

Management n. 经营、管理 Reservation n. 预定 Lobby n. 大厅

Overbooking v. 超预定 Check n. 支票

May you enjoy your stay in our hotel! 祝您居住愉快! Price list 价目表 Form 表格 Bill 账单

Elevator 电梯

Would you like to order now? 您想点餐吗?

Reasonable adj. 合理的 Sign v. 签字 Charge n. 费用 Pay v. 付费

May we clean your room now,sir ? 先生,现在可以为您清洁房间吗? Change money 换零钱 Pillow ['pɪl əʊ] n. 枕头

Bedroom n. 卧室 Tip n. 小费

May I show you to your room,sir? 先生,我带您到房间好吗? House phone 内部电话 Parcel n. 包裹 Quilt n. 被子 Tea pot 茶壶

Excuse me,but can you tell me where you left your bag? 对不起,您能告诉我您的包放在哪里吗? Telephone office 电信局 Sheet n. 床单 Tray n. 托盘 Lamp n. 灯

I ’d like to know about your laundry server time. 我想了解您的洗衣服务时间。 Writing paper 信纸 Curtain n. 窗帘 Soap n. 肥皂 Sugar n. 糖

This milk has gone bad. 这牛奶坏了。 Percent n. 百分之

Special adj. 特别的 Refrigerator n. 冰箱 Dressing mirror 穿衣镜

I’d like to reserve a table for two. 我想订一个两人餐桌。 Plug n. 插头 Spring n. 弹簧 Bedroom n. 卧室 Cheese n. 乳酪

I will get you another one. 我会给您重上一份。 Vase n. 花瓶 Blanket n. 毯子 Towel n. 毛巾 Suite n. 套房

Can I have more clothes hangers? 我可以多要几个衣架吗? Business card 名片 Second floor 第二层 Sofa n. 沙发

Chinese painting 国画

Can you change the room for me? 能帮我换房吗? Thirsty ['θɜːst ɪ] adj. 口渴的 Customs ['kʌst əmz] n. 海关 Umbrella [ʌm'brel ə] n. 伞 Pound [paʊnd] n. 英镑

I’m sorry, we are short of hands today. 对不起,我们今天人手少。 Dust [dʌst] n. 尘土 Wardrobe ['wɔːdr əʊb] n. 衣柜 Pink [pɪŋk] n. 粉红 Drop [drɒp] v. 掉下

Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?

你帮我订一张到巴黎的机票好吗? Soup [suːp] n.汤 Beef [biːf]n.牛肉 Fruit [fruːt] n.水果

Whisky ['hwiski]n.威士忌

Kitchen ['kɪt ʃɪn; -tʃ(ə)n] n. 厨房;炊具;炊事人员The kitchen is already cooking for you. 厨房正在为您制作。 Bed cover 床罩

Sitting room 起居室 Paper towel 纸巾

Wash basin 脸盆

How do you like your steak cooked? Well done. 您的牛排要几分熟?全熟的。 Repair 修理 Faucet 水龙头 Leak 漏水 Noise 吵闹

There seems something wrong with toilet. 我的马桶好像有问题。 Napkin 餐巾 Dish 碟

Beverages 饮料 Soft drink 汽水

How would you like to payment?

您如何付款? Clogged 塞住了 Drip 滴下

Maintenance 维修、保养 Efficiency 效率

Some part needs to repaired, I’ll be back soon. 一些零件需要更换,我马上回来。 Carpet 地毯 Bookcase 书柜 Switch 开关 Account 账目

I’ll afraid our hotel is fully booked for the next week.恐怕酒店下周无房。 Luggage rack 行李架 Facility 设备 Frame 门框

Air grill sound 出风口噪音 The picture is wobbly. 图像不稳定。

Night table n. 床头柜 Transformer n. 变压器 Ashtray n. 烟灰缸 Towel rail n. 毛巾架

At what time would you like your breakfast? 您要什么时候给您送早餐? Mutton n. 羊肉 Sandwich n. 三明治 Curry n. 咖喱 Pea n. 豌豆

Would you like to try today’s specials? 您愿意尝尝今天的特色菜吗? Folding screen 屏风 Lampshade n. 灯罩

Call button 呼叫按钮 Wastebasket n. 纸篓

Would you please send someone to room 502 to pick up some laundry?

能派人到502房收一下送洗衣服吗? Door closer n. 闭门器 Eye piece n. 猫眼

Shoes cabinet n. 鞋柜

Ceiling down light n. 天花吊灯 We can have it repaired. 我们能找人修理。

First things first.重要事情优先做。 It ’s a short cut.这是条近路。

It ’s just my cup of tea.很合我口味。/这是我的菜。 Reading lamp 台灯 Voltage 电压 Drawing room 客厅 Study 书房

The room service menu is on the back of the door. 送餐牌在门后。 Ice water 冰水

Soya-bean milk 豆浆 Tomato juice 番茄汁 Mineral water 矿泉水 With or without ice, please?

请问加冰还是不加冰? Clothes rack 衣架 Bath robe 浴衣 Bathtub 浴缸 Shower 莲蓬头

Please put out a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door if you need to rest in your room.

如果您需要休息,可在门上悬挂“请勿打扰”牌。 Black coffee 纯咖啡 Macaroni 通心粉

Director general 董事长 Chef 厨师长

Would you like some dessert? 您喜欢来些甜点吗? Door closer n. 闭门器 Eye piece n. 猫眼

Shoes cabinet n. 鞋柜

Ceiling down light n. 天花吊灯 We can have it repaired. 我们能找人修理。

First things first.重要事情优先做。 It ’s a short cut.这是条近路。

It ’s just my cup of tea.很合我口味。/这是我的菜。 Reading lamp 台灯 Voltage 电压 Drawing room 客厅 Study 书房

The room service menu is on the back of the door. 送餐牌在门后。 Ice water 冰水

Soya-bean milk 豆浆 Tomato juice 番茄汁 Mineral water 矿泉水 With or without ice, please?

请问加冰还是不加冰? Clothes rack 衣架 Bath robe 浴衣 Bathtub 浴缸 Shower 莲蓬头

Please put out a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door if you need to rest in your room.

如果您需要休息,可在门上悬挂“请勿打扰”牌。 Black coffee 纯咖啡 Macaroni 通心粉

Director general 董事长 Chef 厨师长

Would you like some dessert?

您喜欢来些甜点吗? Cock 水龙头

Laundry bag 洗衣袋 Toilet mirror 梳妆镜 Cart 手推车

The soap in the toilet is used up. 卫生间的香皂用完了。 Picnic lunch 便当 Toothpick 牙签

Vegetable juice 蔬菜汁 Noodles 面条

Did you enjoy your meal? 吃的满意吗?

Lavatory cover 马桶盖 Tank 水箱 Overcoat 大衣 Underwear 内衣

This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster, sir?

先生,这是电灯开关,那是温度调节器。 Fruit plate 果盘 Toast 土司

Abalone 鲍鱼 Shark fin 鱼翅

Sorry, it takes some time for this dish, could you wait a bit longer?

对不起,这道菜需要点时间,您能多等一下吗? Sponge 海绵 Sweater 毛衣 Slipper 拖鞋

Leather shoes 皮鞋

I am afraid no cleaning can be done between 12 noon and 2 PM.

我恐怕不能在12点到14点之间打扫房间。 Honey 蜂蜜

Distilled water 蒸馏水 White coffee 牛奶咖啡 Rice glue ball 元宵

Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?


Shoe polish 鞋油 Muffler 围巾 Necktie 领带 Suitcase 手提箱

I felt a bit cold when I slept, please give me a blanket. 我睡觉的时候感觉有点冷,请给我一条毛毯。 Coconut milk 椰奶 Bean thread 冬粉 Soda water 苏打水 Cereal 麦片粥

We can seat your party now. 我们给您安排就坐。

Average room rate 平均房价 Back to the house 后台

Continental breakfast [kɒnt ɪ'nent(ə)l] 欧陆式早餐 Cut off time 保留时间

Please be assured that we will look into the matter. 请相信我们一定会调查此事。 Sponge 海绵 Sweater 毛衣 Slipper 拖鞋

Leather shoes 皮鞋

I am afraid no cleaning can be done between 12 noon and 2 PM.

我恐怕不能在12点到14点之间打扫房间。 Honey 蜂蜜

Distilled water 蒸馏水

White coffee 牛奶咖啡 Rice glue ball 元宵

Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?

您愿意边等边在休息区喝饮料吗? Standard lamp 落地灯 Plastic curtain 浴帘 Gloves 手套 Silk 真丝

Please take you a good rest and I hope you’ll get well soon. 请您好好休息,祝您早日康复。

星期一 Monday

Fried rice noodle 河粉 Pancake 煎饼

Hot & sour soup 酸辣汤 Watermelon 西瓜

Have you decided on anything? 您决定吃什么了吗? Washcloth 抹布

One-piece dress 连衣裙 Socks 短袜 Sandals 凉鞋

I’d like this garment dry-cleaned.

我想把这件衣服干洗一下。 Soup spoon 汤匙

Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 Sundae 圣代

Millet congee 小米粥

There is not table right now, there will be of wait about 20 minutes.

现在没有桌位了,还得等20分钟。 Scales 磅秤 Felt 毡 Veil 面纱 Fur 真皮

There is a shop on the ground floor, it sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.

商场在一楼,有中外香烟出售。 Sarsaparilla [,sɑːs(ə)p ə'r ɪl ə] 沙士 Glue pudding ['pʊd ɪŋ] 汤圆 B.B.Q. pork 猪肉

Mixed vegetable 炒杂菜

I’m really sorry, sir. I’d like to oblige[ə'bla ɪd ʒ], but you see my difficulty. 非常抱歉先生,我很乐意为您效劳,但请理解我的难处。

Belt [belt] 腰带

Valuables ['vælju əblz] 贵重物品 City ledger ['ledʒə] 公司挂账 Comp [kɒmp] 免费房

Sports equipment is available free of charge. [ɪ'kw ɪpm(ə)nt] n. 设备,装备;器材 运动器械是不收费用的。 Sea cucumber ['kjuːk ʌmb ə] 海参 Seaweed ['siːwi ːd] 海带 Scallops ['skɔl əps] 干贝 Lobster ['lɒbst ə] 龙虾

I can seat you if you don’t mind sharing a table with that lady.

您不介意就安排您和哪位女士公用餐桌。 Voucher ['vaʊt ʃə] 凭证 Interest ['ɪnt(ə)r ɪst] 利息 Rate of exchange 兑换率 Market price 市价

I’ll find out from the lost and found department to see if they have got it.

我会与失物招领处联系看他们是否已经找到物品。 Bird ’s nest 燕窝

Sausage ['sɒs ɪd ʒ] 香肠 Meat diet 荤菜 Local dish 地方菜

Shall I have the dish cooked again? 要不要把这道菜重做一份? Fried rice 炒饭

Casserole ['kæs ər əʊl] 砂锅 Meat bun 肉包子 Bean curd 豆腐

Mao tai is well-know in the world, you might be interested.

茅台满誉全球,您可能会感兴趣的。 I’ll take the chef and see what he can do.


According to our hotel regulation, anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay it.


100-year egg 皮蛋

Stinky tofu ['stiŋki] 臭豆腐 Sushi 寿司

Sashimi ['sæʃɪm ɪ] 生鱼片

Would you like some appetizer while you waiting? Appetizer['æp ɪta ɪz ə]


I’d like this sweater to bk washed by hand in cold water ,It might shrink otherwise


I’m terrible sorry ,I can give you something else if you ’d like


R: Room Reservation. Can I help you? 您好,预订部,有什么可以帮您? G: I want to book a room at your hotel. 我想在你们酒店预定一个房间。 R: For which date, please? 请问订哪一天的房呢?

G: From October 10th to 12th. 10月10日至10月12日。 R: For how many nighes? 请问住几个晚上? G: For two nights.


R: How many guests will there be in your party?

请问几个人入住呢? G: Just my wife and myself. 只有我和我的妻子。

I’m sure everything will be right again next time you come. 相信您下次再来时一切都是称心如意的。

Are there several flights to Paris available on May 15th? 5月15日有几个航班到巴黎?

Hold on, please. I’ll put you through to the information. 请别挂断,我帮您转到前台咨询一下。

Papaya 木瓜 Sugar-cane 甘蔗 Muskmelon 香瓜 Juice peach 水蜜桃 Mango 芒果

String bean 四季豆

Caraway ['kær əwe ɪ] 香菜 Asparagus [ə'spær əg əs] 芦荟 Ginger ['dʒɪnd ʒə] 生姜

What’s problem, sir? Can I be of assistance? [ə's ɪst(ə)ns]

先生,出了什么问题?我能为你做些什么? Ginger ale [eɪl] 姜汁 Black tea 红茶

Grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 Tea bag 茶包

How can I get in touch with you?


Honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 Lichee [,laɪ't ʃi ː] 荔枝 Longan ['lɒŋg(ə)n] 龙眼 Cherry ['tʃer ɪ] 樱桃

I’m sorry, but we don’t have any record of your reservation.

对不起,我们这里没有您的预定记录。 Carrot ['kær ət]胡萝卜 Egg plant 茄子

Garlic ['gɑːl ɪk] 大蒜 Lotus ['ləʊt əs] 莲藕

It’s my pleasure, good bye, have a good day. 很乐意为您效劳,再见,祝您愉快。 Mar-boh tofu 麻婆豆腐 Salt green tender 盐水菜心 Coconut bird nest 椰汁炖雪蛤 Won ton soup 上汤云吞 When do you need it? 您什么时候需要?

Thank you for waiting, sir. 先生,谢谢您的耐心等待。 When will you be arriving?


Our hotel has a fine view of the city.



Management n. 经营、管理 Reservation n. 预定 Lobby n. 大厅

Overbooking v. 超预定 Check n. 支票

May you enjoy your stay in our hotel! 祝您居住愉快! Price list 价目表 Form 表格 Bill 账单

Elevator 电梯

Would you like to order now? 您想点餐吗?

Reasonable adj. 合理的 Sign v. 签字 Charge n. 费用 Pay v. 付费

May we clean your room now,sir ? 先生,现在可以为您清洁房间吗? Change money 换零钱 Pillow ['pɪl əʊ] n. 枕头

Bedroom n. 卧室 Tip n. 小费

May I show you to your room,sir? 先生,我带您到房间好吗? House phone 内部电话 Parcel n. 包裹 Quilt n. 被子 Tea pot 茶壶

Excuse me,but can you tell me where you left your bag? 对不起,您能告诉我您的包放在哪里吗? Telephone office 电信局 Sheet n. 床单 Tray n. 托盘 Lamp n. 灯

I ’d like to know about your laundry server time. 我想了解您的洗衣服务时间。 Writing paper 信纸 Curtain n. 窗帘 Soap n. 肥皂 Sugar n. 糖

This milk has gone bad. 这牛奶坏了。 Percent n. 百分之

Special adj. 特别的 Refrigerator n. 冰箱 Dressing mirror 穿衣镜

I’d like to reserve a table for two. 我想订一个两人餐桌。 Plug n. 插头 Spring n. 弹簧 Bedroom n. 卧室 Cheese n. 乳酪

I will get you another one. 我会给您重上一份。 Vase n. 花瓶 Blanket n. 毯子 Towel n. 毛巾 Suite n. 套房

Can I have more clothes hangers? 我可以多要几个衣架吗? Business card 名片 Second floor 第二层 Sofa n. 沙发

Chinese painting 国画

Can you change the room for me? 能帮我换房吗? Thirsty ['θɜːst ɪ] adj. 口渴的 Customs ['kʌst əmz] n. 海关 Umbrella [ʌm'brel ə] n. 伞 Pound [paʊnd] n. 英镑

I’m sorry, we are short of hands today. 对不起,我们今天人手少。 Dust [dʌst] n. 尘土 Wardrobe ['wɔːdr əʊb] n. 衣柜 Pink [pɪŋk] n. 粉红 Drop [drɒp] v. 掉下

Will you book a ticket to Paris for me?

你帮我订一张到巴黎的机票好吗? Soup [suːp] n.汤 Beef [biːf]n.牛肉 Fruit [fruːt] n.水果

Whisky ['hwiski]n.威士忌

Kitchen ['kɪt ʃɪn; -tʃ(ə)n] n. 厨房;炊具;炊事人员The kitchen is already cooking for you. 厨房正在为您制作。 Bed cover 床罩

Sitting room 起居室 Paper towel 纸巾

Wash basin 脸盆

How do you like your steak cooked? Well done. 您的牛排要几分熟?全熟的。 Repair 修理 Faucet 水龙头 Leak 漏水 Noise 吵闹

There seems something wrong with toilet. 我的马桶好像有问题。 Napkin 餐巾 Dish 碟

Beverages 饮料 Soft drink 汽水

How would you like to payment?

您如何付款? Clogged 塞住了 Drip 滴下

Maintenance 维修、保养 Efficiency 效率

Some part needs to repaired, I’ll be back soon. 一些零件需要更换,我马上回来。 Carpet 地毯 Bookcase 书柜 Switch 开关 Account 账目

I’ll afraid our hotel is fully booked for the next week.恐怕酒店下周无房。 Luggage rack 行李架 Facility 设备 Frame 门框

Air grill sound 出风口噪音 The picture is wobbly. 图像不稳定。

Night table n. 床头柜 Transformer n. 变压器 Ashtray n. 烟灰缸 Towel rail n. 毛巾架

At what time would you like your breakfast? 您要什么时候给您送早餐? Mutton n. 羊肉 Sandwich n. 三明治 Curry n. 咖喱 Pea n. 豌豆

Would you like to try today’s specials? 您愿意尝尝今天的特色菜吗? Folding screen 屏风 Lampshade n. 灯罩

Call button 呼叫按钮 Wastebasket n. 纸篓

Would you please send someone to room 502 to pick up some laundry?

能派人到502房收一下送洗衣服吗? Door closer n. 闭门器 Eye piece n. 猫眼

Shoes cabinet n. 鞋柜

Ceiling down light n. 天花吊灯 We can have it repaired. 我们能找人修理。

First things first.重要事情优先做。 It ’s a short cut.这是条近路。

It ’s just my cup of tea.很合我口味。/这是我的菜。 Reading lamp 台灯 Voltage 电压 Drawing room 客厅 Study 书房

The room service menu is on the back of the door. 送餐牌在门后。 Ice water 冰水

Soya-bean milk 豆浆 Tomato juice 番茄汁 Mineral water 矿泉水 With or without ice, please?

请问加冰还是不加冰? Clothes rack 衣架 Bath robe 浴衣 Bathtub 浴缸 Shower 莲蓬头

Please put out a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door if you need to rest in your room.

如果您需要休息,可在门上悬挂“请勿打扰”牌。 Black coffee 纯咖啡 Macaroni 通心粉

Director general 董事长 Chef 厨师长

Would you like some dessert? 您喜欢来些甜点吗? Door closer n. 闭门器 Eye piece n. 猫眼

Shoes cabinet n. 鞋柜

Ceiling down light n. 天花吊灯 We can have it repaired. 我们能找人修理。

First things first.重要事情优先做。 It ’s a short cut.这是条近路。

It ’s just my cup of tea.很合我口味。/这是我的菜。 Reading lamp 台灯 Voltage 电压 Drawing room 客厅 Study 书房

The room service menu is on the back of the door. 送餐牌在门后。 Ice water 冰水

Soya-bean milk 豆浆 Tomato juice 番茄汁 Mineral water 矿泉水 With or without ice, please?

请问加冰还是不加冰? Clothes rack 衣架 Bath robe 浴衣 Bathtub 浴缸 Shower 莲蓬头

Please put out a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door if you need to rest in your room.

如果您需要休息,可在门上悬挂“请勿打扰”牌。 Black coffee 纯咖啡 Macaroni 通心粉

Director general 董事长 Chef 厨师长

Would you like some dessert?

您喜欢来些甜点吗? Cock 水龙头

Laundry bag 洗衣袋 Toilet mirror 梳妆镜 Cart 手推车

The soap in the toilet is used up. 卫生间的香皂用完了。 Picnic lunch 便当 Toothpick 牙签

Vegetable juice 蔬菜汁 Noodles 面条

Did you enjoy your meal? 吃的满意吗?

Lavatory cover 马桶盖 Tank 水箱 Overcoat 大衣 Underwear 内衣

This is the light switch and that is the temperature adjuster, sir?

先生,这是电灯开关,那是温度调节器。 Fruit plate 果盘 Toast 土司

Abalone 鲍鱼 Shark fin 鱼翅

Sorry, it takes some time for this dish, could you wait a bit longer?

对不起,这道菜需要点时间,您能多等一下吗? Sponge 海绵 Sweater 毛衣 Slipper 拖鞋

Leather shoes 皮鞋

I am afraid no cleaning can be done between 12 noon and 2 PM.

我恐怕不能在12点到14点之间打扫房间。 Honey 蜂蜜

Distilled water 蒸馏水 White coffee 牛奶咖啡 Rice glue ball 元宵

Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?


Shoe polish 鞋油 Muffler 围巾 Necktie 领带 Suitcase 手提箱

I felt a bit cold when I slept, please give me a blanket. 我睡觉的时候感觉有点冷,请给我一条毛毯。 Coconut milk 椰奶 Bean thread 冬粉 Soda water 苏打水 Cereal 麦片粥

We can seat your party now. 我们给您安排就坐。

Average room rate 平均房价 Back to the house 后台

Continental breakfast [kɒnt ɪ'nent(ə)l] 欧陆式早餐 Cut off time 保留时间

Please be assured that we will look into the matter. 请相信我们一定会调查此事。 Sponge 海绵 Sweater 毛衣 Slipper 拖鞋

Leather shoes 皮鞋

I am afraid no cleaning can be done between 12 noon and 2 PM.

我恐怕不能在12点到14点之间打扫房间。 Honey 蜂蜜

Distilled water 蒸馏水

White coffee 牛奶咖啡 Rice glue ball 元宵

Would you like to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?

您愿意边等边在休息区喝饮料吗? Standard lamp 落地灯 Plastic curtain 浴帘 Gloves 手套 Silk 真丝

Please take you a good rest and I hope you’ll get well soon. 请您好好休息,祝您早日康复。

星期一 Monday

Fried rice noodle 河粉 Pancake 煎饼

Hot & sour soup 酸辣汤 Watermelon 西瓜

Have you decided on anything? 您决定吃什么了吗? Washcloth 抹布

One-piece dress 连衣裙 Socks 短袜 Sandals 凉鞋

I’d like this garment dry-cleaned.

我想把这件衣服干洗一下。 Soup spoon 汤匙

Jasmine tea 茉莉花茶 Sundae 圣代

Millet congee 小米粥

There is not table right now, there will be of wait about 20 minutes.

现在没有桌位了,还得等20分钟。 Scales 磅秤 Felt 毡 Veil 面纱 Fur 真皮

There is a shop on the ground floor, it sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes.

商场在一楼,有中外香烟出售。 Sarsaparilla [,sɑːs(ə)p ə'r ɪl ə] 沙士 Glue pudding ['pʊd ɪŋ] 汤圆 B.B.Q. pork 猪肉

Mixed vegetable 炒杂菜

I’m really sorry, sir. I’d like to oblige[ə'bla ɪd ʒ], but you see my difficulty. 非常抱歉先生,我很乐意为您效劳,但请理解我的难处。

Belt [belt] 腰带

Valuables ['vælju əblz] 贵重物品 City ledger ['ledʒə] 公司挂账 Comp [kɒmp] 免费房

Sports equipment is available free of charge. [ɪ'kw ɪpm(ə)nt] n. 设备,装备;器材 运动器械是不收费用的。 Sea cucumber ['kjuːk ʌmb ə] 海参 Seaweed ['siːwi ːd] 海带 Scallops ['skɔl əps] 干贝 Lobster ['lɒbst ə] 龙虾

I can seat you if you don’t mind sharing a table with that lady.

您不介意就安排您和哪位女士公用餐桌。 Voucher ['vaʊt ʃə] 凭证 Interest ['ɪnt(ə)r ɪst] 利息 Rate of exchange 兑换率 Market price 市价

I’ll find out from the lost and found department to see if they have got it.

我会与失物招领处联系看他们是否已经找到物品。 Bird ’s nest 燕窝

Sausage ['sɒs ɪd ʒ] 香肠 Meat diet 荤菜 Local dish 地方菜

Shall I have the dish cooked again? 要不要把这道菜重做一份? Fried rice 炒饭

Casserole ['kæs ər əʊl] 砂锅 Meat bun 肉包子 Bean curd 豆腐

Mao tai is well-know in the world, you might be interested.

茅台满誉全球,您可能会感兴趣的。 I’ll take the chef and see what he can do.


According to our hotel regulation, anyone who breaks a glass will have to pay it.


100-year egg 皮蛋

Stinky tofu ['stiŋki] 臭豆腐 Sushi 寿司

Sashimi ['sæʃɪm ɪ] 生鱼片

Would you like some appetizer while you waiting? Appetizer['æp ɪta ɪz ə]


I’d like this sweater to bk washed by hand in cold water ,It might shrink otherwise


I’m terrible sorry ,I can give you something else if you ’d like


R: Room Reservation. Can I help you? 您好,预订部,有什么可以帮您? G: I want to book a room at your hotel. 我想在你们酒店预定一个房间。 R: For which date, please? 请问订哪一天的房呢?

G: From October 10th to 12th. 10月10日至10月12日。 R: For how many nighes? 请问住几个晚上? G: For two nights.


R: How many guests will there be in your party?

请问几个人入住呢? G: Just my wife and myself. 只有我和我的妻子。

I’m sure everything will be right again next time you come. 相信您下次再来时一切都是称心如意的。

Are there several flights to Paris available on May 15th? 5月15日有几个航班到巴黎?

Hold on, please. I’ll put you through to the information. 请别挂断,我帮您转到前台咨询一下。

Papaya 木瓜 Sugar-cane 甘蔗 Muskmelon 香瓜 Juice peach 水蜜桃 Mango 芒果

String bean 四季豆

Caraway ['kær əwe ɪ] 香菜 Asparagus [ə'spær əg əs] 芦荟 Ginger ['dʒɪnd ʒə] 生姜

What’s problem, sir? Can I be of assistance? [ə's ɪst(ə)ns]

先生,出了什么问题?我能为你做些什么? Ginger ale [eɪl] 姜汁 Black tea 红茶

Grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁 Tea bag 茶包

How can I get in touch with you?


Honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 Lichee [,laɪ't ʃi ː] 荔枝 Longan ['lɒŋg(ə)n] 龙眼 Cherry ['tʃer ɪ] 樱桃

I’m sorry, but we don’t have any record of your reservation.

对不起,我们这里没有您的预定记录。 Carrot ['kær ət]胡萝卜 Egg plant 茄子

Garlic ['gɑːl ɪk] 大蒜 Lotus ['ləʊt əs] 莲藕

It’s my pleasure, good bye, have a good day. 很乐意为您效劳,再见,祝您愉快。 Mar-boh tofu 麻婆豆腐 Salt green tender 盐水菜心 Coconut bird nest 椰汁炖雪蛤 Won ton soup 上汤云吞 When do you need it? 您什么时候需要?

Thank you for waiting, sir. 先生,谢谢您的耐心等待。 When will you be arriving?


Our hotel has a fine view of the city.



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