

Dudley Erskine Devlin(作者) writes his own commentary of computer technology on the rise in "Computers and Education in America."(本文题目) While all the optimists out there push the movement of Websites and constantly flash e-mail addresses on all advertising promising simplicity for our hectic lives and education for our children, Devlin retorts by saying, "In short, the much balleyhooed promise of computers for education has yet to be realized." (原因一)He believes that finding information and retrieving it from the Internet is long and tedious. The Internet is cluttered by commercialism, claims Devlin. (原因二)He also points out how the information might be false when found. (原因三)He believes claims that the Internet is democratic are false. The personal computer eats money and that plus the cost of Internet bills is too much for families. Although the Internet has nearly 20 million sites, there are not enough mentoring programs to lead students through the Internet. Besides, according to Devlin, kids will always prefer the TV and their friends over cyberspace. Even if kids were on the Internet they would be surrounded by commercialism and pornography. Finally, in the words of Dudley Erskine Devlin, "The cult of computers is still an empty promise for most students."


1,论据不足,没有具体数据. 2,过分简单得出结论,忽略多种原因. 3, 因果关系错误. In this argument, the author concludes that______. At first glance, the author’s reasoning seems to be appealing, while clearly examining the author’s reasoning, we may find that it is unconvincing. The argument contains several facets that are questionable.

First of all, the author’s evidences are insufficient to support the conclusion. _____. Common sense tells us that_____. It is possible that _____. Obviously, author does not provide enough information on the subjects of _____. One specific example can not generate the general conclusion. Therefore, facing such limited evidence, the conclusion is unwarranted.

Secondly, the author makes an oversimplified analogy between___ and___. In most instances, this is an unwarranted assumption for the simple reason that things rarely remain the same over extended periods of time/from place to place. As we know, many factors should be taken into the consideration, such as demographics of the population, geographical and physical terrain of the two different areas. _______.

In addition, the author commits “after this, and therefore because of this” fallacy. The causal relationship between the cause of _____ and the effect _____ is unwarranted. It is well known that _____. This is a fallacious reasoning unless the author can provide persuasive evidences to rule out any other possibilities.

To sum up, the conclusion lacks of credibility. Regardless of who the author is, he or she has overlooked or chosen to ignore many aspects of his or her conclusion. To strengthen the conclusion, the author should give more evidences about the above-mentioned possibilities.


Dudley Erskine Devlin(作者) writes his own commentary of computer technology on the rise in "Computers and Education in America."(本文题目) While all the optimists out there push the movement of Websites and constantly flash e-mail addresses on all advertising promising simplicity for our hectic lives and education for our children, Devlin retorts by saying, "In short, the much balleyhooed promise of computers for education has yet to be realized." (原因一)He believes that finding information and retrieving it from the Internet is long and tedious. The Internet is cluttered by commercialism, claims Devlin. (原因二)He also points out how the information might be false when found. (原因三)He believes claims that the Internet is democratic are false. The personal computer eats money and that plus the cost of Internet bills is too much for families. Although the Internet has nearly 20 million sites, there are not enough mentoring programs to lead students through the Internet. Besides, according to Devlin, kids will always prefer the TV and their friends over cyberspace. Even if kids were on the Internet they would be surrounded by commercialism and pornography. Finally, in the words of Dudley Erskine Devlin, "The cult of computers is still an empty promise for most students."


1,论据不足,没有具体数据. 2,过分简单得出结论,忽略多种原因. 3, 因果关系错误. In this argument, the author concludes that______. At first glance, the author’s reasoning seems to be appealing, while clearly examining the author’s reasoning, we may find that it is unconvincing. The argument contains several facets that are questionable.

First of all, the author’s evidences are insufficient to support the conclusion. _____. Common sense tells us that_____. It is possible that _____. Obviously, author does not provide enough information on the subjects of _____. One specific example can not generate the general conclusion. Therefore, facing such limited evidence, the conclusion is unwarranted.

Secondly, the author makes an oversimplified analogy between___ and___. In most instances, this is an unwarranted assumption for the simple reason that things rarely remain the same over extended periods of time/from place to place. As we know, many factors should be taken into the consideration, such as demographics of the population, geographical and physical terrain of the two different areas. _______.

In addition, the author commits “after this, and therefore because of this” fallacy. The causal relationship between the cause of _____ and the effect _____ is unwarranted. It is well known that _____. This is a fallacious reasoning unless the author can provide persuasive evidences to rule out any other possibilities.

To sum up, the conclusion lacks of credibility. Regardless of who the author is, he or she has overlooked or chosen to ignore many aspects of his or her conclusion. To strengthen the conclusion, the author should give more evidences about the above-mentioned possibilities.


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