
第一题 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息, 每个句子读两遍。请在句子的第二遍朗读后,选出正确答案。

1. Hi, my name is Jenny.

2. I’m in Class Five.

3. What’s her name?

4. The boy’s name is Steven.

5. Joe comes from Canada.


6. Nice to meet you.

7. Thank you.

8. How are you?

9. Do you like classical music?

10. What’s this?


11. M: who is the player in this picture?

W: He’s Fernando Torres,a good footballer from Spain.

Q: What is the player in this picture?

12. M: Jenny, is this your family photo?

W: No, it isn’t. They are my uncle, aunt and my little cousin, Alan.

Q: Who is in the photo?

13. M: I want to go to the railway station . Is it next to the bank?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s on the left opposite the park

Q: Where is the railway station?

14. M: Hello, what’s your name?

W: I’m Peter and I’m from Canada. This is my friend Sonia

M:Is she from Italy?

W:No, she isn’t . She is from Australia.

Q: Where is Sonia from?

15. M: Hi, Sandy. I like volleyball a lot. Do you like sports?

W: Yes, I do. I like football and tennis. But i don’t like volleyball.

Q: What does Sandy like?

四. 听短文填空,完成61-65小题。下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍, 请将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置上。

I ’m Helen. I’m fourteen and I’m British. My home is in Wells. It’s an old city, but it isn’t very big. My address is 32 Castle Road and my phone number is 017 4995. My best friend is James, J-A-M-E-S. He is from Russia and his father is French. He isn’t a very good football player, but I think he is a good singer. He is a good friend and he helps me with my homework.


第一题 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息, 每个句子读两遍。请在句子的第二遍朗读后,选出正确答案。

1. Hi, my name is Jenny.

2. I’m in Class Five.

3. What’s her name?

4. The boy’s name is Steven.

5. Joe comes from Canada.


6. Nice to meet you.

7. Thank you.

8. How are you?

9. Do you like classical music?

10. What’s this?


11. M: who is the player in this picture?

W: He’s Fernando Torres,a good footballer from Spain.

Q: What is the player in this picture?

12. M: Jenny, is this your family photo?

W: No, it isn’t. They are my uncle, aunt and my little cousin, Alan.

Q: Who is in the photo?

13. M: I want to go to the railway station . Is it next to the bank?

W: No, it isn’t. It’s on the left opposite the park

Q: Where is the railway station?

14. M: Hello, what’s your name?

W: I’m Peter and I’m from Canada. This is my friend Sonia

M:Is she from Italy?

W:No, she isn’t . She is from Australia.

Q: Where is Sonia from?

15. M: Hi, Sandy. I like volleyball a lot. Do you like sports?

W: Yes, I do. I like football and tennis. But i don’t like volleyball.

Q: What does Sandy like?

四. 听短文填空,完成61-65小题。下面你将听到一篇短文, 短文读两遍, 请将答案填写在答题卡的相应位置上。

I ’m Helen. I’m fourteen and I’m British. My home is in Wells. It’s an old city, but it isn’t very big. My address is 32 Castle Road and my phone number is 017 4995. My best friend is James, J-A-M-E-S. He is from Russia and his father is French. He isn’t a very good football player, but I think he is a good singer. He is a good friend and he helps me with my homework.



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