

毕业于中央美术学院建筑学院,受过优秀的建筑与艺术的专业教育与训练,作为CAA 的创始人与工作核心,在空间创作中逐渐形成独特的兼备建筑感与艺术感的空间风格,表现出对艺术表现形式与空间情感的极强的掌控能力,他主持的团队作品涵盖广泛的城市,建筑,时尚,艺术,生活设计领域,均获得很高评价。

2004年,在他26岁时,就为中国顶级时尚品牌“东田造型”设计了首家旗舰店,之后带领CAA 与其建立了战略合作关系,很好的将时尚与建筑相融合在一起,成为东田造型集团全系列品牌的合作空间设计师。

2005年,创立CAA 设计联合(Core of Arch. & Art Association/建筑与艺术的核心联合)。

2008年“东田造型无锡店” 获得被誉为中国空间设计领域奥斯卡的“金外滩奖”的最佳商业空间奖和最佳色彩运用奖。

2008年,他受美国CH 集团邀请赴美,主持设计在洛杉矶比华利山的超大型私人豪宅和在南加州数十万平米的葡萄酒庄园。



中国 北京 朝阳区 东三环中路39号 建外SOHO16号楼2303

Liu Haowei

Liu Haowei was graduated from Affiliated Middle School and the Department of Architecture at Central Fine Art Academy, he established CAA(Core of Arch. & Art Association)in the year of 2005.

Haowei received professional education and training of outstanding architecture and art, as the founder and core of CAA, he formed the unique style gradually both architectural and artistic in the process of space design,showed strong control ability to art form and emotional space, he presided over the team works cover a wide range of city, building, fashion, art, life design field, all got a high value.

In 2004,when Haowei was 26 years old, he designed the first flagship store for chinese top fashion brand Tony Studio, since then leaded CAA established a strategic partnership with them. He made fashion and architecture fused together, became all series of brand group cooperation space

designer.His design masterpiece the Tony Studio Wuxi Store was awarded best commercial space and best colour solution by “Golden Beach Award” in 2008.

Haowei was invited to visit USA in 2008 by CH Group, to chair the design project of private chateau in Beverley Hills in Los Angeles, and the wine yards in South California.

In 2009,Haowei was entrusted by the State Ministry of Railway to undertake the mission of interior design for the new generation train cabins,Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed railway. Haowei has

meanwhile been invited to design studios and residences for celebrities and elites from all social circles including Xuqing, Chenkun, Zhengjun, Li Dongtian, Zhang Yadong, Lindan, Chenman etc..

中国 北京 朝阳区 东三环中路39号 建外SOHO16号楼2303


毕业于中央美术学院建筑学院,受过优秀的建筑与艺术的专业教育与训练,作为CAA 的创始人与工作核心,在空间创作中逐渐形成独特的兼备建筑感与艺术感的空间风格,表现出对艺术表现形式与空间情感的极强的掌控能力,他主持的团队作品涵盖广泛的城市,建筑,时尚,艺术,生活设计领域,均获得很高评价。

2004年,在他26岁时,就为中国顶级时尚品牌“东田造型”设计了首家旗舰店,之后带领CAA 与其建立了战略合作关系,很好的将时尚与建筑相融合在一起,成为东田造型集团全系列品牌的合作空间设计师。

2005年,创立CAA 设计联合(Core of Arch. & Art Association/建筑与艺术的核心联合)。

2008年“东田造型无锡店” 获得被誉为中国空间设计领域奥斯卡的“金外滩奖”的最佳商业空间奖和最佳色彩运用奖。

2008年,他受美国CH 集团邀请赴美,主持设计在洛杉矶比华利山的超大型私人豪宅和在南加州数十万平米的葡萄酒庄园。



中国 北京 朝阳区 东三环中路39号 建外SOHO16号楼2303

Liu Haowei

Liu Haowei was graduated from Affiliated Middle School and the Department of Architecture at Central Fine Art Academy, he established CAA(Core of Arch. & Art Association)in the year of 2005.

Haowei received professional education and training of outstanding architecture and art, as the founder and core of CAA, he formed the unique style gradually both architectural and artistic in the process of space design,showed strong control ability to art form and emotional space, he presided over the team works cover a wide range of city, building, fashion, art, life design field, all got a high value.

In 2004,when Haowei was 26 years old, he designed the first flagship store for chinese top fashion brand Tony Studio, since then leaded CAA established a strategic partnership with them. He made fashion and architecture fused together, became all series of brand group cooperation space

designer.His design masterpiece the Tony Studio Wuxi Store was awarded best commercial space and best colour solution by “Golden Beach Award” in 2008.

Haowei was invited to visit USA in 2008 by CH Group, to chair the design project of private chateau in Beverley Hills in Los Angeles, and the wine yards in South California.

In 2009,Haowei was entrusted by the State Ministry of Railway to undertake the mission of interior design for the new generation train cabins,Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed railway. Haowei has

meanwhile been invited to design studios and residences for celebrities and elites from all social circles including Xuqing, Chenkun, Zhengjun, Li Dongtian, Zhang Yadong, Lindan, Chenman etc..

中国 北京 朝阳区 东三环中路39号 建外SOHO16号楼2303


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