龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘要: 新差旅费管理办法的出台极大地规范了云南省高校公务出差的管理,提高了公务出差的实效性,是全面深化改革,特别是深化教育领域综合改革、加快推进教育治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大举措。如何更好更规范地执行新差旅费管理办法是当前我省高校急待解决的问题。本文结合新旧差旅费管理办法和云南省高校实际,对新差旅费管理办法“三提两严一放”进行了详细解读,并提出了云南省高校在制定本校相关差旅费管理实施细则或实施办法时应当明确的事项,供高校同仁参考。
Abstract: The new management measures of business trip expenses has greatly standardized the universities' business trip management of Yunnan province, and has improved the effectiveness of business, which is a measure to deepen the comprehensive reform, especially the reform in education field, to attribute to the educational management system and the modernization of management ability. It is an urgent problem about how to better implement the new management measures of the business trip expenses in Yunnan universities. Combined with the new and old business trip management measures of Yunnan province, this paper expounds the three improvement, two restrictions and one relax in detail, and proposes the attention problems in formulating implementation affairs of business trip management measures of Yunnan province's universities, to provide some reference. 关键词: 高校;差旅费管理;三提两严一放;实施细则;具体建议
Key words: colleges and universities;business trip expenses management;three
improvement,two restrictions and one relax;the detailed rules for the implementation;specific recommendations
中图分类号:F812.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2014)23-0164-03 0引言
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
摘要: 新差旅费管理办法的出台极大地规范了云南省高校公务出差的管理,提高了公务出差的实效性,是全面深化改革,特别是深化教育领域综合改革、加快推进教育治理体系和治理能力现代化的重大举措。如何更好更规范地执行新差旅费管理办法是当前我省高校急待解决的问题。本文结合新旧差旅费管理办法和云南省高校实际,对新差旅费管理办法“三提两严一放”进行了详细解读,并提出了云南省高校在制定本校相关差旅费管理实施细则或实施办法时应当明确的事项,供高校同仁参考。
Abstract: The new management measures of business trip expenses has greatly standardized the universities' business trip management of Yunnan province, and has improved the effectiveness of business, which is a measure to deepen the comprehensive reform, especially the reform in education field, to attribute to the educational management system and the modernization of management ability. It is an urgent problem about how to better implement the new management measures of the business trip expenses in Yunnan universities. Combined with the new and old business trip management measures of Yunnan province, this paper expounds the three improvement, two restrictions and one relax in detail, and proposes the attention problems in formulating implementation affairs of business trip management measures of Yunnan province's universities, to provide some reference. 关键词: 高校;差旅费管理;三提两严一放;实施细则;具体建议
Key words: colleges and universities;business trip expenses management;three
improvement,two restrictions and one relax;the detailed rules for the implementation;specific recommendations
中图分类号:F812.4 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-4311(2014)23-0164-03 0引言