[新概念英语自学导读]第一册 Lesson91

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.We'll all miss him. 我们大家都会想念他的。


2.…but his wife did. ……可是他妻子离开。

句中 did代替上文中的 wanted to leave。

  语法 Grammar in use


(1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天),this month(本月), the day after tomorrow(后天),next week (下周), in two days' time(两天之后), from now on(从现在起),in the future(将来)等。

(2)一般将来时的形式为 will/shall+ 动词原形。


否定缩写: shan't =shall not, won't =will not:

I shan't leave tonight. I'll leave tomorrow. 今天夜里我不走。我将于明天离开。

They won't go to London this weekend. 这个周末他们不去伦敦。


(3)除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to比 will/shall更为普通,用来表示说话人的意图或打算。如:

She is going to travel by air. 她打算乘飞机旅行。


It's going to rain. 将要下雨了。


今天:this morning/afternoon/evening 今天上午/下午/晚上 tonight今夜

明天:tomorrow morning/ afternoon/evening 明天上午/下午/晚上

后天:the day after tomorrow 后天;the night after next 后天夜里

其他:in the morning 在上午;in the afternoon 在下午;in the evening 在晚上

  词汇学习 Word study

1.miss v.


We'll miss you. 我们会想念你的。

His mother misses him very much. 他母亲很惦念他。


He overslept and missed his train. 他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。

I missed an opportunity of realizing my dream. 我错过了一个可能实现自己梦想的机会。

2.still adv.


I still don't understand what he meant. 我还是不明白他是什么意思。

She was still beautiful at the age of 46. 她46岁时依然美丽。


It was hot yesterday, but it's still hotter today. 昨天很热,然而今天甚至还要热些。

She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse. 上星期她看上去病得很厉害,而这个星期看来更不行了。


He is sitting still. 他一动不动地坐着。

The patient is lying still. 病人安静地躺着。

  练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 92


1 He'll arrive tomorrow morning.

2 She'll come this evening.

3 It'll snow tonight.

4 He'll not believe me.


1 Yes, and it will snow tomorrow, too.

2 Yes, and he will get up late tomorrow, too.

3 Yes, and he will arrive late tomorrow, too.

4 Yes, and he will finish work late tomorrow, too.

5 Yes, and she will drive to London tomorrow, too.

6 Yes, and she will telephone him tomorrow, too.

7 Yes, and he will have a shave tomorrow, too.

8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too.

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.We'll all miss him. 我们大家都会想念他的。


2.…but his wife did. ……可是他妻子离开。

句中 did代替上文中的 wanted to leave。

  语法 Grammar in use


(1)一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作、状态以及打算。该时态一般与表示将来意义的时间状语连用,如tomorrow(明天),this month(本月), the day after tomorrow(后天),next week (下周), in two days' time(两天之后), from now on(从现在起),in the future(将来)等。

(2)一般将来时的形式为 will/shall+ 动词原形。


否定缩写: shan't =shall not, won't =will not:

I shan't leave tonight. I'll leave tomorrow. 今天夜里我不走。我将于明天离开。

They won't go to London this weekend. 这个周末他们不去伦敦。


(3)除了will/shall外,还可以用其他方法表示将来。在口语中,be going to比 will/shall更为普通,用来表示说话人的意图或打算。如:

She is going to travel by air. 她打算乘飞机旅行。


It's going to rain. 将要下雨了。


今天:this morning/afternoon/evening 今天上午/下午/晚上 tonight今夜

明天:tomorrow morning/ afternoon/evening 明天上午/下午/晚上

后天:the day after tomorrow 后天;the night after next 后天夜里

其他:in the morning 在上午;in the afternoon 在下午;in the evening 在晚上

  词汇学习 Word study

1.miss v.


We'll miss you. 我们会想念你的。

His mother misses him very much. 他母亲很惦念他。


He overslept and missed his train. 他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。

I missed an opportunity of realizing my dream. 我错过了一个可能实现自己梦想的机会。

2.still adv.


I still don't understand what he meant. 我还是不明白他是什么意思。

She was still beautiful at the age of 46. 她46岁时依然美丽。


It was hot yesterday, but it's still hotter today. 昨天很热,然而今天甚至还要热些。

She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse. 上星期她看上去病得很厉害,而这个星期看来更不行了。


He is sitting still. 他一动不动地坐着。

The patient is lying still. 病人安静地躺着。

  练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 92


1 He'll arrive tomorrow morning.

2 She'll come this evening.

3 It'll snow tonight.

4 He'll not believe me.


1 Yes, and it will snow tomorrow, too.

2 Yes, and he will get up late tomorrow, too.

3 Yes, and he will arrive late tomorrow, too.

4 Yes, and he will finish work late tomorrow, too.

5 Yes, and she will drive to London tomorrow, too.

6 Yes, and she will telephone him tomorrow, too.

7 Yes, and he will have a shave tomorrow, too.

8 Yes, and she will sweep the floor tomorrow, too.


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