1. 销售组合 marketing mix 2 竞争招数 competitive device 3 畅销 sell well 4 产品摆放 product display 5 产品销售收入 sales revenue
6. 支付费用 cover costs 7 盈亏平衡点 break-even point 8 利润目标 profit goal 9 季节性商品seasonal merchandise 10 索价 charge a price for sth
11. 业务支出 business expense 12 运输费用 shipping charge13 特定的价格 specified price 14 均衡价格 equilibrium price 15 垄断monopoly 16 不公平竞争unfair competition
17 经济物品economic goods 18 差别定价 price discrimination 19 价格组合 price mixing 20 维持转售价格 resale price maintenance 21 欺诈性定价 deceptive pricing 22 贵宾客户 preferred customer 23暂不出货 withhold shipment 24 信贷条款 credit terms 25 年率 annual rate 26 盈利动机 profit motive 27 市场占有率 market share 28 销售人员 sales staff 29 销售量 sales volume 30 市场地位 market position 31 行业领军人物 industry leader 32 目标收益 target return 33 法定垄断 legal monopoly 34 当时市价 current market price 35 分期偿还债务 installment debt 36 商品交易会 trade fair 37 付款期限 payment period 38. 币值波动 currency fluctuation 39 长期订单 long-term order 40 销售经理 sales manager 41 细分市场 market segment 42 目标市场营销 target marketing 43 营销计划 marketing program 44 非商标新产品 generic product 45 有限保修 limited warranty 46 直销 direct selling 47 分销点 distribution outlet 48 提高销售量 push up sales 49 房地产项目 real estate project 50 免费通话的 toll-free 51 电话销售 telemarketing 52抽奖 sweepstakes 53 租赁公司 rental firm 54 目标消费者target customer 55购买点广告 point-of-purchase advertising 56 优待券 trading stamp 57 传教士销售员missionary salesperson 58 订单争取者 order getters 59 订单承接者 order takers 60 贸易性推销员 trade salespersons 61 年末业绩考核 year-end performance appraisal
62. business logistics 企业物流 62. physical distribution 物资调运 63. materials management 物料管理 64 distribution engineering 65. logistics management 物流管理
66. supply-chain management 供应链管理 67. mass merchandiser 仓储市场
68. common-carrier transportation 由公共承运人担当的运输 69. finished goods成品
70. customer service 客户服务 71. inventory control 库存控制 72. protective packaging 保护性包装 73. order procession 订单处理 74. assembly line 装配线 75, wholesale customers批发客户 76. retail customers 零售客户 77. production schedule 生产排期 78. preferred supplier 首选供应商 79. wholesale license 批发许可证 80. retail sector 零售商 81. consumer spending power 消费者的消费能力 82. third-party provider 第三方供应商 83. logistics infrastructure 物流基础设施 84. distribution center 配送中心 85. shipping lane 船运航线 86. cargo capacity 货舱容积 87. multinational company 跨国公司 88. supply chain 供应链 89. material flow 物料流程 90. batch shipment 批量运输 91. sales margin 毛利率92. competitive advantage 竞争优势 93. brand awareness 商标意识 94. branded product 品牌产品 95. core competencies 核心竞争力 96. inventory management 库存管理97. downstream supply chain management 下游供应链管理 98. material movement 物料流转 99. performance indicator 绩效指标 100. demand forecasting 需求预测 101. on-hand inventory 现有库存102. storage facilities 存储能力 103. holding cost 持有成本 104. bonded logistics zone 保税物流园区105. export-processing center 出口加工中心 106. economies of scale 规模经济107. upscale consumers 高端消费者 108. housing bubble 房地产泡沫 109. banking system 银行体系 110. money order 汇票 111. overseas account 海外账户 112. letterof credit 信用证 113. bill of lading 提货单 114. telegraphic transfer 电汇 115. pension fund 养老基金 116.
profit-making organization 赢利性机构 117. interest-bearing loan 计息贷款 118. home mortgage loan 住房抵押贷款 119. intellectual property 知识产权 120. patent infringement 专利侵权
1. 销售组合 marketing mix 2 竞争招数 competitive device 3 畅销 sell well 4 产品摆放 product display 5 产品销售收入 sales revenue
6. 支付费用 cover costs 7 盈亏平衡点 break-even point 8 利润目标 profit goal 9 季节性商品seasonal merchandise 10 索价 charge a price for sth
11. 业务支出 business expense 12 运输费用 shipping charge13 特定的价格 specified price 14 均衡价格 equilibrium price 15 垄断monopoly 16 不公平竞争unfair competition
17 经济物品economic goods 18 差别定价 price discrimination 19 价格组合 price mixing 20 维持转售价格 resale price maintenance 21 欺诈性定价 deceptive pricing 22 贵宾客户 preferred customer 23暂不出货 withhold shipment 24 信贷条款 credit terms 25 年率 annual rate 26 盈利动机 profit motive 27 市场占有率 market share 28 销售人员 sales staff 29 销售量 sales volume 30 市场地位 market position 31 行业领军人物 industry leader 32 目标收益 target return 33 法定垄断 legal monopoly 34 当时市价 current market price 35 分期偿还债务 installment debt 36 商品交易会 trade fair 37 付款期限 payment period 38. 币值波动 currency fluctuation 39 长期订单 long-term order 40 销售经理 sales manager 41 细分市场 market segment 42 目标市场营销 target marketing 43 营销计划 marketing program 44 非商标新产品 generic product 45 有限保修 limited warranty 46 直销 direct selling 47 分销点 distribution outlet 48 提高销售量 push up sales 49 房地产项目 real estate project 50 免费通话的 toll-free 51 电话销售 telemarketing 52抽奖 sweepstakes 53 租赁公司 rental firm 54 目标消费者target customer 55购买点广告 point-of-purchase advertising 56 优待券 trading stamp 57 传教士销售员missionary salesperson 58 订单争取者 order getters 59 订单承接者 order takers 60 贸易性推销员 trade salespersons 61 年末业绩考核 year-end performance appraisal
62. business logistics 企业物流 62. physical distribution 物资调运 63. materials management 物料管理 64 distribution engineering 65. logistics management 物流管理
66. supply-chain management 供应链管理 67. mass merchandiser 仓储市场
68. common-carrier transportation 由公共承运人担当的运输 69. finished goods成品
70. customer service 客户服务 71. inventory control 库存控制 72. protective packaging 保护性包装 73. order procession 订单处理 74. assembly line 装配线 75, wholesale customers批发客户 76. retail customers 零售客户 77. production schedule 生产排期 78. preferred supplier 首选供应商 79. wholesale license 批发许可证 80. retail sector 零售商 81. consumer spending power 消费者的消费能力 82. third-party provider 第三方供应商 83. logistics infrastructure 物流基础设施 84. distribution center 配送中心 85. shipping lane 船运航线 86. cargo capacity 货舱容积 87. multinational company 跨国公司 88. supply chain 供应链 89. material flow 物料流程 90. batch shipment 批量运输 91. sales margin 毛利率92. competitive advantage 竞争优势 93. brand awareness 商标意识 94. branded product 品牌产品 95. core competencies 核心竞争力 96. inventory management 库存管理97. downstream supply chain management 下游供应链管理 98. material movement 物料流转 99. performance indicator 绩效指标 100. demand forecasting 需求预测 101. on-hand inventory 现有库存102. storage facilities 存储能力 103. holding cost 持有成本 104. bonded logistics zone 保税物流园区105. export-processing center 出口加工中心 106. economies of scale 规模经济107. upscale consumers 高端消费者 108. housing bubble 房地产泡沫 109. banking system 银行体系 110. money order 汇票 111. overseas account 海外账户 112. letterof credit 信用证 113. bill of lading 提货单 114. telegraphic transfer 电汇 115. pension fund 养老基金 116.
profit-making organization 赢利性机构 117. interest-bearing loan 计息贷款 118. home mortgage loan 住房抵押贷款 119. intellectual property 知识产权 120. patent infringement 专利侵权