第五章 句子翻译的技巧
掌握:1英汉句子结构对比及翻译技巧;2汉译英句子主要成分的处理; 3常见句子的翻译 熟悉:理解句子翻译的技巧。
讨论兼讲授式 多媒体课件
5.1.英汉句子结构对比(略 见第二章)
5.1.1 “话题-说明”结构与“主语-谓语”结构 (略 见第二章)
Topic + Comment 主题—评述句
(1) 那件事我已经办好了。(动作承受者作话题)
(2) 吃, 武汉很方便。(动词作话题)
(3) 我头疼。(双话题)
(4) 张三去了美国,觉得很奇怪。(从句作话题)
(6) 今天风和日丽。(时间作话题)
英语句子结构:一个主语和一个谓语相一致 翻译方法:
这本书我是在教室里发现的。I found this book in the classroom.
2. 将汉语句子中的话题转换成英语句子中的状语:
As for this historic cause, the Communist Party of China has led the whole Chinese people to struggle for 50 years.
3. 将汉语句子中的话题转换成英语句子中的主语或者主语的一部分。
玩沙的乐趣,玩沙的人才知道。Playing with sand is an enjoyment only for the sand-players.
4.将汉语中现存句的话题转换成地点状语置于英语的”There be”句型中。
There might still be some vacant seats for you in the meeting room.
This you do not need to worry.
You don’t need to worry about this. There is no need for you to worry about this.
The secretary is absent from work today
because she is ill. 那女人虽是山里模样,然而应酬得很从容,说话很能干,寒暄之后,就赔罪,说她特来叫她的儿媳妇回家,因为开春事务忙,而家中只有老的和小的,人手不够了。(鲁迅《祝福》) Although this woman looked like the hill-dweller she was, she behaved with great self-possession and had a ready tongue in her head. After the usual civilities she apologized for coming to take her daughter-in-law back, explaining that early spring was a busy time and they were short-handed at home with only old people and children around. 老拴正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻到一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门停住了。(鲁迅《药》) Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was
startled when he saw the crossroad lying distantly ahead of him. He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop in
front of its closed door. 正在热闹哄哄的时节,只见那后台里,又出来一位姑娘,年纪约十八九岁,装束与前一个毫无分别,瓜子脸儿,白净面皮,相貌不过中人之姿,只觉得秀而不媚,清而不寒。(刘鹗《老残游记》) Amidst the feverish bustle, there appeared
on the stage a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed up just like the former. Her face was shaped like melon-seed. Her beauty was above the
average woman-charming but not coquettish, and a clarity of complexion but not coldness.
5.1.2 “板块”式结构与“多枝共干”结构
汉语为“板块” 式结构: 其“意合”特点常表现为句内各成分一一罗列,呈并列状,外形上没有主从之分,层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。
话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。 They say the momentum (势头) of history was ever thus: the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. 他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停止。 They must stop all their provocations (挑衅) at once, which create tensions. 我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面. 倘若完全按原文的句法特征将其译成英文,可能是: 1)I have come across a great many young
friends, 2)Bright and diligent, 3)Do
exceedingly well in studies, 4)but they are rather weak in Chinese, 5)even can¡¯t write
a smooth Chinese letter. 6)When asked why, they¡¯ll say they are not interested in Chinese. 请看张培基先生的译文: I have come across a great many bright and
diligent young friends who have done
exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.
Ah Q had no family but lived in the
Tutelary God’s temple at Wei-chuang. He had no regular work either, simply doing odd jobs for others: if they asked him to cut wheat he would cut it; if they asked him to grind rice or punt a boat he would also do it
for them.
At the age of twenty, it’s better to be
famous before it’s too late, I believed. What would be the spice of life for a person deserted by fame when approaching thirty? After thirty, fame seems still beyond reach, yet being as rich as my boss at forty becomes my new dream.
5.1.3 “左分支”结构与“右分支”结构
汉语“左分支”结构(“狮子头”形状) 状语总放在谓语或句子主体前边
状语部分长,主谓部分短; 主语部分长,谓语部分短; 修饰成分长,中心成分短。 英语“右分支”结构(“孔雀”形状) 多数定语成分(除单词外)都置于中心词之后 多数状语也置于主干成分之后 重视末端重量,有时使用形式主语
村东头的王大妈来了,受坏人欺骗的村民们也来了。 There came Aunt Wang who dwelt at the eastern end of the village, and also came the villagers who had been deceived. 去年他为了完成一个项目在实验室用计算机努力地干了十个月。 He worked hard with a computer in the lab for ten months in order to complete a project last year. ......荷塘四面,长着许多蓊蓊郁郁的树。
... in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond. (朱纯深 译) Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees. (王椒井 译) Trees grows thick and bosky all around the pool ... (杨宪益,戴乃迭 译) Around the pond grows a huge profusion of
trees, exuberant and luxuriant. (李明 译)
This view, represented by Chen Duxiu, was
We have won one victory after another in our
Balmy spring winds returned to bring new
life to this historic city. The nightmarish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. Especially for the past thirty years, the country¡¯s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, ¡ all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains the ambiance and features of an ancient capital.
5.1.5 汉英平行结构对比
汉语平行结构: ¡°整句¡±中的句式结构。
Parallelism:英语话语组织的一种重要形式 既是语法问题又是修辞问题,不仅局限于句子
使你欢乐,使你忧愁,使你深思,这不是诗又是什么呢?(杨朔《东风第一枝¡¤小跋》 ) There is always something that can inspire
you or motivate you. There is always something that can bring you joy or sorrow. There is always something that can get you depressed and set you thinking. Can it be anything but poetry?
5.1.6 汉英重量趋势对比
句首开放性(open beginning)
句尾收缩性(contracting ending )或封闭性(closed ending )
English S: Front weight.
Judgment and conclusion usually appear in the beginning part of a sentence, facts and descriptions in the rear part.
Chinese: end weight
usually from cause to effect, from
hypothesis to reasoning, from facts to conclusion, chronic and logical
我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟, 这使我非常失望。
It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January.
Combine the following sentences:
This is the egg that the boy hatched ¡ This is the rat that stole the egg¡
This is the cat that caught the rat¡
This is the dog that bit the cat¡
This is the boy that chased the dog¡
This is the boy that chased the dog that bit the cat that caught the rat that stole the egg that the boy hatched. (追那条狗的就是这个男孩。他孵了个鸡蛋,被
墙,出西角门,进凤姐院中。(《红楼梦》) 译文1:After chatting for a time with the
nun, Mrs. Chou went on to His-feng¡¯s quarters. She walked through the passage, past Li Wan¡¯s back window, and skirting
the west wall, entered His-feng¡¯s compound by the west side-gate.(杨译) 译文2:After gossiping a bit longer with
Sapient, Zou Rui¡¯s wife made her way to Xi-feng¡¯s quarters. To get there she had to go down a passage-way between two walls, under the windows at the back of Li Wan¡¯s apartments, along the foot of an ornamental wall, and through a gateway in the western corner of the compound. (霍译)
其他详见第二章 .具体与抽象Hypotaxis Vs Parataxis (形合VS意合)
5.2 汉译英句子主要成分的处理
1 主语的确立
例 1 电很有用。
Electricity is useful.
例 2 过谦并不好。
It is not good to be too modest.
例 3 学习是第一步。
The first step is to learn.
例 4 “八八”是个吉利数字。
88 is a lucky number.
例 5你不管就是你不对了。
It’s your fault not to take care of it. 例 6我很讨厌长篇发言。
I hate long speech.
例 7五个汉堡够吃吗?
Five hamburgers---is it enough? 例 8河畔草青青。
Green grass
例 9明天再谈吧。
Let’s talk about it tommorow. grows along the
例 10 他想到把这件事全部交给他的妻子去办。 It occurred to him to leave the whole thing to his wife.
例 11从这儿到最近的邮局有两英里路。
It’s two miles to the nearest post office from here.
例 12 可能发生了事故。
There must have been an accident. “there + be”句型常用来翻译汉语中的“有”
第三,在英语中经常会出现以时间或地点等名词做主语的现象,不仅强调了时间,还是句子简洁生动。这种句子常用see, witness, find等动词作谓语。在英译有关这类汉语句子时应考虑到这一点,以符合西方人的思维模式和语言表达习惯。
例 13在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。 Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.
例 14 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
The turn of the century finds China
most active on the diplomatic arena. 2 谓语的选择
首先, 英语的基本句型:SV,SVC,SVO,SVOO,SVOC. 没有V不能成句。
(1)Everybody laughed.
(2)I am a teacher.
(3)I bought a ticket.
(4)Mary lent me her car.
(5)They elected him president.
Shanghai is a big city.
Our campus is very beautiful.
The old lady is eighty this year.
The children are not at home.
The woman teacher is affable in
第二, 英语是屈折语,相关成分在数、性、人称等方面要一致,英语的谓语的单复数和人称变化就是由主语来决定的。汉语是非屈折语,没有人称和数的变化。
I like playing table tennis and tennis.
My husband likes playing basketbll and volleyball. Both of us like ball games. 另外,汉语动词本身没有词形变化,要想表示不同的时间概念通常是靠借助虚词或以动词排列的先后顺序来完成。英语动词有时态、语态的变化,对不同时间概念的表示除增加时间状语外,主要依靠动词本身的时态变化。
Ten-odd years ago,the institution where I worked had a telephone installed in my home. Still in their childhood, my kids would sometimes steal into my study and dial 117 to listen to the voice reporting the exact time.
The car wound through the village and
up a narrow valley, following a thaw-swollen stream.
We obtained much knowledge of
American history from this lecture.
(5)这份辛苦的工作正在影响我的健康。 粗劣的事物影响儿童自然地生长。
This hard work is telling on my health.
Poor food arrests the natural growth of children.
In my opinion, being overweight will
handicap a boy in sports.
3 定语的位置
(1)不眠之夜 sleepless nights
雷鸣般的掌声thunderous applause 正在变化中的世界the changing world 下岗工人laid-off workers
(2)到场的来宾the guests present 重要的事情something important
能找到的最早版本the earliest edition obtainable
各种可能的办法every way possible 唯一可靠的人the only person reliable
(3)国际金融中心international financial
中国传统戏曲traditional Chinese opera
勤劳勇敢的人民a brave hard-working people
社会主义现代化强国a modern, powerful
国际经济新秩序a new international economic order
一张木头小圆桌a small round wooden table
一位美国现代优秀作家an outstanding contemporary American writer
the rule of low payment, high employment
Japan is our close neighbor separated
by a narrow strip of water.
A new English-Chinese phrases
dictionary that I brought here yesterday and placed on the shelf is very useful for translation.
This is the only way out.
4 状语的位置
He took out a red scarf from his pocket
and gave it to his little daughter.
In complicated calculations we can
use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution.
This law operates universally, whether
in the natural world, in human society, or in man’s thinking.
I saw the film in Suzhou last summer.
Professor Wang is working with his two
new assistants in the laboratory at the moment.
He lives at 71 Jiaotong Road, Huai’an, Jiangsu.
Dear Sir, Your subscription to China Daily expires on May 26, 2012.
Led by the Chinese Communist Party,
the Chinese people, united as one, are engaged in the great task of building socialism.
With the third party acting as an
intermediary, to take the interest of the whole into account, we strongly demanded with frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all our losses.
四 汉语句型的翻译
这把椅子三条腿。 演讲开始了。
他的身体健康。 他身体健康。
The soldiers set out.
My teacher gave me a book.
Light travels in the form of waves.
He often helps those (who are) in difficulty.
.Tom’s character differs from his brother’s.
Tom is different from his brother in character.
There hangs a map of China on the wall.
You see what I mean?
He envies nobody.
There is much rain in this area. It rains a lot in this area.
People have much rain in this area. This area sees much rain.
Your ticket please.
(3)“请坐。喝点什么?威士忌?”whisky “好!”
两个或两个以上的单句,在意义上彼此联系,在结构上互不包含,接合起来构成的句子叫做复句。汉语的复句分为联合复句和偏正复句两大类。可以说,汉语中的联合复句相当于英语中的并列句(compound sentence),差别不大。偏正复句相当于英语中的复合句(complex sentence),但特点又有所不同。
I love my parents and my parents love me.
The world has changed, so has the telephone.
In most colleges and universities, the devolution of decision-making rights to the department head has been effective, which means that the department head is given the
autonomy to deide on the staffing within the department and also to utilize the available funds under certai guidelines.
(1)„他们来到后,屋子里随即热闹起来。 „They came together to see Han, and
soon the whole household was astir.
Daiyu ordered tea, galncing at Baoyu as
she did so. Taking the hint, he went out of the room
Hardly had I left when the quarrel started.
Not only did the garage overcharge me,
but they hadn’t done a very good repair job either.
In the solar system, the planets as
well as the sun itself are in constant motion.
He has either gone to the movies or to the theatre.
The item you requested is no longer
available and therefore we are returning your cheque.
Although flowers look lovely, they
cannot stand wind and rain.
再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 Swallows may have gone, but there’s a
time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there’s a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again.
Exhausted as she was, she couldn’t fall asleep.
The company’s profits have fallen slightly. However, this is not a serious problem.
Columbus had not discovered the
continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.
If the frog gets thicker the plane may be diverted.
If there had been no space ships, it
would have been impossible for human beings to go to space.
One must sow before one can reap.
Build up
The old man put down the glass and stood up.
Putting down the glass, the old man stood up.
Without thinking, I pulled a handful of coppers from my coat pocket and handed them to the policeman. “Please give him these,” I said.
Zijuan, assenting, hurried out to fecth a clean spittoon, placing the used one on the table in the outer room. Having closed the door behind her, she let down the soft flowered portiere before going to wake Xueyan.
Humming a tune she went into the bedroom.
(5)游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行走。 The paraders marched in the street,
carrying flowers and banners in their hands.
I went to the tailor’s for my coat.
He went to the monitor to ask for leave.
My mother doesn’t allow me to go boating by myself.
The teacher asked you to re-do the exercise.
They advised her against going abroad.
He poved himself worthy of trust.
Suddenly he heard someone knocking
slightly on
Teachers should guide studens in their studies.
The mother reproached her child for staying out late.
The teacher praised him because he is
always ready to help others.
The atrocity shocked the world opinion.
Her beautiful voice enraptured the audience.
(三) “把”字句
She crumpled the letter into a ball and
slipped it into her pocket.
(2)十分钟后,他把双臂浸泡在消毒酒精桶里。 Ten miniutes later he soaked his arms
in a pail of antiseptic.
The trip tired him out.
People in the village didn’t treat me as a stranger.
He quickly threw the ball to another boy.
(6)今年,中国确定把通货膨胀控制在4%以下。 This year the Chinese government has
set up an inflation target of below 4%.
(四) “得”字句
Can this classroom hold 200 students?
He is capable of anything.
The room is hot enough to bake potatoes.
(4)他的心被绝望咬得很痛,根本笑不出来。 His heart was so gnawed by despair that he could not force a smile.
They were trembling with fear.
The child was beaten black and blue.
The sheep and cattle grow fat and
Sunshine made the sea gleam like satin.
(五) 流水句
剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 Presently the wind dropped a litle. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.
人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。(《邓小平文选》第三卷) China lags behind in science and
technology. We have quite a few problems to solve, especially the problem of our huge population, which already stands at 1.05 billion. This makes it very
difficult for us to raise the people’s income and to eliminate poverty and backwardness in a short time.
Shanghai Knitting Corporation is made
up of 37 tenterprises and enjoys a broad production scale, and with several well-known local brands such as Chrysanthemum, Swan and Three Guns, it has annual sales volume of about 1.3 billion RMB.
的现象:即发生在昨天的事,倒会忘得一干二净;而几十年前对自己印象极深的事情,却像是昨天刚发生一样,记得一清二楚。 When you are getting on in years, you
tend to have a feeling that seems rather odd but, in fact, not very much so: what happened to you just a couple of days ago, you clean forget about it, but what happened as long as decades earlier with a sharp impact on you, you remember as clearly as if it had occurred yesterday.
It therefore becomes more and more
important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed
information about courses and mor adivces.
历史文化传统。 这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展,对今天中国人的价值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。
In the prolonged course of development,
China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or discarded with the changes of the times and social progress. These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people, and on China’s road of development today.
第五章 句子翻译的技巧
掌握:1英汉句子结构对比及翻译技巧;2汉译英句子主要成分的处理; 3常见句子的翻译 熟悉:理解句子翻译的技巧。
讨论兼讲授式 多媒体课件
5.1.英汉句子结构对比(略 见第二章)
5.1.1 “话题-说明”结构与“主语-谓语”结构 (略 见第二章)
Topic + Comment 主题—评述句
(1) 那件事我已经办好了。(动作承受者作话题)
(2) 吃, 武汉很方便。(动词作话题)
(3) 我头疼。(双话题)
(4) 张三去了美国,觉得很奇怪。(从句作话题)
(6) 今天风和日丽。(时间作话题)
英语句子结构:一个主语和一个谓语相一致 翻译方法:
这本书我是在教室里发现的。I found this book in the classroom.
2. 将汉语句子中的话题转换成英语句子中的状语:
As for this historic cause, the Communist Party of China has led the whole Chinese people to struggle for 50 years.
3. 将汉语句子中的话题转换成英语句子中的主语或者主语的一部分。
玩沙的乐趣,玩沙的人才知道。Playing with sand is an enjoyment only for the sand-players.
4.将汉语中现存句的话题转换成地点状语置于英语的”There be”句型中。
There might still be some vacant seats for you in the meeting room.
This you do not need to worry.
You don’t need to worry about this. There is no need for you to worry about this.
The secretary is absent from work today
because she is ill. 那女人虽是山里模样,然而应酬得很从容,说话很能干,寒暄之后,就赔罪,说她特来叫她的儿媳妇回家,因为开春事务忙,而家中只有老的和小的,人手不够了。(鲁迅《祝福》) Although this woman looked like the hill-dweller she was, she behaved with great self-possession and had a ready tongue in her head. After the usual civilities she apologized for coming to take her daughter-in-law back, explaining that early spring was a busy time and they were short-handed at home with only old people and children around. 老拴正在专心走路,忽然吃了一惊,远远地看见一条丁字街,明明白白横着。他便退了几步,寻到一家关着门的铺子,蹩进檐下,靠门停住了。(鲁迅《药》) Absorbed in his walking, Old Shuan was
startled when he saw the crossroad lying distantly ahead of him. He walked back a few steps to stand under the eaves of a shop in
front of its closed door. 正在热闹哄哄的时节,只见那后台里,又出来一位姑娘,年纪约十八九岁,装束与前一个毫无分别,瓜子脸儿,白净面皮,相貌不过中人之姿,只觉得秀而不媚,清而不寒。(刘鹗《老残游记》) Amidst the feverish bustle, there appeared
on the stage a girl about eighteen or nineteen years old, dressed up just like the former. Her face was shaped like melon-seed. Her beauty was above the
average woman-charming but not coquettish, and a clarity of complexion but not coldness.
5.1.2 “板块”式结构与“多枝共干”结构
汉语为“板块” 式结构: 其“意合”特点常表现为句内各成分一一罗列,呈并列状,外形上没有主从之分,层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。
话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。 They say the momentum (势头) of history was ever thus: the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. 他们进行挑衅活动,制造紧张局势,必须马上停止。 They must stop all their provocations (挑衅) at once, which create tensions. 我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面. 倘若完全按原文的句法特征将其译成英文,可能是: 1)I have come across a great many young
friends, 2)Bright and diligent, 3)Do
exceedingly well in studies, 4)but they are rather weak in Chinese, 5)even can¡¯t write
a smooth Chinese letter. 6)When asked why, they¡¯ll say they are not interested in Chinese. 请看张培基先生的译文: I have come across a great many bright and
diligent young friends who have done
exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.
Ah Q had no family but lived in the
Tutelary God’s temple at Wei-chuang. He had no regular work either, simply doing odd jobs for others: if they asked him to cut wheat he would cut it; if they asked him to grind rice or punt a boat he would also do it
for them.
At the age of twenty, it’s better to be
famous before it’s too late, I believed. What would be the spice of life for a person deserted by fame when approaching thirty? After thirty, fame seems still beyond reach, yet being as rich as my boss at forty becomes my new dream.
5.1.3 “左分支”结构与“右分支”结构
汉语“左分支”结构(“狮子头”形状) 状语总放在谓语或句子主体前边
状语部分长,主谓部分短; 主语部分长,谓语部分短; 修饰成分长,中心成分短。 英语“右分支”结构(“孔雀”形状) 多数定语成分(除单词外)都置于中心词之后 多数状语也置于主干成分之后 重视末端重量,有时使用形式主语
村东头的王大妈来了,受坏人欺骗的村民们也来了。 There came Aunt Wang who dwelt at the eastern end of the village, and also came the villagers who had been deceived. 去年他为了完成一个项目在实验室用计算机努力地干了十个月。 He worked hard with a computer in the lab for ten months in order to complete a project last year. ......荷塘四面,长着许多蓊蓊郁郁的树。
... in a lush, shady ambience of trees all around the pond. (朱纯深 译) Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees. (王椒井 译) Trees grows thick and bosky all around the pool ... (杨宪益,戴乃迭 译) Around the pond grows a huge profusion of
trees, exuberant and luxuriant. (李明 译)
This view, represented by Chen Duxiu, was
We have won one victory after another in our
Balmy spring winds returned to bring new
life to this historic city. The nightmarish sufferings and humiliations of the past were left behind once and for all. The citizens of Nanjing have been working hard to give this age-old town a new appearance. Especially for the past thirty years, the country¡¯s reform and opening-up policy has infused new vigor into this beautiful and famous city. Newly built industries, ¡ all these and more added charm and vitality to this modern metropolis, which retains the ambiance and features of an ancient capital.
5.1.5 汉英平行结构对比
汉语平行结构: ¡°整句¡±中的句式结构。
Parallelism:英语话语组织的一种重要形式 既是语法问题又是修辞问题,不仅局限于句子
使你欢乐,使你忧愁,使你深思,这不是诗又是什么呢?(杨朔《东风第一枝¡¤小跋》 ) There is always something that can inspire
you or motivate you. There is always something that can bring you joy or sorrow. There is always something that can get you depressed and set you thinking. Can it be anything but poetry?
5.1.6 汉英重量趋势对比
句首开放性(open beginning)
句尾收缩性(contracting ending )或封闭性(closed ending )
English S: Front weight.
Judgment and conclusion usually appear in the beginning part of a sentence, facts and descriptions in the rear part.
Chinese: end weight
usually from cause to effect, from
hypothesis to reasoning, from facts to conclusion, chronic and logical
我原来打算在今年一月访问中国,后来不得不推迟, 这使我非常失望。
It was a keen disappointment that I had to postpone the visit which I intended to pay to China in January.
Combine the following sentences:
This is the egg that the boy hatched ¡ This is the rat that stole the egg¡
This is the cat that caught the rat¡
This is the dog that bit the cat¡
This is the boy that chased the dog¡
This is the boy that chased the dog that bit the cat that caught the rat that stole the egg that the boy hatched. (追那条狗的就是这个男孩。他孵了个鸡蛋,被
墙,出西角门,进凤姐院中。(《红楼梦》) 译文1:After chatting for a time with the
nun, Mrs. Chou went on to His-feng¡¯s quarters. She walked through the passage, past Li Wan¡¯s back window, and skirting
the west wall, entered His-feng¡¯s compound by the west side-gate.(杨译) 译文2:After gossiping a bit longer with
Sapient, Zou Rui¡¯s wife made her way to Xi-feng¡¯s quarters. To get there she had to go down a passage-way between two walls, under the windows at the back of Li Wan¡¯s apartments, along the foot of an ornamental wall, and through a gateway in the western corner of the compound. (霍译)
其他详见第二章 .具体与抽象Hypotaxis Vs Parataxis (形合VS意合)
5.2 汉译英句子主要成分的处理
1 主语的确立
例 1 电很有用。
Electricity is useful.
例 2 过谦并不好。
It is not good to be too modest.
例 3 学习是第一步。
The first step is to learn.
例 4 “八八”是个吉利数字。
88 is a lucky number.
例 5你不管就是你不对了。
It’s your fault not to take care of it. 例 6我很讨厌长篇发言。
I hate long speech.
例 7五个汉堡够吃吗?
Five hamburgers---is it enough? 例 8河畔草青青。
Green grass
例 9明天再谈吧。
Let’s talk about it tommorow. grows along the
例 10 他想到把这件事全部交给他的妻子去办。 It occurred to him to leave the whole thing to his wife.
例 11从这儿到最近的邮局有两英里路。
It’s two miles to the nearest post office from here.
例 12 可能发生了事故。
There must have been an accident. “there + be”句型常用来翻译汉语中的“有”
第三,在英语中经常会出现以时间或地点等名词做主语的现象,不仅强调了时间,还是句子简洁生动。这种句子常用see, witness, find等动词作谓语。在英译有关这类汉语句子时应考虑到这一点,以符合西方人的思维模式和语言表达习惯。
例 13在南京城发生过许多重大的历史事件。 Nanjing witnessed many great historic events.
例 14 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
The turn of the century finds China
most active on the diplomatic arena. 2 谓语的选择
首先, 英语的基本句型:SV,SVC,SVO,SVOO,SVOC. 没有V不能成句。
(1)Everybody laughed.
(2)I am a teacher.
(3)I bought a ticket.
(4)Mary lent me her car.
(5)They elected him president.
Shanghai is a big city.
Our campus is very beautiful.
The old lady is eighty this year.
The children are not at home.
The woman teacher is affable in
第二, 英语是屈折语,相关成分在数、性、人称等方面要一致,英语的谓语的单复数和人称变化就是由主语来决定的。汉语是非屈折语,没有人称和数的变化。
I like playing table tennis and tennis.
My husband likes playing basketbll and volleyball. Both of us like ball games. 另外,汉语动词本身没有词形变化,要想表示不同的时间概念通常是靠借助虚词或以动词排列的先后顺序来完成。英语动词有时态、语态的变化,对不同时间概念的表示除增加时间状语外,主要依靠动词本身的时态变化。
Ten-odd years ago,the institution where I worked had a telephone installed in my home. Still in their childhood, my kids would sometimes steal into my study and dial 117 to listen to the voice reporting the exact time.
The car wound through the village and
up a narrow valley, following a thaw-swollen stream.
We obtained much knowledge of
American history from this lecture.
(5)这份辛苦的工作正在影响我的健康。 粗劣的事物影响儿童自然地生长。
This hard work is telling on my health.
Poor food arrests the natural growth of children.
In my opinion, being overweight will
handicap a boy in sports.
3 定语的位置
(1)不眠之夜 sleepless nights
雷鸣般的掌声thunderous applause 正在变化中的世界the changing world 下岗工人laid-off workers
(2)到场的来宾the guests present 重要的事情something important
能找到的最早版本the earliest edition obtainable
各种可能的办法every way possible 唯一可靠的人the only person reliable
(3)国际金融中心international financial
中国传统戏曲traditional Chinese opera
勤劳勇敢的人民a brave hard-working people
社会主义现代化强国a modern, powerful
国际经济新秩序a new international economic order
一张木头小圆桌a small round wooden table
一位美国现代优秀作家an outstanding contemporary American writer
the rule of low payment, high employment
Japan is our close neighbor separated
by a narrow strip of water.
A new English-Chinese phrases
dictionary that I brought here yesterday and placed on the shelf is very useful for translation.
This is the only way out.
4 状语的位置
He took out a red scarf from his pocket
and gave it to his little daughter.
In complicated calculations we can
use a computer, because it quickly gives us an exact solution.
This law operates universally, whether
in the natural world, in human society, or in man’s thinking.
I saw the film in Suzhou last summer.
Professor Wang is working with his two
new assistants in the laboratory at the moment.
He lives at 71 Jiaotong Road, Huai’an, Jiangsu.
Dear Sir, Your subscription to China Daily expires on May 26, 2012.
Led by the Chinese Communist Party,
the Chinese people, united as one, are engaged in the great task of building socialism.
With the third party acting as an
intermediary, to take the interest of the whole into account, we strongly demanded with frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all our losses.
四 汉语句型的翻译
这把椅子三条腿。 演讲开始了。
他的身体健康。 他身体健康。
The soldiers set out.
My teacher gave me a book.
Light travels in the form of waves.
He often helps those (who are) in difficulty.
.Tom’s character differs from his brother’s.
Tom is different from his brother in character.
There hangs a map of China on the wall.
You see what I mean?
He envies nobody.
There is much rain in this area. It rains a lot in this area.
People have much rain in this area. This area sees much rain.
Your ticket please.
(3)“请坐。喝点什么?威士忌?”whisky “好!”
两个或两个以上的单句,在意义上彼此联系,在结构上互不包含,接合起来构成的句子叫做复句。汉语的复句分为联合复句和偏正复句两大类。可以说,汉语中的联合复句相当于英语中的并列句(compound sentence),差别不大。偏正复句相当于英语中的复合句(complex sentence),但特点又有所不同。
I love my parents and my parents love me.
The world has changed, so has the telephone.
In most colleges and universities, the devolution of decision-making rights to the department head has been effective, which means that the department head is given the
autonomy to deide on the staffing within the department and also to utilize the available funds under certai guidelines.
(1)„他们来到后,屋子里随即热闹起来。 „They came together to see Han, and
soon the whole household was astir.
Daiyu ordered tea, galncing at Baoyu as
she did so. Taking the hint, he went out of the room
Hardly had I left when the quarrel started.
Not only did the garage overcharge me,
but they hadn’t done a very good repair job either.
In the solar system, the planets as
well as the sun itself are in constant motion.
He has either gone to the movies or to the theatre.
The item you requested is no longer
available and therefore we are returning your cheque.
Although flowers look lovely, they
cannot stand wind and rain.
再青的时候;桃花谢了,有再开的时候。 Swallows may have gone, but there’s a
time of return; willow trees may have died back, but there’s a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen, but they will bloom again.
Exhausted as she was, she couldn’t fall asleep.
The company’s profits have fallen slightly. However, this is not a serious problem.
Columbus had not discovered the
continent of America, somebody else might have discovered it.
If the frog gets thicker the plane may be diverted.
If there had been no space ships, it
would have been impossible for human beings to go to space.
One must sow before one can reap.
Build up
The old man put down the glass and stood up.
Putting down the glass, the old man stood up.
Without thinking, I pulled a handful of coppers from my coat pocket and handed them to the policeman. “Please give him these,” I said.
Zijuan, assenting, hurried out to fecth a clean spittoon, placing the used one on the table in the outer room. Having closed the door behind her, she let down the soft flowered portiere before going to wake Xueyan.
Humming a tune she went into the bedroom.
(5)游行的人拿着鲜花和彩旗在街道上行走。 The paraders marched in the street,
carrying flowers and banners in their hands.
I went to the tailor’s for my coat.
He went to the monitor to ask for leave.
My mother doesn’t allow me to go boating by myself.
The teacher asked you to re-do the exercise.
They advised her against going abroad.
He poved himself worthy of trust.
Suddenly he heard someone knocking
slightly on
Teachers should guide studens in their studies.
The mother reproached her child for staying out late.
The teacher praised him because he is
always ready to help others.
The atrocity shocked the world opinion.
Her beautiful voice enraptured the audience.
(三) “把”字句
She crumpled the letter into a ball and
slipped it into her pocket.
(2)十分钟后,他把双臂浸泡在消毒酒精桶里。 Ten miniutes later he soaked his arms
in a pail of antiseptic.
The trip tired him out.
People in the village didn’t treat me as a stranger.
He quickly threw the ball to another boy.
(6)今年,中国确定把通货膨胀控制在4%以下。 This year the Chinese government has
set up an inflation target of below 4%.
(四) “得”字句
Can this classroom hold 200 students?
He is capable of anything.
The room is hot enough to bake potatoes.
(4)他的心被绝望咬得很痛,根本笑不出来。 His heart was so gnawed by despair that he could not force a smile.
They were trembling with fear.
The child was beaten black and blue.
The sheep and cattle grow fat and
Sunshine made the sea gleam like satin.
(五) 流水句
剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 Presently the wind dropped a litle. By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace.
人口太多,现在就有十亿五千万,增加人民的收入很不容易,短期内要摆脱贫困落后状态很不容易。(《邓小平文选》第三卷) China lags behind in science and
technology. We have quite a few problems to solve, especially the problem of our huge population, which already stands at 1.05 billion. This makes it very
difficult for us to raise the people’s income and to eliminate poverty and backwardness in a short time.
Shanghai Knitting Corporation is made
up of 37 tenterprises and enjoys a broad production scale, and with several well-known local brands such as Chrysanthemum, Swan and Three Guns, it has annual sales volume of about 1.3 billion RMB.
的现象:即发生在昨天的事,倒会忘得一干二净;而几十年前对自己印象极深的事情,却像是昨天刚发生一样,记得一清二楚。 When you are getting on in years, you
tend to have a feeling that seems rather odd but, in fact, not very much so: what happened to you just a couple of days ago, you clean forget about it, but what happened as long as decades earlier with a sharp impact on you, you remember as clearly as if it had occurred yesterday.
It therefore becomes more and more
important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed
information about courses and mor adivces.
历史文化传统。 这些传统,随着时代变迁和社会进步获得扬弃和发展,对今天中国人的价值观念、生活方式和中国的发展道路,具有深刻的影响。
In the prolonged course of development,
China has formed its fine historical and cultural traditions, which have been either developed or discarded with the changes of the times and social progress. These traditions have exerted a profound impact on the values and way of life of the Chinese people, and on China’s road of development today.