


D:Hey,come in. What’s wrong with you?

P:I feel so terrible ,or rather,I feel so sickness. And I keep feeling dizzy. D:Oh,that sounds terrible.How’s about you appetite?

P:Poor,I seem to have lost appetite in everything.

D:Really,how come?

P:En-hnn, you know.I’m a bit heavy.So I tried to have a diet.I starved myself so that I can keep my weight under a normal range.

D:Oh,I feel so sorry to hear of that. You should suffering from a illness called anorexia.

P:Anorexia? What’s that?

D: It causes of people’s too much attention on their weight, fear of obesity.And then form a strong desire to lose weight. When weight loss has become a habit, even if the weight is light, but people still have this on the tip of their tongue. So there would be a sharply reducing weight in a short period,even the weight is reduced to the standard weight of 75% to 85% below.

P:So what should I do, doctor?

D:I’ll give you some medicines for your stomachache and indigestion. But the vital thing is that you must have a good mood and eat food regularly.

P:Is that all?

D:If you still feel unsatisfactory of your weight, you may go in for regular exercise to lose extra weight.And have a balance on your diet. P:I’ll,thank you doctor.



D:Hey,come in. What’s wrong with you?

P:I feel so terrible ,or rather,I feel so sickness. And I keep feeling dizzy. D:Oh,that sounds terrible.How’s about you appetite?

P:Poor,I seem to have lost appetite in everything.

D:Really,how come?

P:En-hnn, you know.I’m a bit heavy.So I tried to have a diet.I starved myself so that I can keep my weight under a normal range.

D:Oh,I feel so sorry to hear of that. You should suffering from a illness called anorexia.

P:Anorexia? What’s that?

D: It causes of people’s too much attention on their weight, fear of obesity.And then form a strong desire to lose weight. When weight loss has become a habit, even if the weight is light, but people still have this on the tip of their tongue. So there would be a sharply reducing weight in a short period,even the weight is reduced to the standard weight of 75% to 85% below.

P:So what should I do, doctor?

D:I’ll give you some medicines for your stomachache and indigestion. But the vital thing is that you must have a good mood and eat food regularly.

P:Is that all?

D:If you still feel unsatisfactory of your weight, you may go in for regular exercise to lose extra weight.And have a balance on your diet. P:I’ll,thank you doctor.


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