

November 27, 2005

Hey Brad,

You aren’t the only one who’s having problems with grades. You’re just worried about getting decent grades; I’m worried about passing. I’m in danger of failing three of my classes. I guess I’ll have to party less and study more. At least there

are a few weeks left until finals. I’m looking forward to the winter break, too. Of course, if I flunk out, I’ll be home for good, unless my parents kill me.

Your friend,





罗勃 敬上


字词解说: 1. pass仁paa」vt. c}. vi.(考试)及格

例:Hundreds of people took the test,but only fifty of them passed (it). (数百人参加了该项考试,但只有其中的五十人及格。)

2. be in danger of.二有……的危险

例:I'he company is in danger of going bankrupt.


3. fail vi.(考试)不及格

例:How could you fail your English class?


4. finals 期末考(因有好几门科目,故常用复数)

5. look forward to-I-N/V-ing期待/盼望……

例:Debbie is looking forward to visiting Australia. (黛比期待到澳洲去玩。)

6. flunk vi.(考试)失败/不及格

flunk out因不及格而被退学

例:Dave flunked out of college last year.


7. for good永久地


例:Tina told her husband she was leaving him for good. (蒂娜告诉她的丈夫说她将永远离开他。)


November 27, 2005

Hey Brad,

You aren’t the only one who’s having problems with grades. You’re just worried about getting decent grades; I’m worried about passing. I’m in danger of failing three of my classes. I guess I’ll have to party less and study more. At least there

are a few weeks left until finals. I’m looking forward to the winter break, too. Of course, if I flunk out, I’ll be home for good, unless my parents kill me.

Your friend,





罗勃 敬上


字词解说: 1. pass仁paa」vt. c}. vi.(考试)及格

例:Hundreds of people took the test,but only fifty of them passed (it). (数百人参加了该项考试,但只有其中的五十人及格。)

2. be in danger of.二有……的危险

例:I'he company is in danger of going bankrupt.


3. fail vi.(考试)不及格

例:How could you fail your English class?


4. finals 期末考(因有好几门科目,故常用复数)

5. look forward to-I-N/V-ing期待/盼望……

例:Debbie is looking forward to visiting Australia. (黛比期待到澳洲去玩。)

6. flunk vi.(考试)失败/不及格

flunk out因不及格而被退学

例:Dave flunked out of college last year.


7. for good永久地


例:Tina told her husband she was leaving him for good. (蒂娜告诉她的丈夫说她将永远离开他。)

