注意:本次答题,除了个人信息和英译汉是汉语,其他都必须是英语作答 题型:
1、 名词解释,即给出缩写,请写出全名,或给出名称,请给出解释。10小题,共计20 分;
2、 填空题。30个空,共计30分;
3、 翻译。5小题,共计20 分;
4、 简答。4小题,共计30 分。
1. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议
2. VOIP: Voice over IP 互联网语音信息传播
3. B2C: Business to Consumer
4. EDI: Electronic Data Interchange电子数据交换
5. HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language 超文本标记语言
6.SOA :service-oriented architecture 基于服务的架构
7. SCM: Supply chain management
8. CRM:customer relationship management
9. URL:uniform (universal) resource locator
10. IP: Internet Protocol 因特网协议
11.FTP: File Transfer Protocol
11. Firewall: A specialized software application mounted on a server at the point where the company is connected to the Internet.
12. Privacy: A moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs.
13. E-marketing: Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies.
14. Bluetooth:A wireless standard for transmission of data between devices over short ranges (less than 100m).
15. Knowledge Management is the management of activities and processes for leveraging knowledge to enhance competitiveness through better use and creation of individual and collective knowledge resources.
16. Globalization refers to the move towards international trading in a single global market-place and also to blurring of social and cultural differences between countries.
17. Bandwidth: Indicates the speed at which data are transferred using a particular network media. It is measured in bits per second (bps).
18. Blog An online diary or news source prepared by an individual or a group of people.
19.Search-engine optimization (SEO) A structured approach used to increase the position of a company or its products in search-engine results according to selected keywords.
20. Strategy is definition of the future direction and actions of a company defined as approaches to achieve specific objectives.
21. Wi-Fi (‘wireless fidelity’): A high-speed wireless local-area network enabling wireless access to the Internet for mobile, office and home users.
1. The elements of IS strategy include business information strategy, IS functionality strategy and IS/IT strategy.
2. Six criteria that were used to assess the companies are Concept, Innovation, Execution, Traffic,Financing,Profile
3. Sell-side threats include intermediary threats and customer threats, while buy-side threats include supplier threats and intermediary threats .
4. Reasons for failed e-business strategies include Timing errors时间错误, Lack of creativity缺乏创造性, Offering free services提供免费的服务, Over-ambition过度的野心, Situation analysis形势分析, Objective setting目标制定, Strategy definition战略制定 and Implementation执行
5. In SLEPT framework, SLEPT stands for Social, Legal, Economic, Political and Technological factors.
6. Four different forms of organizational change组织变革 are tuning调整, adaptation适应, re-orientation重新定位 and re-creation再创造.
7. Types of virus include boot-sector virus引导区病毒, worms蠕虫病毒, macro-viruses宏病毒, E-mail attachment viruses电子邮件病毒, Trojan viruses特洛伊木马病毒, Hoax e-mail viruses恶作剧邮件病毒.
8. Methods for e-business create business value include adding value, reduce costs, manage risks, create new reality
9. Typical benefits of online services. (‘Six Cs) include Content内容 Customization定制, Community社区, Convenience便捷, Choice选择, Cost reduction成本消减
10. The four stages in the growth of ‘the digital marketing organization’(数字营销组织) are Ad hoc activity特别活动阶段, Focusing the effort专注努力阶段,Formalization形式化阶段, Institutionalizing capability制度化的能力.
11. Factors that governing e-commerce service adoption include cost of access, value proposition , ease of use, security and fear of the unknown
12.In SWOT analysis, S means Strengths, W means Weaknesses, O means Opportunities , T means Threats .
三、Some main knowledge
1. Disintermediation and reintermediation:
The removal of intermediaries such as distributors or brokers that formerly linked a company to its customers.
Reintermediation: 再媒
The creation of new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation.
2. The concepts of Intranet and Extranet.
A private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web
11. Factors that governing e-commerce service adoption include cost of access, value proposition , ease of use, security and fear of the unknown
12.In SWOT analysis, S means Strengths, W means Weaknesses, O means Opportunities , T means Threats .
三、Some main knowledge
1. Disintermediation and reintermediation:
The removal of intermediaries such as distributors or brokers that formerly linked a company to its customers.
Reintermediation: 再媒
The creation of new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation.
2. The concepts of Intranet and Extranet.
A private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web
publishing technology.
A service provided through Internet and web technology delivered by extending an intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers and collaborators.
3. Four different types of sell-side e-commerce:
1). Transactional e-commerce sites. 电子商务交易网站
2). Services-oriented relationship-building web sites.面向服务的关系建设网站
3). Brand-building sites.创牌网站
4). Portal, publisher or media sites.门户或媒介网站
4.E-marketing planning
E-marketing planning is a plan to achieve the marketing objectives of the e-business strategy.
电子营销计划是实现电子商务战略的营销目标的相关计划 Questions which describe E-marketing planning include:
1) Situation – where are we now?形势-我们现在在哪?
2) Objectives – where do we want to be?目标-我们想达到哪?
3) Strategy – how do we get there?战略-我们怎样达到?
4) Tactics – how exactly do we get there?战术-我们具体怎样做?
5) Action – what is our plan?行动-我们有什么计划?
6) Control – did we get there?控制-我们达到目标了吗?
5. Some questions apply equally to marketing include:
1) Who are our customers?
2) How are their needs changing?
3 )Which do we target?
4) How can we add value?
5)How do we become first choice?
6. Two main types of auction, and why companies use auction?
1) Forward, upward or English auction (initiated by seller).
2) Reverse, downward or Dutch auction (initiated by buyer).
Companies may use reverse auctions to rationalize suppliers in a particular spending category and source new components in an area they are unfamiliar with.
7. E-procurement and ‘Five rights of purchasing’
E-procurement is the electronic integration and management of all procurement activities including purchase request, authorization, ordering, delivery and payment between a purchaser and a supplier. ‘Five rights of purchasing’:
1)at the right price
2)delivered at the right time
3)of the right quality
4)of the right quantity
5)from the right source
8. Characteristics of information include:
1) Reach: This refers to the potential number of customers a business can interact with. 可达性:指经营业务可以接触到的潜在客户数量。
2) Richness: The Internet enables more detailed information about products, prices and availability to be made available. It also enables more interactivity and customization to engage customers and to provide more up-to-date information. 丰富性:互联网能够使产品、价格和实用性等信息更详细、有效,也能更具有交互性和针对性地为客户提供信息,而且所提供的信息能得到及时更新。
3) Affiliation: This refers to the effectiveness of links with partners. 联合性,指与伙伴联合的效应。
9. The elements of site design include:
1) Site design and structure –the overall structure of the site.
2) Page design – the layout of individual pages.
3)Content design – how the text and graphic content on each page is designed.
10. The concept of supply chain management?
Supply chain management (SCM) is the coordination of all supply activities of an organization from its suppliers and delivery of products to its customers.
11. Some different types of business model that can be facilitated by the web include: 网站支持的商业模式有:
1) E-shop 电子商店
2) E-procurement 电子采购
3) E-malls 电子商业街
4) E-auctions 电子拍卖
5) Virtual communities 虚拟社区
6) Collaboration platforms 平台
7) Third-party marketplaces 第三方市场
8) Value-chain integrators价值链整合
9) Value-chain service providers 价值链服务供应商
10) Information brokerage 信息发布
11) Trust and other services 信誉和其他服务
12. Knowledge include Explicit knowledge and Tacit knowledge:
Explicit knowledge: Knowledge that can be readily expressed and recorded within information systems.
Tacit knowledge: Mainly intangible knowledge that is typically intuitive and not recorded since it is part of the human mind.
13. What is the aim of situation analysis?
The aim of situation analysis is to understand the current and future environment in which the company operates in order that the strategic objectives are realistic in light of what is happening in the marketplace.
注意:本次答题,除了个人信息和英译汉是汉语,其他都必须是英语作答 题型:
1、 名词解释,即给出缩写,请写出全名,或给出名称,请给出解释。10小题,共计20 分;
2、 填空题。30个空,共计30分;
3、 翻译。5小题,共计20 分;
4、 简答。4小题,共计30 分。
1. HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol 超文本传输协议
2. VOIP: Voice over IP 互联网语音信息传播
3. B2C: Business to Consumer
4. EDI: Electronic Data Interchange电子数据交换
5. HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language 超文本标记语言
6.SOA :service-oriented architecture 基于服务的架构
7. SCM: Supply chain management
8. CRM:customer relationship management
9. URL:uniform (universal) resource locator
10. IP: Internet Protocol 因特网协议
11.FTP: File Transfer Protocol
11. Firewall: A specialized software application mounted on a server at the point where the company is connected to the Internet.
12. Privacy: A moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs.
13. E-marketing: Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital technologies.
14. Bluetooth:A wireless standard for transmission of data between devices over short ranges (less than 100m).
15. Knowledge Management is the management of activities and processes for leveraging knowledge to enhance competitiveness through better use and creation of individual and collective knowledge resources.
16. Globalization refers to the move towards international trading in a single global market-place and also to blurring of social and cultural differences between countries.
17. Bandwidth: Indicates the speed at which data are transferred using a particular network media. It is measured in bits per second (bps).
18. Blog An online diary or news source prepared by an individual or a group of people.
19.Search-engine optimization (SEO) A structured approach used to increase the position of a company or its products in search-engine results according to selected keywords.
20. Strategy is definition of the future direction and actions of a company defined as approaches to achieve specific objectives.
21. Wi-Fi (‘wireless fidelity’): A high-speed wireless local-area network enabling wireless access to the Internet for mobile, office and home users.
1. The elements of IS strategy include business information strategy, IS functionality strategy and IS/IT strategy.
2. Six criteria that were used to assess the companies are Concept, Innovation, Execution, Traffic,Financing,Profile
3. Sell-side threats include intermediary threats and customer threats, while buy-side threats include supplier threats and intermediary threats .
4. Reasons for failed e-business strategies include Timing errors时间错误, Lack of creativity缺乏创造性, Offering free services提供免费的服务, Over-ambition过度的野心, Situation analysis形势分析, Objective setting目标制定, Strategy definition战略制定 and Implementation执行
5. In SLEPT framework, SLEPT stands for Social, Legal, Economic, Political and Technological factors.
6. Four different forms of organizational change组织变革 are tuning调整, adaptation适应, re-orientation重新定位 and re-creation再创造.
7. Types of virus include boot-sector virus引导区病毒, worms蠕虫病毒, macro-viruses宏病毒, E-mail attachment viruses电子邮件病毒, Trojan viruses特洛伊木马病毒, Hoax e-mail viruses恶作剧邮件病毒.
8. Methods for e-business create business value include adding value, reduce costs, manage risks, create new reality
9. Typical benefits of online services. (‘Six Cs) include Content内容 Customization定制, Community社区, Convenience便捷, Choice选择, Cost reduction成本消减
10. The four stages in the growth of ‘the digital marketing organization’(数字营销组织) are Ad hoc activity特别活动阶段, Focusing the effort专注努力阶段,Formalization形式化阶段, Institutionalizing capability制度化的能力.
11. Factors that governing e-commerce service adoption include cost of access, value proposition , ease of use, security and fear of the unknown
12.In SWOT analysis, S means Strengths, W means Weaknesses, O means Opportunities , T means Threats .
三、Some main knowledge
1. Disintermediation and reintermediation:
The removal of intermediaries such as distributors or brokers that formerly linked a company to its customers.
Reintermediation: 再媒
The creation of new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation.
2. The concepts of Intranet and Extranet.
A private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web
11. Factors that governing e-commerce service adoption include cost of access, value proposition , ease of use, security and fear of the unknown
12.In SWOT analysis, S means Strengths, W means Weaknesses, O means Opportunities , T means Threats .
三、Some main knowledge
1. Disintermediation and reintermediation:
The removal of intermediaries such as distributors or brokers that formerly linked a company to its customers.
Reintermediation: 再媒
The creation of new intermediaries between customers and suppliers providing services such as supplier search and product evaluation.
2. The concepts of Intranet and Extranet.
A private network within a single company using Internet standards to enable employees to access and share information using web
publishing technology.
A service provided through Internet and web technology delivered by extending an intranet beyond a company to customers, suppliers and collaborators.
3. Four different types of sell-side e-commerce:
1). Transactional e-commerce sites. 电子商务交易网站
2). Services-oriented relationship-building web sites.面向服务的关系建设网站
3). Brand-building sites.创牌网站
4). Portal, publisher or media sites.门户或媒介网站
4.E-marketing planning
E-marketing planning is a plan to achieve the marketing objectives of the e-business strategy.
电子营销计划是实现电子商务战略的营销目标的相关计划 Questions which describe E-marketing planning include:
1) Situation – where are we now?形势-我们现在在哪?
2) Objectives – where do we want to be?目标-我们想达到哪?
3) Strategy – how do we get there?战略-我们怎样达到?
4) Tactics – how exactly do we get there?战术-我们具体怎样做?
5) Action – what is our plan?行动-我们有什么计划?
6) Control – did we get there?控制-我们达到目标了吗?
5. Some questions apply equally to marketing include:
1) Who are our customers?
2) How are their needs changing?
3 )Which do we target?
4) How can we add value?
5)How do we become first choice?
6. Two main types of auction, and why companies use auction?
1) Forward, upward or English auction (initiated by seller).
2) Reverse, downward or Dutch auction (initiated by buyer).
Companies may use reverse auctions to rationalize suppliers in a particular spending category and source new components in an area they are unfamiliar with.
7. E-procurement and ‘Five rights of purchasing’
E-procurement is the electronic integration and management of all procurement activities including purchase request, authorization, ordering, delivery and payment between a purchaser and a supplier. ‘Five rights of purchasing’:
1)at the right price
2)delivered at the right time
3)of the right quality
4)of the right quantity
5)from the right source
8. Characteristics of information include:
1) Reach: This refers to the potential number of customers a business can interact with. 可达性:指经营业务可以接触到的潜在客户数量。
2) Richness: The Internet enables more detailed information about products, prices and availability to be made available. It also enables more interactivity and customization to engage customers and to provide more up-to-date information. 丰富性:互联网能够使产品、价格和实用性等信息更详细、有效,也能更具有交互性和针对性地为客户提供信息,而且所提供的信息能得到及时更新。
3) Affiliation: This refers to the effectiveness of links with partners. 联合性,指与伙伴联合的效应。
9. The elements of site design include:
1) Site design and structure –the overall structure of the site.
2) Page design – the layout of individual pages.
3)Content design – how the text and graphic content on each page is designed.
10. The concept of supply chain management?
Supply chain management (SCM) is the coordination of all supply activities of an organization from its suppliers and delivery of products to its customers.
11. Some different types of business model that can be facilitated by the web include: 网站支持的商业模式有:
1) E-shop 电子商店
2) E-procurement 电子采购
3) E-malls 电子商业街
4) E-auctions 电子拍卖
5) Virtual communities 虚拟社区
6) Collaboration platforms 平台
7) Third-party marketplaces 第三方市场
8) Value-chain integrators价值链整合
9) Value-chain service providers 价值链服务供应商
10) Information brokerage 信息发布
11) Trust and other services 信誉和其他服务
12. Knowledge include Explicit knowledge and Tacit knowledge:
Explicit knowledge: Knowledge that can be readily expressed and recorded within information systems.
Tacit knowledge: Mainly intangible knowledge that is typically intuitive and not recorded since it is part of the human mind.
13. What is the aim of situation analysis?
The aim of situation analysis is to understand the current and future environment in which the company operates in order that the strategic objectives are realistic in light of what is happening in the marketplace.