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In my mind,AIDS is a horrible illness.There are several reasons.

One the one hand,AIDS can be spreaded in many ways,but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an inflected person.Apart from that,AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby,or sharing of needles,shaving blades,or any means of blood contact.On the other hand,AIDS patients can ’t notice their diseases immediately.It may take years for them to notice,and in these years,they will miss the best opportunities to cure AIDS.What ’s more,the infected person may not know and can infect others.

Contrarily,I am not afraid of AIDS patients.They need our care and help to have a chance at a normal and happy life.


File 1

I think taking examinations is a good means to evaluate students.First of all,examinations can prompt us to review the knowledge we have learned.At the same time,if we learn the knowledge well,we will achieve good grades in examinations.Second,it is very fair for all the students.If examinations are abolished,officials will exploit their power to make benefits for their children especially in some important examinations in our lives such as college entrance examination.In addition,some people may say examinations bring students too much stress.However,our social needs

prominent students so that competition and stress will never be avoid.I can’t figure out a better way to replace examinations to evaluate students.Maybe someday each member of our social will become honest and can obey the rules,a better way will appear to replace examinations.


File 1

In my mind,AIDS is a horrible illness.There are several reasons.

One the one hand,AIDS can be spreaded in many ways,but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an inflected person.Apart from that,AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby,or sharing of needles,shaving blades,or any means of blood contact.On the other hand,AIDS patients can ’t notice their diseases immediately.It may take years for them to notice,and in these years,they will miss the best opportunities to cure AIDS.What ’s more,the infected person may not know and can infect others.

Contrarily,I am not afraid of AIDS patients.They need our care and help to have a chance at a normal and happy life.


File 1

I think taking examinations is a good means to evaluate students.First of all,examinations can prompt us to review the knowledge we have learned.At the same time,if we learn the knowledge well,we will achieve good grades in examinations.Second,it is very fair for all the students.If examinations are abolished,officials will exploit their power to make benefits for their children especially in some important examinations in our lives such as college entrance examination.In addition,some people may say examinations bring students too much stress.However,our social needs

prominent students so that competition and stress will never be avoid.I can’t figure out a better way to replace examinations to evaluate students.Maybe someday each member of our social will become honest and can obey the rules,a better way will appear to replace examinations.


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