarters of the bright but speech—delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who was an engineer, mathematician or scientist—and four fifth had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subjects—and to music.

Black,white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, look at the larger world us, it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly under represented in such fields as mathematics, science and engeering.

If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this greaat disparity? One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities reauires years of formal schooling, while certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training, as has happened with a number of well—known black musicians.

It is precisely in these kinds of music where one can acquire great skill without formal training that blacks have excelled—popular music rather than classical music, piano rather than violion, blues rather than opera. This is readily understandable, given that most blacks, for most of American history, have not had either the money or the leisure for long years of formal study music.

Scieentist under other circum-stances. What is clearer is that most blacks have not had such alternatives available until very recently, as history is measured. Morever, now that cultural traditions have been established, even those blacks who have such alternatives available today, and who have the inborn abilites to pursue them, many nevertheless continue for some time to follow well-worn paths.

66. The author’ research for his book “Later-Talk Children” showed him that_____

A. mathematical ability and musical ability are closely related.

B.bright but speech-delayed children favor analytical subjects.

C.on the surface, mathematical ability and musical ability are not connected.

D. children of different races differ silghtly in their mathematical and musical abilites.

67.It can be concluded from the passage that_____

A. the development of all music talents need little or no formal training.

B.abilites,such as mathematical ability, sometimes can not be developed with formal education.

C.blacks are underrepresented in mathematics because they have no chances to recive formal education.

D. blacks usually prefer music to mathematics, science and engineering.

68.It is known from the passage that Duke Ellington_____

A. only loves popular music.

B. has made a great contribution to the development of jazz.

C. is an obscure musician.

D. never excel in jazz music.

69. The author holds that_____

A. blacks demonstrate batter inborn musical abilities than others.

B. blacks are distinguished in all kinds of music.

C. blacks now continue to do music because of their cultuaral trditions.

D. blacks still have no chances to become mathematicians or scientists today.

70.In this passage, the author tries to say that_____

A. musical ability has no connection with mathematical ability.

B. one’s ability mainly depends on formal education.

C. blacks are so prejudiced that they seldom accept new things.

D. blacks are more successful in music than in science because of various reasons.


The deterioration of the environment both physically and aesthetically, is most apparent in our cities. The dehumanizing effects of life in the slums and ghettoes-particularly, where there is little hope for improving conditions have often been cited as contributing causes of urban rioting and disturbances. Crime rates usually reach their zenith in these neighborhoods. Such symptoms of general psychological maladjustment suggest that modem cities provide a less than ideal environment for human beings.

There seems to be abundant evidence that traditional cultural patterns break down in cities, and also that the high numbers of contacts with individuals, not part of one’s circle of regular social acquaintances may lead to mental disturbance(defined here merely as behavior generally considered “disturbed” by the majority of the society). It is important to note that antisocial behavior and “mental illness” are found in all cultures, and that indeed the same disorders recognized by western psychiatrists are found even in primitive peoples. Therefore, we can be reasonably certain that lack of an evolutionarily “natural” environment is not the sole cause of such behavior. Nevertheless, that lack may well serve to aggravate the problems of people living in our most crowed, smoggy, and inpersonal metropolies.

Standford psychologist P.G. Zimbardo has concluded that urban pressures transforming Americans into potential assassins. He based his conclusions on experimental syudies of the connection between anonymity and aggression, and on field studies of vandalism. He noted an estimated 230 violent urban out-breaks in the period 1964-1969, and reported that 1967 vandals in New York City alone wreaked 360,000 pay telepones, broke 202,719 school windows, and did damage parks and transit systems costing some$850,000. cars were abondoned on streets of a large city (New York) and a small one (Palo Alto, California), and secretly watched to see if there was a difference in vandalism between the two localities. The New York car was virtually demolished within three days by 23 separate attacks by looters and vandals, nearly all in view of passersby and during the daytime. The Palo Alto car was not molsted for more than a week. How much (if any) of such behavior might be reduced if density were lowered is unkonw, but at least

the anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that high density is factor in such problems. Crime rates are some five times as high in urban as in rual areas. Though some of this difference may be due to disparities in reporting, not all of it can be explained on this basis. Rates for violent crimes have been shown to be positively correlated with actual population densties in American cities. This general correlation held for statistics taken in three different years,1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, in the same cities. The rises in assault and robbery with higher density were particulary striking, although murder and rape both also reflected the trend. Robbery is the only one of the four that does not most commonly occur between acquaintances. Interestingly, crime rates in the suburbs have been rising in the past few years, especially among teenagers from relatively affluent areas, although their crimes are more often acts against property than crimes of violence.

71.Accroding to the passage, most often crimes are commited in_____

A. the suburbs B. commerical areas of big cities

C.the slums and ghettoes D.the parks and transit systems

72. Which of the following stratements is TRUE about antisocial behavior and “mental illness” ?

A. They are unique in morden cites.

B. They are grave in metropolises.

C. They are never found in primitive peoples.

D. They result entirely from the lack of a “natural” environment.

73. According to P.G. Zimbardo’s research_____

A. there exists a higher rate of vandalism in a more densely-populated city.

B.when population densities decrease,crime rates go up.

C. there is no correlation between the population density and crime rates.

D. suburban teenagers are more apt to commit violent crimes than small thefts.

74. The writer holds that_____

A. deterioration of the environment in a mordern city will make it unfit for people to live in.

B.lack of an “natural” environment results in antisocial behavior and “mental illness”.

C. deterioriation of environment in a metropolis plays a cetain role in causing high crime rates.

D. vandalism and other violent outbreaks will never disappear in most crowded metropolises.

75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a form of breakdown in arban areas?

A. Vandalism . B.Suicide. C. Rioting. D. Rape.

Section Ⅴ Translation (25marks)

Directions: Translate the following into English. Write your English version on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.







SectionⅠ listening comprehension (20 marks,1 mark each )

Part A

Directions: You will hear a passage about Food resources under pressure. Listen and complete the sentence in questions 1-5 with the information you’ve heard. Write not more than 3 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table

Part B

Directions: You will hear a passage about Microsoft’s Vision of Future. Answer the questions 6-10 while you listen. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording

Part C

Directions: Questions 11-13 are based on the following passage about Plant Fever. You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question11-13.

11. A. They are sprayed with pesticides C. They are in poor physical condition

B. They are facing an infrared scanner D. They are exposed to excessive sun runs

12. A. to estimate the damage to the crops C. to measure the size of the affected area

B. to draw a color-coded map D. to locate the problem area

13. A. By resorting to sport-sprarying C. By transforming poisoned rain

B. By consulting infrared scanned experts D. By detecting crop problems are an early date

Directions: Questions 14-16 are based on the following passage about Modern Building and Health. You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question14-16.

14. A. air conditioning B. stress

C. allergic materials D. poor air exchange

15. A. It’s good for energy conservation and people’s health

B. It causes condensation at night and produces bacteria

C. It wastes electrical energy

D. It can stop the growth of bacteria and fungi

16. A. air conditioner is harmful to health

B. air conditioning is not the only factor for people’s headaches

C. workers in air-conditioned offices are painful

D. switching off air conditioning can help purify the air in the office

Directions: Questions 17-20 are based on the following passage about Sporting . You now have 15 seconds to read choices for question17-20.

17. A. Sporting activities are forms of biological development

B. Sporting activities have actually developed from hunting

C. Sporting activities are essentially forms of taming the prey

D. Sporting activities have changed the ways of hunting

18. A. any member of the opposing team B. the goal keeper

C. the goal-mouth D. the football

19. A. successful farmers B. cooperating hunters

C. runners and jumpers D. skilful sportsmen

20. A. It is farming that gives human beings enough leisure time for sporting activities.

B. Farming is very important in human civilization because it saves human beings from risks.

C. It is hunting that provides human beings with much simpler ways of obtaining meaty meals.

D. Sporting activities satisfy the desire of modern man to exercise hunting skills which his forefathers developed for survival.

Section Ⅱ Vocabulary (15 marks,1 mark each )

Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Ⅰ with a single line through the centre.

21. “He was unable to endure the torture of the enemy and surrendered. He_ his comrades.

A. revealed B. exposed C. suspended D. betrayed

22. On the side of the hill, there is a_which was once the entrance to a gold mine.

A. deep hole in ground B. deep hole in the ground

C. hole deep in ground D. deep in the ground hole

23. She’s got so_to light music that it has become a constant companion of her life.

A. use to listen B. used in listen

C. used to listen D. used to listening

24. Classroom testing, if well done, most certainly_a stimulus to study and real learning.

A. acts for B. acts as

C. acts on D. acts to

25. I feel quite confident in_Mr.Jackson to you for the vacant post of research assistant.

A. submitting B. recalling

C. proclaiming D. recommending

26. A poor man has to_many things which a rich man regards as almost necessaries in life.

A. go through B. go over

C. go without D. go about

27. One of the attractive features of the course was the way the practical work had been_with the theoretical aspects of the subject.

A. embraced B. adjusted

C. alternated D. integrated

28. Topics of conversation should be_to the experiences and interests of the students.

A. rigid B. relevant

C. rigorous D. remarkable

29.They did considerable work to_the masses of the United States with the elementary problems of Latin America.

A. instruct B. impart

C. acquaint D. dictate

30. Only the Chinese have successfully_pandas and raised their babies in captivity.

A. bred B. exerted

C. expanded D. availed

31. The purpose of the official inquiry is to_the true facts leading to the loss of the ship at sea.

A. come at B. come into C. come for D. come over

32.The chairman made a(an)_statement before beginning the main business of the meeting.

A. intensive B. preliminary C. intermediate D. operational

33. Only in recent years_begun to realize that wild dogs, kept within bounds, often do more good than harm.

A. people have B. have people

C. since people have D. people who have

34. At the last committee meeting, the notion that the club_open until midnight was defeated.

A. remains B. remained

C. remain D. would remains

35. I don’t think Johnson will succeed in his new job, for he is not_to do that type of work.

A. compatible B. consistent

C. convenient D. competent

SectionⅢ Cloze Test (20 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet Ⅰ with a single line through the centre.

SectionⅣ Reading Comprehension (20 marks, 1 mark each)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer SheetⅠ with a single line through the centre.


Television—that most pervasive and persuasive of modern technologies ,marked by rapid change and growth—is moving into a new era of extraordinary sophistication and versatility, which promises to reshape our lives and our world. It is an electronic revolution of sorts, made possible by the marriage of television and computer technologies.

The word

Television is more than just an electronics system, however. It is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings.

The field of television can be divided into two categories determined by its means of transmission. First, there is broadcast television, which reaches the masses through airwave transmission of television signals. Second, there is non-broadcast television, which provides for the need of individuals or specific interest groups through controlled transmission techniques.

Traditionally, television has been a medium of the masses. We are most familiar with broadcast television because it has been with us for about forty seven years in a form. similar to what exists today. During those years, it has been controlled, for the most part, by the broadcast network, ABC, NBC, and CBS, who have been the major surveyors of news, information, and entertainment. These giants of broadcasting have actually shaped not only television but our perception of it as well. We have come to look upon it as a source of entertainment, placing our role in this dynamic medium as the passive viewer.

56. With which topic is the passage primarily concerned?

A. recent changes in modern technology.

B. the marriage of broadcasting giants.

C. the role of television in today’s society.

D. the content of broadcast television program.

57. The word “put”(2nd sentence of 2nd Para.) could best be replaced by which of the following ?

A. expressed B. asked C. placed D. inserted

58. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a function of electronics in television transmission?

A. the conversion of image into electronic impulse .

B. the sending of impulses through a wire cable.

C. the changing of one image into another image.

D. the feeding of impulses into a receiver.

59. What field of television is intended for specific groups?

A. broad-based B. reconstituted C. traditional D. non-broadcast

60. Which of the following statements about the relationship between television and its viewers can best be inferred from the passage?

A. Viewers do not take an active role in watching television.

B. Viewers would prefer increased news coverage.

C. Viewers like to use television to reach other human beings.

D. Viewers are grown tired of television.


Got milk? Be very afraid. Or, preferably, a bit skeptical. some folks are about try to convince you that milk is toxic. But the real question is, what’s more dangerious to your health: milk, or celebrities and activists embarked on the latest trendy crusade(改革)? This month marks the publicity-pumped debut of the Anti Dairy Coalition, a band of physicians, self-described “Holly-wood”.

If milk isn’t the prefect food, it’s still got some big things going for it. It’s an inexpensive source of calcium, protein, potassium and other vitamins and minerals, and unlike other sources of calcium, such as, say, steamed kale, milk is a food kids will eat. The ADC feels that milk is the root of most human maladies(疾病), but I can point to other single-issue obessive who insist the villain is meat or wheat or sugar or some other substance that our species has long and happily consumed. I often learn something by examining their claims. But I keep coming back to the mainstream nutritionisits, who emphasize a balanced diet and advised moderation in all things.

61. The ADC holds that giving up milk will cause the following diseases EXCEPT_____

A. breast cancer B. diabetes C. heart disease D. lung disease

62. The writer thinks that milk_____

A. is toxic and we should give it up.

B. is very nutritious and we should consume it as much as possible.

C. is the most ideal food .

D. has its pluses and minuses and we should consume it sensibly.

63.It is clear from the passage that_____

A. the writer is of the same opinion about milk with the ADC.

B. the writer regards milk as the root of most human diseases.

C.the writer advises people to stay out of trouble with milk.

D. the writer’s opinion about milk differs greatly from the ADC’s.

64. According to the passage, if you suffer from laclose intolerance_____

A. you had better giver up milk entirely.

B. you should have less milk every day .

C. you can take lactase which catalyzes(催化) lactose into glucose(葡萄糖) and(半乳糖).

D. you must see a doctor.

65. we can conclude from the passage that the writer is_____

A. an unprejudiced person B. an opinionated person

C. a worldly person D. a wise but peculiar person


Mathematical ability and musical ability may not seem on the surface to be connected, but people who have researched the subject—and studied the brain—say that they are. Research for my book “Late Talking Children”drove home point to me. Three quarters of the bright but speech—delayed children in the group I studied had a close relative who was an engineer, mathematician or scientist—and four fifth had a close relative who played a musical instrument. The children themselves usually took readily to math and other analytical subjects—and to music.

Black,white and Asian children in this group show the same patterns. However, look at the larger world us, it is clear that blacks have been greatly overrepresented in the development of American popular music and greatly under represented in such fields as mathematics, science and engeering.

If the abilities required in analytical fields and in music are so closely related, how can there be this greaat disparity? One reason is that the development of mathematical and other such abilities reauires years of formal schooling, while certain musical talents can be developed with little or no formal training, as has happened with a number of well—known black musicians.

It is precisely in these kinds of music where one can acquire great skill without formal training that blacks have excelled—popular music rather than classical music, piano rather than violion, blues rather than opera. This is readily understandable, given that most blacks, for most of American history, have not had either the money or the leisure for long years of formal study music.

Scieentist under other circum-stances. What is clearer is that most blacks have not had such alternatives available until very recently, as history is measured. Morever, now that cultural traditions have been established, even those blacks who have such alternatives available today, and who have the inborn abilites to pursue them, many nevertheless continue for some time to follow well-worn paths.

66. The author’ research for his book “Later-Talk Children” showed him that_____

A. mathematical ability and musical ability are closely related.

B.bright but speech-delayed children favor analytical subjects.

C.on the surface, mathematical ability and musical ability are not connected.

D. children of different races differ silghtly in their mathematical and musical abilites.

67.It can be concluded from the passage that_____

A. the development of all music talents need little or no formal training.

B.abilites,such as mathematical ability, sometimes can not be developed with formal education.

C.blacks are underrepresented in mathematics because they have no chances to recive formal education.

D. blacks usually prefer music to mathematics, science and engineering.

68.It is known from the passage that Duke Ellington_____

A. only loves popular music.

B. has made a great contribution to the development of jazz.

C. is an obscure musician.

D. never excel in jazz music.

69. The author holds that_____

A. blacks demonstrate batter inborn musical abilities than others.

B. blacks are distinguished in all kinds of music.

C. blacks now continue to do music because of their cultuaral trditions.

D. blacks still have no chances to become mathematicians or scientists today.

70.In this passage, the author tries to say that_____

A. musical ability has no connection with mathematical ability.

B. one’s ability mainly depends on formal education.

C. blacks are so prejudiced that they seldom accept new things.

D. blacks are more successful in music than in science because of various reasons.


The deterioration of the environment both physically and aesthetically, is most apparent in our cities. The dehumanizing effects of life in the slums and ghettoes-particularly, where there is little hope for improving conditions have often been cited as contributing causes of urban rioting and disturbances. Crime rates usually reach their zenith in these neighborhoods. Such symptoms of general psychological maladjustment suggest that modem cities provide a less than ideal environment for human beings.

There seems to be abundant evidence that traditional cultural patterns break down in cities, and also that the high numbers of contacts with individuals, not part of one’s circle of regular social acquaintances may lead to mental disturbance(defined here merely as behavior generally considered “disturbed” by the majority of the society). It is important to note that antisocial behavior and “mental illness” are found in all cultures, and that indeed the same disorders recognized by western psychiatrists are found even in primitive peoples. Therefore, we can be reasonably certain that lack of an evolutionarily “natural” environment is not the sole cause of such behavior. Nevertheless, that lack may well serve to aggravate the problems of people living in our most crowed, smoggy, and inpersonal metropolies.

Standford psychologist P.G. Zimbardo has concluded that urban pressures transforming Americans into potential assassins. He based his conclusions on experimental syudies of the connection between anonymity and aggression, and on field studies of vandalism. He noted an estimated 230 violent urban out-breaks in the period 1964-1969, and reported that 1967 vandals in New York City alone wreaked 360,000 pay telepones, broke 202,719 school windows, and did damage parks and transit systems costing some$850,000. cars were abondoned on streets of a large city (New York) and a small one (Palo Alto, California), and secretly watched to see if there was a difference in vandalism between the two localities. The New York car was virtually demolished within three days by 23 separate attacks by looters and vandals, nearly all in view of passersby and during the daytime. The Palo Alto car was not molsted for more than a week. How much (if any) of such behavior might be reduced if density were lowered is unkonw, but at least

the anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that high density is factor in such problems. Crime rates are some five times as high in urban as in rual areas. Though some of this difference may be due to disparities in reporting, not all of it can be explained on this basis. Rates for violent crimes have been shown to be positively correlated with actual population densties in American cities. This general correlation held for statistics taken in three different years,1940s, 1950s, and 1960s, in the same cities. The rises in assault and robbery with higher density were particulary striking, although murder and rape both also reflected the trend. Robbery is the only one of the four that does not most commonly occur between acquaintances. Interestingly, crime rates in the suburbs have been rising in the past few years, especially among teenagers from relatively affluent areas, although their crimes are more often acts against property than crimes of violence.

71.Accroding to the passage, most often crimes are commited in_____

A. the suburbs B. commerical areas of big cities

C.the slums and ghettoes D.the parks and transit systems

72. Which of the following stratements is TRUE about antisocial behavior and “mental illness” ?

A. They are unique in morden cites.

B. They are grave in metropolises.

C. They are never found in primitive peoples.

D. They result entirely from the lack of a “natural” environment.

73. According to P.G. Zimbardo’s research_____

A. there exists a higher rate of vandalism in a more densely-populated city.

B.when population densities decrease,crime rates go up.

C. there is no correlation between the population density and crime rates.

D. suburban teenagers are more apt to commit violent crimes than small thefts.

74. The writer holds that_____

A. deterioration of the environment in a mordern city will make it unfit for people to live in.

B.lack of an “natural” environment results in antisocial behavior and “mental illness”.

C. deterioriation of environment in a metropolis plays a cetain role in causing high crime rates.

D. vandalism and other violent outbreaks will never disappear in most crowded metropolises.

75. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a form of breakdown in arban areas?

A. Vandalism . B.Suicide. C. Rioting. D. Rape.

Section Ⅴ Translation (25marks)

Directions: Translate the following into English. Write your English version on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.







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