



James Joyce is widely recognized as one of the great masters in the twentieth century British literature world. "Dubliners", his early works, is a Collected Stories consists of fifteen realistic short stories. The Collected Stories uses Dublin, which is the hometown of Joyce as the background. Joyce tells us about the city's social reality in the late 19th century vividly, which was insensitive, dark and lifeless. The Collected Stories is divided into four parts, thatis childhood, adolescence, adulthood and social life, and it reveals the prevailing social and political, economic and moral paralysis. "Araby" is the third one of the "childhood", which describes a juvenile pursues romantic love and his upset and pain after the gilt is off.

In the story, Joyce shows the confusion, loneliness and pain that the hero experiences in the process of self-understanding and going to be mature by describing the hero ’s complex inner world. The hero is an innocent and unmatured teenager and he lives on "North Richmond Street". His residence is surrounded by some of the gloomy buildings , dark and damp gardens and muddy alley. However, the hero thinks that it’s okay. It is until he is in love with "Mangan's sister" that he has a sense of loneliness and loss, for he doesn’t know what love is or how to express his love to the girl. When the girl who he misses all the day talks to him actively and tells him that he should go to the "Araby", his thinking has changed and he is eager to go to the market to buy a gift for his beloved girl. So we can say that the "Araby" brings him hope and temptation and is the symbol of the goal that the hero explores and pursues. So, the process of going to the "Araby" is a symbol of the hero’s growing-up experience. However, when he finally reaches the market hard, "Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service." When he recognizes the purpose of his coming to the market difficultly, he "went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets". But what he sees is a girl flirting with two British men. Their frivolous words are opposite to the holy and pure love in his mind. Then he is lost and do esn’t know the reasons. He feels the love in his mind has been violated. At that time, he finally recognizes that the social reality is dark and rotten. So he "Gazing up into the darkness, I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger." Thus, he realizes that any good ideals will eventually become vain in such society.

Through this story, Joyce reveals the darkness and rottenness of the Irish society in the late 19th century. And he hopes that the Irishman can pluck themselves up, shake off the shackles of the church and come back to alive and dynamic.




James Joyce is widely recognized as one of the great masters in the twentieth century British literature world. "Dubliners", his early works, is a Collected Stories consists of fifteen realistic short stories. The Collected Stories uses Dublin, which is the hometown of Joyce as the background. Joyce tells us about the city's social reality in the late 19th century vividly, which was insensitive, dark and lifeless. The Collected Stories is divided into four parts, thatis childhood, adolescence, adulthood and social life, and it reveals the prevailing social and political, economic and moral paralysis. "Araby" is the third one of the "childhood", which describes a juvenile pursues romantic love and his upset and pain after the gilt is off.

In the story, Joyce shows the confusion, loneliness and pain that the hero experiences in the process of self-understanding and going to be mature by describing the hero ’s complex inner world. The hero is an innocent and unmatured teenager and he lives on "North Richmond Street". His residence is surrounded by some of the gloomy buildings , dark and damp gardens and muddy alley. However, the hero thinks that it’s okay. It is until he is in love with "Mangan's sister" that he has a sense of loneliness and loss, for he doesn’t know what love is or how to express his love to the girl. When the girl who he misses all the day talks to him actively and tells him that he should go to the "Araby", his thinking has changed and he is eager to go to the market to buy a gift for his beloved girl. So we can say that the "Araby" brings him hope and temptation and is the symbol of the goal that the hero explores and pursues. So, the process of going to the "Araby" is a symbol of the hero’s growing-up experience. However, when he finally reaches the market hard, "Nearly all the stalls were closed and the greater part of the hall was in darkness. I recognized a silence like that which pervades a church after a service." When he recognizes the purpose of his coming to the market difficultly, he "went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets". But what he sees is a girl flirting with two British men. Their frivolous words are opposite to the holy and pure love in his mind. Then he is lost and do esn’t know the reasons. He feels the love in his mind has been violated. At that time, he finally recognizes that the social reality is dark and rotten. So he "Gazing up into the darkness, I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger." Thus, he realizes that any good ideals will eventually become vain in such society.

Through this story, Joyce reveals the darkness and rottenness of the Irish society in the late 19th century. And he hopes that the Irishman can pluck themselves up, shake off the shackles of the church and come back to alive and dynamic.


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