


basic information

name: yu sex: male

date of birth: 1987-09-26 nationality: han

height: 180 weight: 60

place of origin: jiangxi current location: guangdong

nationality: chinese marital status:

educational background

highest level of education: college putonghua: good

foreign language: english language: general

graduate institutions: higher post-secondary science jiangxi xinyu graduated date: on xx -6

studies by category: computer professional name: environmental art and design

education / training experience:

on-year to

years on the school / professional training institutions in the name / subject name of certificate obtained

september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june

xiushui county junior high school first school in september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june of excellence xiushui county high school in september xx school year in june, jiangxi -xx provincial university college xinyu

intention with the work experience job

talent type: graduates job type: full-time

i hope the job candidates: design technology

work experience: 0 title: no title

monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area: guangdong

can be reported for duty date: guangdong

personal experience

three times in school when the use of vacation time to train factory workers! in the training process to a correct understanding of and active efforts to the completion of their work!

ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal



basic information

name: yu sex: male

date of birth: 1987-09-26 nationality: han

height: 180 weight: 60

place of origin: jiangxi current location: guangdong

nationality: chinese marital status:

educational background

highest level of education: college putonghua: good

foreign language: english language: general

graduate institutions: higher post-secondary science jiangxi xinyu graduated date: on xx -6

studies by category: computer professional name: environmental art and design

education / training experience:

on-year to

years on the school / professional training institutions in the name / subject name of certificate obtained

september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june

xiushui county junior high school first school in september xx -xx in jiujiang city, jiangxi province in june of excellence xiushui county high school in september xx school year in june, jiangxi -xx provincial university college xinyu

intention with the work experience job

talent type: graduates job type: full-time

i hope the job candidates: design technology

work experience: 0 title: no title

monthly requirements: negotiable hope that the working area: guangdong

can be reported for duty date: guangdong

personal experience

three times in school when the use of vacation time to train factory workers! in the training process to a correct understanding of and active efforts to the completion of their work!

ability to put themselves forward with a detailed personal


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