The cleverness of this logo is twofold. The arrow points from a to z, referring to all that is available on Amazon.com, and it doubles as a satisfied smile (with dimple). 首先,Logo中有一个橙色的箭头。这个箭头从第一个英文字母a指到最后一个英文字母z,代表:亚马逊网站应有尽有。
Most are familiar with the peacock in the NBC logo, but it's still easy to overlook. 美国全国广播公司的标志,注意中间的留白——这是一只孔雀,而不是花瓣哦!
This cool logo for Sony's computers represents the brand's integration of analog and digital technology. The 'VA' is designed as an analog waveform, the 'IO' is binary code. 索尼电脑的这张LOGO很好的表现了他们品牌对数字科技和象形物体的整合."VA"被设计成一个波浪的形状,而"IO"看上去像是二进制算法中的"1"和"0",专业又大气。
The FedEx logo hides an arrow in its negative space. Even a glance subliminally inspires thoughts of efficiency and forward motion. 还记得那句广告词吗?联邦快递,使命必达。没错,联邦快递的LOGO暗藏了一个箭头,这使人在一眼看到他之后潜意识就会觉得FedEx是高效和高行动力的公司
5、Tour de France(环法自行车赛)
Slightly more abstract than the other examples, the Tour de France logo contains a well-integrated biker. 相比较于其他的例子环法自行车赛的LOGO相对抽象,它巧妙的把文字和一辆自行车结合了起来。自行车,你找到了吗?
6、Baskin Robbins(巴斯罗宾冰淇淋)
This logo, introduced in 2005, cleverly uses the company's initials to advertise its number of ice cream flavors (31). 这张2005年发布的LOGO很巧妙的运用公司名字的缩写表达了他们贩售多少种口味的冰激凌(31种).
See the dancing bear in the mountain? The design is a tribute to the Swiss town where the chocolate was developed. 你看出来藏在图形中的那只正在跳舞的棕熊了吗?这个LOGO的设计是为了向巧克力的发源地Swiss Town(瑞士小镇)致敬.
8、Jack In The Box(玩偶匣)
The old logo of this fast food chain features a not-so-subliminal Ichthys (or "Jesus fish"). The religious component of this design is merely hypothesized. 这家快餐店的老版LOGO包含了一条形象的Ichthys(也叫耶稣鱼)在里面。这多少可以让我们感受到一些宗教的含义。
9、Milwaukee Brewers(密尔沃基酿酒人队)
It's easy to miss the second meaning of this throwback logo from the baseball team. The mitt is obvious, but the built-in letters usually elude the viewer.这个棒球队的LOGO让我们很容易遗漏掉他的第二含义。我们可以很容易就看出一只棒球手套,但是却往往忽略了它是由字母(M&B)组成的。
The not-so-hidden design within this logo conjures up feelings of togetherness and friendship over chips and salsa.这个LOGO用略显直白的设计勾起了我们那些和朋友一起吃薯片配salsa酱的美好时光.
11、Sun Microsystems(太阳微系统公司,美国计算机公司)
Before it was bought by Oracle, Sun was a major computer manufacturer. Its logo is a perfect ambigram; it can be read from any direction. (Note also that the graphic doesn't actually include any s's, merely artfully arranged u's and n's.) Sun在被Oracle收购之前是一家主营电脑的制造商.这个LOGO是一个完美的多向图形,这使得你可以从任何角度去看它.(另外,仔细看会发现图形并没有任何的字母"S",只是巧妙的摆放了不同朝向的"u"和"n")
This market data research company incorporated the binary code spelling of their name. Using blue squares as ones and grey squares as zeros, 1010000 (80) is the top line, while 0010100 (20) is the bottom. 这家搞市场数据研究的公司把公司的名字用二进制法则拼写.使用蓝色的方块代表1,灰色的方块代表0,则第一行就是1010000(80),而第二行则是0010100(20)。
13、Presbyterian Church(基督教长老会)
This church's logo is brimming with symbolism; there are 8 different symbols buried in the main image. 这家教堂的LOGO充斥着象形符号,小小的一个LOGO就运用了8种不同的符号。
Some think the LG logo is a Pac-Man reference (requires a bit of imagination). The smiling, winking face is more apparent (but only slightly). 有些人认为LG的LOGO是模仿吃豆小人(需要一点点的想象力).然而它更像是一个眨着眼的笑脸.
The soda brand's latest campaign in Denmark points out something you may have missed; the Danish flag (with a bulge) embedded in the white script.在图中放大的地方可以发现可口可乐的LOGO中包含着一面丹麦国旗。这是为什么呢?原来,可口可乐一直有个说法,说自己卖的不是简单的可乐,而是“快乐”。于是,可口可乐想尽一切法子“开启快乐”(Open Happiness)。正好可口可乐在丹麦哥本哈根的代理公司麦肯发现了一个有趣的巧合:可口可乐的英文Logo中隐含着丹麦的国旗图案。而丹麦被有关国际组织评定为世界上最快乐的国家。那么,如何利用这一图案上的巧合,以及丹麦“最快乐国家”的身份,为可口可乐所用呢?麦肯想到了丹麦人带着自己国家国旗去机场接人的习惯,于是有了下面这个创意:他们把一面面丹麦国旗隐含在巨大的可口可乐logo海报中,从而让每一个到达哥本哈根的人享受到一个非常快乐,非常“可乐”的欢迎。
The cleverness of this logo is twofold. The arrow points from a to z, referring to all that is available on Amazon.com, and it doubles as a satisfied smile (with dimple). 首先,Logo中有一个橙色的箭头。这个箭头从第一个英文字母a指到最后一个英文字母z,代表:亚马逊网站应有尽有。
Most are familiar with the peacock in the NBC logo, but it's still easy to overlook. 美国全国广播公司的标志,注意中间的留白——这是一只孔雀,而不是花瓣哦!
This cool logo for Sony's computers represents the brand's integration of analog and digital technology. The 'VA' is designed as an analog waveform, the 'IO' is binary code. 索尼电脑的这张LOGO很好的表现了他们品牌对数字科技和象形物体的整合."VA"被设计成一个波浪的形状,而"IO"看上去像是二进制算法中的"1"和"0",专业又大气。
The FedEx logo hides an arrow in its negative space. Even a glance subliminally inspires thoughts of efficiency and forward motion. 还记得那句广告词吗?联邦快递,使命必达。没错,联邦快递的LOGO暗藏了一个箭头,这使人在一眼看到他之后潜意识就会觉得FedEx是高效和高行动力的公司
5、Tour de France(环法自行车赛)
Slightly more abstract than the other examples, the Tour de France logo contains a well-integrated biker. 相比较于其他的例子环法自行车赛的LOGO相对抽象,它巧妙的把文字和一辆自行车结合了起来。自行车,你找到了吗?
6、Baskin Robbins(巴斯罗宾冰淇淋)
This logo, introduced in 2005, cleverly uses the company's initials to advertise its number of ice cream flavors (31). 这张2005年发布的LOGO很巧妙的运用公司名字的缩写表达了他们贩售多少种口味的冰激凌(31种).
See the dancing bear in the mountain? The design is a tribute to the Swiss town where the chocolate was developed. 你看出来藏在图形中的那只正在跳舞的棕熊了吗?这个LOGO的设计是为了向巧克力的发源地Swiss Town(瑞士小镇)致敬.
8、Jack In The Box(玩偶匣)
The old logo of this fast food chain features a not-so-subliminal Ichthys (or "Jesus fish"). The religious component of this design is merely hypothesized. 这家快餐店的老版LOGO包含了一条形象的Ichthys(也叫耶稣鱼)在里面。这多少可以让我们感受到一些宗教的含义。
9、Milwaukee Brewers(密尔沃基酿酒人队)
It's easy to miss the second meaning of this throwback logo from the baseball team. The mitt is obvious, but the built-in letters usually elude the viewer.这个棒球队的LOGO让我们很容易遗漏掉他的第二含义。我们可以很容易就看出一只棒球手套,但是却往往忽略了它是由字母(M&B)组成的。
The not-so-hidden design within this logo conjures up feelings of togetherness and friendship over chips and salsa.这个LOGO用略显直白的设计勾起了我们那些和朋友一起吃薯片配salsa酱的美好时光.
11、Sun Microsystems(太阳微系统公司,美国计算机公司)
Before it was bought by Oracle, Sun was a major computer manufacturer. Its logo is a perfect ambigram; it can be read from any direction. (Note also that the graphic doesn't actually include any s's, merely artfully arranged u's and n's.) Sun在被Oracle收购之前是一家主营电脑的制造商.这个LOGO是一个完美的多向图形,这使得你可以从任何角度去看它.(另外,仔细看会发现图形并没有任何的字母"S",只是巧妙的摆放了不同朝向的"u"和"n")
This market data research company incorporated the binary code spelling of their name. Using blue squares as ones and grey squares as zeros, 1010000 (80) is the top line, while 0010100 (20) is the bottom. 这家搞市场数据研究的公司把公司的名字用二进制法则拼写.使用蓝色的方块代表1,灰色的方块代表0,则第一行就是1010000(80),而第二行则是0010100(20)。
13、Presbyterian Church(基督教长老会)
This church's logo is brimming with symbolism; there are 8 different symbols buried in the main image. 这家教堂的LOGO充斥着象形符号,小小的一个LOGO就运用了8种不同的符号。
Some think the LG logo is a Pac-Man reference (requires a bit of imagination). The smiling, winking face is more apparent (but only slightly). 有些人认为LG的LOGO是模仿吃豆小人(需要一点点的想象力).然而它更像是一个眨着眼的笑脸.
The soda brand's latest campaign in Denmark points out something you may have missed; the Danish flag (with a bulge) embedded in the white script.在图中放大的地方可以发现可口可乐的LOGO中包含着一面丹麦国旗。这是为什么呢?原来,可口可乐一直有个说法,说自己卖的不是简单的可乐,而是“快乐”。于是,可口可乐想尽一切法子“开启快乐”(Open Happiness)。正好可口可乐在丹麦哥本哈根的代理公司麦肯发现了一个有趣的巧合:可口可乐的英文Logo中隐含着丹麦的国旗图案。而丹麦被有关国际组织评定为世界上最快乐的国家。那么,如何利用这一图案上的巧合,以及丹麦“最快乐国家”的身份,为可口可乐所用呢?麦肯想到了丹麦人带着自己国家国旗去机场接人的习惯,于是有了下面这个创意:他们把一面面丹麦国旗隐含在巨大的可口可乐logo海报中,从而让每一个到达哥本哈根的人享受到一个非常快乐,非常“可乐”的欢迎。