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The marketing company has a highly experienced training manager. He retired five years ago but now works three mornings a week to train the new learners who have joined the company. He is an excellent trainer and mentor and the young people really enjoy his workshops. However, there are a few general barriers that arise from time to time between the training manager and the young learners.

List five (5) potential barriers and give an example to explain each of the barriers in this situation.


It always reported that Chinese students are: nervous, introverted, lacking in self-confidence, and not good at communicating. Are we Chinese students bad at communicating, persuading, influencing, negotiating or compromising? Illustrate it with some real examples.


How to Be a Chameleon

1.Think of a person with whom you have a good relationship or associated with someone you feel relaxed and comfortable.

2. Now recall someone with whom you don’t have a good relationship. Every time you see or hear this person your heart sinks. He/She makes you feel and act in a different manner.

3. What are the main differences in your behavior which make you a chameleon?





(1) 每部分标题:Times New Roman, 四号,加粗:

(2) 小标题:Times New Roman,小四,加粗

(3) 正文内容:Times New Roman, 小四

(4) 正文:行距为固定值20磅,首行缩进。版面上空2.5cm,下空2cm,左空2.5cm,




The marketing company has a highly experienced training manager. He retired five years ago but now works three mornings a week to train the new learners who have joined the company. He is an excellent trainer and mentor and the young people really enjoy his workshops. However, there are a few general barriers that arise from time to time between the training manager and the young learners.

List five (5) potential barriers and give an example to explain each of the barriers in this situation.


It always reported that Chinese students are: nervous, introverted, lacking in self-confidence, and not good at communicating. Are we Chinese students bad at communicating, persuading, influencing, negotiating or compromising? Illustrate it with some real examples.


How to Be a Chameleon

1.Think of a person with whom you have a good relationship or associated with someone you feel relaxed and comfortable.

2. Now recall someone with whom you don’t have a good relationship. Every time you see or hear this person your heart sinks. He/She makes you feel and act in a different manner.

3. What are the main differences in your behavior which make you a chameleon?


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