


London's Tower Bridge, is a suspension Bridge, located in London, across the river Thames, named after the deep near of the Tower of London,if the first Bridge from the river Thames outfall(the number of bridge

on the river is 15), is also a symbol of London.


The bridge was founded in 1886, open to the public on June 30, 1894, connect the north and south

London district as a whole.


The design of the tower bridge has a certain status in the world bridge construction.


On both sides of the bridge is two towers made of granite and steel , about 60 meters high, consists of

two layers.


Upper one holds up on both sides of the tower, the lower deck can let pedestrians pass, also available for



If ship horns, both sides of the lower deck automatically cock, pedestrians can be diverted from the upper

to through at this time.


Bridge with shops, bars, even in the rain and snow day, pedestrians can also shopping, chat or watch in

the bridge overlooking scenery on both sides.


From the appearance, the twe ends of the tower bridge is a Victorian brick tower, but in fact the tower

structure is mainly steel.


Bridge contained hydraulic machinery used to open and close the 1000-ton-weigh bridge brace.


Tower bridge’s mechanical function works well since built, never break down.


Since the great ship horns, the rising mechanical rises it takes only a minute to rise the bridge.


Tower bridge is designed to simultaneously meet the needs of the two aspects of shipping and the road traffic.


The tower bridge museum member explained, at that time all the bridges were built in the west of the bridge, with middle Victorian London started eastward expansion along with the development of the trade, people considered to build a bridge to ease traffic, but dock boss had opposite opinion that it will prevent their ships from through the bridge,and it was discussed for many years and finally built the tower bridge, it can let the ship through the open deck, and bridge' levels deck was available for the carriage to walk. Every half bridge deck that can be turned over has the weight of more than 1000 tons.


Tower bridge has been fully operational since 1895 bridge and opened a total of 6000 times, opens every week on average.


Tower bridge need 25 people responsible for its operation and maintenance.


Head of beidege,Patterson said opening deck need five individuals, a person in the control room , the other four outside monitoring road conditions.

塔桥两端由4座石塔连接, 两座主塔高35米,方正厚重,风格古朴,远望如两顶皇冠,雄奇壮伟。

On both ends of the tower bridge is four stone tower connection, two main tower are 35 meters high, thick, founder of primitive simplicity style, look like as two crown,magnificent.


Visitors can walk through on tower bridge, need no charge.


Visitors can take the elevator up to the tower bridge from the north, watch the bridge structural engineering, and then walk through the river Thames on the bridge of air channels , see the river Thames and the both sides of the beautiful scenery.


Tower has a showroom which for visitors to learn the history of the bridge and working conditions.


At Westminster Bridge(behind the houses of parliament ),cruise company offer the Thames river tour every day(from the houses of parliament to tower bridge), stroke is nearly 1 hour, boat fee is about 8 pounds.


Visiting the tower bridge museum and "Belfast" warships will charge, and is not cheap.


Both ends of tower bridge are connected by four stone towers , two main tower are 43.455 meters tall.


Two bridge foundations in the river are 7.6 meters tall, and 76 meters apart.


London's tower bridge is a suspension bridge,at first is a wooden bridge,then change to a stone bridge, it now owns six lanes of concrete structure bridge.


London's tower bridge can open the following bridge, two of the river bridge foundation is 7.6 meters tall, are 76 meters apart, the bridge foundation with two towering quadrate main tower, square five layers for the granite and the structure of the steel tower, 43.455 meters high, with white marble on two main tower roof are five small minarets, look like two crown.


The span between the two tower for more than 60 meters, bridge foundation are connected on both sides of the steel cable suspension bridge.


Bridge is divided into upper and lower two layers, the upper is for broad dangling sidewalks, and pedestrians pass, from the bridge windows on both sides people can get a good view of the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river Thames,and the lower layer is for vehicles to pass.

当泰晤士河上有万吨船只通过时,主塔内机器启动,桥身慢慢分 开,向上折起,船只过后,桥身慢慢落下,恢复车辆通行。

When ten thousand tons of ships on the river Thames through then the machine starts, the main tower bridge slowly open, fold up, after the ship passing, bridge falls slowly, to restore the traffic.


Two flexible bridge deck, each weighs 1000 tons.


Watching far from tower bridge, the twin towers are very spectacular.


Bridge tower with up and down stairs, museums, exhibition halls, shops, bars, etc.


Up to the tower, we can enjoy the river Thames miles upstream and downstream.


If meet the mist locking bridge, the landscape is a spectacular scenery, tower bridge with mistis is one of the city beauty of London.


On river or from the bridge we can see British "Belfast"warships stop at the nearby river , this is reserved since the second world war, which is the most complete ships that British retained.



London's Tower Bridge, is a suspension Bridge, located in London, across the river Thames, named after the deep near of the Tower of London,if the first Bridge from the river Thames outfall(the number of bridge

on the river is 15), is also a symbol of London.


The bridge was founded in 1886, open to the public on June 30, 1894, connect the north and south

London district as a whole.


The design of the tower bridge has a certain status in the world bridge construction.


On both sides of the bridge is two towers made of granite and steel , about 60 meters high, consists of

two layers.


Upper one holds up on both sides of the tower, the lower deck can let pedestrians pass, also available for



If ship horns, both sides of the lower deck automatically cock, pedestrians can be diverted from the upper

to through at this time.


Bridge with shops, bars, even in the rain and snow day, pedestrians can also shopping, chat or watch in

the bridge overlooking scenery on both sides.


From the appearance, the twe ends of the tower bridge is a Victorian brick tower, but in fact the tower

structure is mainly steel.


Bridge contained hydraulic machinery used to open and close the 1000-ton-weigh bridge brace.


Tower bridge’s mechanical function works well since built, never break down.


Since the great ship horns, the rising mechanical rises it takes only a minute to rise the bridge.


Tower bridge is designed to simultaneously meet the needs of the two aspects of shipping and the road traffic.


The tower bridge museum member explained, at that time all the bridges were built in the west of the bridge, with middle Victorian London started eastward expansion along with the development of the trade, people considered to build a bridge to ease traffic, but dock boss had opposite opinion that it will prevent their ships from through the bridge,and it was discussed for many years and finally built the tower bridge, it can let the ship through the open deck, and bridge' levels deck was available for the carriage to walk. Every half bridge deck that can be turned over has the weight of more than 1000 tons.


Tower bridge has been fully operational since 1895 bridge and opened a total of 6000 times, opens every week on average.


Tower bridge need 25 people responsible for its operation and maintenance.


Head of beidege,Patterson said opening deck need five individuals, a person in the control room , the other four outside monitoring road conditions.

塔桥两端由4座石塔连接, 两座主塔高35米,方正厚重,风格古朴,远望如两顶皇冠,雄奇壮伟。

On both ends of the tower bridge is four stone tower connection, two main tower are 35 meters high, thick, founder of primitive simplicity style, look like as two crown,magnificent.


Visitors can walk through on tower bridge, need no charge.


Visitors can take the elevator up to the tower bridge from the north, watch the bridge structural engineering, and then walk through the river Thames on the bridge of air channels , see the river Thames and the both sides of the beautiful scenery.


Tower has a showroom which for visitors to learn the history of the bridge and working conditions.


At Westminster Bridge(behind the houses of parliament ),cruise company offer the Thames river tour every day(from the houses of parliament to tower bridge), stroke is nearly 1 hour, boat fee is about 8 pounds.


Visiting the tower bridge museum and "Belfast" warships will charge, and is not cheap.


Both ends of tower bridge are connected by four stone towers , two main tower are 43.455 meters tall.


Two bridge foundations in the river are 7.6 meters tall, and 76 meters apart.


London's tower bridge is a suspension bridge,at first is a wooden bridge,then change to a stone bridge, it now owns six lanes of concrete structure bridge.


London's tower bridge can open the following bridge, two of the river bridge foundation is 7.6 meters tall, are 76 meters apart, the bridge foundation with two towering quadrate main tower, square five layers for the granite and the structure of the steel tower, 43.455 meters high, with white marble on two main tower roof are five small minarets, look like two crown.


The span between the two tower for more than 60 meters, bridge foundation are connected on both sides of the steel cable suspension bridge.


Bridge is divided into upper and lower two layers, the upper is for broad dangling sidewalks, and pedestrians pass, from the bridge windows on both sides people can get a good view of the beautiful scenery on both sides of the river Thames,and the lower layer is for vehicles to pass.

当泰晤士河上有万吨船只通过时,主塔内机器启动,桥身慢慢分 开,向上折起,船只过后,桥身慢慢落下,恢复车辆通行。

When ten thousand tons of ships on the river Thames through then the machine starts, the main tower bridge slowly open, fold up, after the ship passing, bridge falls slowly, to restore the traffic.


Two flexible bridge deck, each weighs 1000 tons.


Watching far from tower bridge, the twin towers are very spectacular.


Bridge tower with up and down stairs, museums, exhibition halls, shops, bars, etc.


Up to the tower, we can enjoy the river Thames miles upstream and downstream.


If meet the mist locking bridge, the landscape is a spectacular scenery, tower bridge with mistis is one of the city beauty of London.


On river or from the bridge we can see British "Belfast"warships stop at the nearby river , this is reserved since the second world war, which is the most complete ships that British retained.


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