

Good morning,everyone! My name is lijing. At the beginning of my duty report,I want to introduce a festival to you.The festival is the World Hello Day.It is on 21 November.Where is the festival come from?During the fourth Middleeast War,there are two man,MukeMaqieer and miqieer,who come from Australian.They established and disseminated the festival in 1973,in order to promote the peace between Egypt and Israel.The meaning of the festival is praying peace all over the world.Now,it is prevalenting in almost 146 countries.The United Nations has issued a series of stampes. They hope that everyone develiver friendly affection,unity by letters.Great changes has taken place in the past 42 years.The purpose of World Hello Day has changed from sending letters to state leaders to persuade them to give up military means to promote the deeply attached to each other all over the world.So,are you ready to say hello to your friends,parents,teacher or even stranges?As we are all Chinese,it is easy to deliver our friendly affection to others.But if you have foreign friends,what will you attention when you say “hello”to them?Now,let us begin today’s duty report.How to greet to your foreign friends?

1. Contrary to some stereotypes,Americans don’t go around hugging and kissing everyone they meet.Of course,girls might give each other a squeeze as a friendly gesture,and in some high society circles,a little peck on the cheek is a common courtesy.But expect with family members and close friends,Americans usually don’t give out wholesale hug.What’s more,not every American likes hug others.Therefore,don’t use live on the arm the next American you meet.He or she may feel uncomfortable as you.

2. German is famous for their consciention.When you shake with a German,you’d better look into the eyes of he or she.Besides ,it is uncessary to shake for a long time.

3. There is a strange ceremony in Greek is that people always spit ptysis to the one they like.When a soilder se a child,they must spit ptysis to the child.What’s more,when a soilder touch his new weapon,he must spit ptysis to it.It’s an ancient custom.Because they think saliva is useful to exorcise evil spirits.Our teacher has introduced a film about a Greek girl.What’s it?Yes,my big fat Greek wedding.When they got marriedin a church,their relatives spited ptysis to the girl.

4. In sub-saaharanAfrica,people always ask:you sweat?Why?It’s so strange.Because of a disease,their skin become dry.So if your skin is dry,unfountately,you are ill.When aAfrican ask you the question:you sweat?Remember answer“yes”.or you will be taken to the hospital.

5. Nosepoking is a traditional ceremony to welcome guest in Maori.Here is a picture of two Maori giving each other a nosepoking.The more times they give you nosepoking, the more they like you.

6. In Malaysia,the shake is in a special way.It Is difficult for me to describe let’s see my models show it to us.

7. As we all known,India is an amazing country.Hug is also in a special way.Let’s see the show.There is an interesting thing.when a Indian shake his head,that’s means”yes”.When he node,it means “no”.It opposite to ours.

8. When you meet a Nepal,he may put his plamsdevolutly.It’s ordinary.But you may be frightened when he put his tongue out.They think the colour of tongue is same of heart.They are all red.The red tongue is represent of their sincere heart.

9. Thailand is not far from China.They are also put his plamsdevolutly.But you must remember that don’t touch their heads.They see head is the center of wisdom.What’s more,they think the left hand is criminal.please use your right hand when you deliver something.

10. In china,especially in decades ago,people may ask “have you had lunch?”to greet others.Because of the frighten of povertry and starvation,the other one may answer “yes”,even though he has not eat.Now,our country is striving and powerful.This way has gone.Now,the way to greet others is varies.

11. There are many countries and a host of nations.It is difficult for us to remember their customs respectively.I tell you a tip,when you don’t understand what they say and don’t know what to do.Ok,just smile.

OkAt last,are you ready to say hello to the people around you?That’s all.Thank you.


Good morning,everyone! My name is lijing. At the beginning of my duty report,I want to introduce a festival to you.The festival is the World Hello Day.It is on 21 November.Where is the festival come from?During the fourth Middleeast War,there are two man,MukeMaqieer and miqieer,who come from Australian.They established and disseminated the festival in 1973,in order to promote the peace between Egypt and Israel.The meaning of the festival is praying peace all over the world.Now,it is prevalenting in almost 146 countries.The United Nations has issued a series of stampes. They hope that everyone develiver friendly affection,unity by letters.Great changes has taken place in the past 42 years.The purpose of World Hello Day has changed from sending letters to state leaders to persuade them to give up military means to promote the deeply attached to each other all over the world.So,are you ready to say hello to your friends,parents,teacher or even stranges?As we are all Chinese,it is easy to deliver our friendly affection to others.But if you have foreign friends,what will you attention when you say “hello”to them?Now,let us begin today’s duty report.How to greet to your foreign friends?

1. Contrary to some stereotypes,Americans don’t go around hugging and kissing everyone they meet.Of course,girls might give each other a squeeze as a friendly gesture,and in some high society circles,a little peck on the cheek is a common courtesy.But expect with family members and close friends,Americans usually don’t give out wholesale hug.What’s more,not every American likes hug others.Therefore,don’t use live on the arm the next American you meet.He or she may feel uncomfortable as you.

2. German is famous for their consciention.When you shake with a German,you’d better look into the eyes of he or she.Besides ,it is uncessary to shake for a long time.

3. There is a strange ceremony in Greek is that people always spit ptysis to the one they like.When a soilder se a child,they must spit ptysis to the child.What’s more,when a soilder touch his new weapon,he must spit ptysis to it.It’s an ancient custom.Because they think saliva is useful to exorcise evil spirits.Our teacher has introduced a film about a Greek girl.What’s it?Yes,my big fat Greek wedding.When they got marriedin a church,their relatives spited ptysis to the girl.

4. In sub-saaharanAfrica,people always ask:you sweat?Why?It’s so strange.Because of a disease,their skin become dry.So if your skin is dry,unfountately,you are ill.When aAfrican ask you the question:you sweat?Remember answer“yes”.or you will be taken to the hospital.

5. Nosepoking is a traditional ceremony to welcome guest in Maori.Here is a picture of two Maori giving each other a nosepoking.The more times they give you nosepoking, the more they like you.

6. In Malaysia,the shake is in a special way.It Is difficult for me to describe let’s see my models show it to us.

7. As we all known,India is an amazing country.Hug is also in a special way.Let’s see the show.There is an interesting thing.when a Indian shake his head,that’s means”yes”.When he node,it means “no”.It opposite to ours.

8. When you meet a Nepal,he may put his plamsdevolutly.It’s ordinary.But you may be frightened when he put his tongue out.They think the colour of tongue is same of heart.They are all red.The red tongue is represent of their sincere heart.

9. Thailand is not far from China.They are also put his plamsdevolutly.But you must remember that don’t touch their heads.They see head is the center of wisdom.What’s more,they think the left hand is criminal.please use your right hand when you deliver something.

10. In china,especially in decades ago,people may ask “have you had lunch?”to greet others.Because of the frighten of povertry and starvation,the other one may answer “yes”,even though he has not eat.Now,our country is striving and powerful.This way has gone.Now,the way to greet others is varies.

11. There are many countries and a host of nations.It is difficult for us to remember their customs respectively.I tell you a tip,when you don’t understand what they say and don’t know what to do.Ok,just smile.

OkAt last,are you ready to say hello to the people around you?That’s all.Thank you.


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