

david c. jordan

816 pintail cliffs home:(216)886-5147

woodlawn,co 18263 office:(216)872-9731

october 16, XX

ms. katherine p. walters

senior vice president - administration

cord & decker, inc.

18 summerdale court

wolfgang industrial center

ridgewood, nj 16225

dear ms. walters:

as the senior administrative executive for cord & decker, inc., perhaps you are in need of a talented purchasing manager who can almost certainly make immediate contributions to the bottom line of your company.

a senior purchasing agent for a fortune 200, $2.8 billion

consumer products company, i have enjoyed a reputation as a "tough but fair negotiator", who has made significant cost savings

contributions to my employer. these have included:

-consolidated corporate-wide packaging supplies purchases with resultant annual savings of $35 million

-contributed $12 million annual savings through conversion from oil to biomass fuels with long-term purchase contract

-saved $8 million annually in inventory costs through

installation of computerized raw materials tracking and forecasting system

-successfully negotiated five-year knock-down carton contract with major supplier worth $5.5 million savings annually

educational credentials include a b.s. in packaging from michigan state university and an m.b.a. in finance from penn state university. i have more than 15 years purchasing experience with a major

international corporation, and have been professionally active in my field.

compensation requirements are in the low $80k range, and i am open to relocation anywhere in the united states.

should you feel my background qualifies me for a current corporate management assignment at cord & decker,inc., i would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. please contact me at my home in the evening.

i appreciate your consideration.



david c. jordan


david c. jordan

816 pintail cliffs home:(216)886-5147

woodlawn,co 18263 office:(216)872-9731

october 16, XX

ms. katherine p. walters

senior vice president - administration

cord & decker, inc.

18 summerdale court

wolfgang industrial center

ridgewood, nj 16225

dear ms. walters:

as the senior administrative executive for cord & decker, inc., perhaps you are in need of a talented purchasing manager who can almost certainly make immediate contributions to the bottom line of your company.

a senior purchasing agent for a fortune 200, $2.8 billion

consumer products company, i have enjoyed a reputation as a "tough but fair negotiator", who has made significant cost savings

contributions to my employer. these have included:

-consolidated corporate-wide packaging supplies purchases with resultant annual savings of $35 million

-contributed $12 million annual savings through conversion from oil to biomass fuels with long-term purchase contract

-saved $8 million annually in inventory costs through

installation of computerized raw materials tracking and forecasting system

-successfully negotiated five-year knock-down carton contract with major supplier worth $5.5 million savings annually

educational credentials include a b.s. in packaging from michigan state university and an m.b.a. in finance from penn state university. i have more than 15 years purchasing experience with a major

international corporation, and have been professionally active in my field.

compensation requirements are in the low $80k range, and i am open to relocation anywhere in the united states.

should you feel my background qualifies me for a current corporate management assignment at cord & decker,inc., i would welcome the opportunity to meet with you. please contact me at my home in the evening.

i appreciate your consideration.



david c. jordan


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