


1)…I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than take his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them------I will ignore him on most our assignments and deliver them directly to people who need them .I prefer to do so because I do not want to take up his time and delay their delivery .


2)He turns scarlet with rage and embarrassment if he has not seen or heard of it.-------His face turns red because of rage and embarrassment .He is extremely angry because the narrator does not show due respect to him as his boss, He feels embarrassed because it is considered his neglect of duty not to have seen or heard of it.

3)These exercises in malice never fail to boost my spirits.---------Every time I do these exercises with ill desire to harm others, I feel I am in a much better mood…This is a dark satire on his inability to do anything against those he dislikes.


1. Why do salesmen still feel pressure upon them when they are doing well?

答:when salesmen are doing well, there is pressure upon them to begin doing better, also they fear they may start doing worse.

2. What kind of life are salesmen leading?

答:Salesmen often eat excessively at dinner parties with their clients, and they are also worried about their future .Otherwise, they are vigorous , struggling for success. They have to lead a life under great pressure for vanity.


1. The result of photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny

and discussion throughout the company of how well or how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time.


2. It’s a real problem to decide whether it’s more boring to do something boring than to pass

along everything boring that comes in to somebody else and then have nothing to do at all. 我真的不知道到底是做些烦心的事让人烦心,还是把所有烦心的事都交给别人去做,而自己什么都不做更让人烦心。


1.。。。答:they don’t sure any sign before they lost their temper.

=absolutely , one is stupid if he is certain about…

=after one wins in each challenge and feels extremely excited ,he will feel dull.


27)laid its spell on the very quick of her being -------Her mother’s sad life cast a strong influence on the deepest of her feelings.


8) Why was she in two minds about leaving home ?

答:she couldn’t leave her aged father and her young brothers who needed her care.

9) what made her suddenly decide to go to the boat station?

答:A remembrance of her mother’s suffering life made her suddenly decide to go to the boat station.


1. Her head was leaned against the window curtain ,and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty



6. … she was again in the close , dark room at the other side of the hall and outside she heard a melancholy air of Italy.



1. =the gradual darkness of the night .

=Time was passing quickly and it was time to make the decision.


17)…… confines himself to only one pungent footnote on this subject.---- He does no more than putting only one footnote on this subject .( In other words, he doesn’t want to attach much importance to it . )A footnote lacks importance and prominence.

37)……I still think the word was not only in the beginning but will be in the end .----------….I still think this medium of printed words not only founded the mass communication industry but will also continue to play the most important role in the future.


A4.What does the author think about TV program as a whole?

答:The author thinks that TV programmes cater far too much to the lowest instincts of man ,particularly the lust for violence. Televisions provide a wide range of opinions and background information , but television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate.


B3. Television lives on advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers , and since advertising is big business ,advertising is by nature Republican.


B6.Television also provides a wide range of opinion by setting up for or five experts and letting them knock each other down.

电视还通过让四五位专家相互辩论的形式提供一系列广泛的观点。 B7.And this resistance to change is the end of growth----which, in turns, marks the end of usefulness.

反对变化就是停止发展,进而意味着报纸没有任何作用。 英译英:

E4)….letting them =attack and criticize each other

E7)……=that improves quality of news and makes it better than the ads of dogfood


33.they are likely to end up alone

=they are likely to remain widows.


A1.What is it like to be old in the united states?

答:Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. To be old in the United States means that you may have to suffer from age discrimination, poverty and chronic health problems.

A4.Why is old age a tragedy for many elderly Americans? What are the problems they confront?

答:American people have shaped a society which is extremely harsh to live in when one is old .They have to confront poverty, drastically lowered income ,age discrimination is employment and illnesses .They are also easy targets for crime in the streets and in

their homes .They may be scolded by bus drivers for their slowness. 英译中:

B1. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. 衰老是人类生命周期中被忽视的继子。

B4. We base our feelings on primitive fears, prejudice and stereotypes rather than on knowledge and insight.


B7.Age discrimination in employment is unrestrained ,with arbitrary retirement practices and bias against hiring older people for available jobs.


英译英: =to ignored period that nobody cares about

E3 …


3.all are much bundled up --

4.and would ordinarily be called more comfortable looking ---in ordinary times you would say she is a cheerful ,relaxed looking woman .

18.I shouldn’t say she had the homemaking instinct .-----The country attorney thinks that Mrs. Wright is to blame for the cheerlessness of the place .He thinks it is because she lacks the instinct to make the home a cheerful place.


B4.I think I’d rather have you go into that upstairs, where you can point it all out .


B6.I suppose she felt she couldn’t do her part ,and then you don’t enjoy things when you feel shabby .


B7.She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively , when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir .



E2.I want you to know


21.but you know juries when it comes to women .

----Juries are always more sympathetic to women and we need convincing evidence to make them convict women .

英译英: =occupy her mind =hold herself back ,…………………………………….,speaks hesitantly in a low voice.




5.She’ll pop her lid ------She will be very angry.

11…you had the brains to get out of it .---- You were smart enough to leave the job .Note that Ace was fired by the boss ,but in the mother’s mouth her left the job on his own .This shows in the mother’s eyes ,Ace couldn’t do anything wrong .



1)…I will bypass him on most of our assignments rather than take his time and delay their delivery to people who have an immediate need for them------I will ignore him on most our assignments and deliver them directly to people who need them .I prefer to do so because I do not want to take up his time and delay their delivery .


2)He turns scarlet with rage and embarrassment if he has not seen or heard of it.-------His face turns red because of rage and embarrassment .He is extremely angry because the narrator does not show due respect to him as his boss, He feels embarrassed because it is considered his neglect of duty not to have seen or heard of it.

3)These exercises in malice never fail to boost my spirits.---------Every time I do these exercises with ill desire to harm others, I feel I am in a much better mood…This is a dark satire on his inability to do anything against those he dislikes.


1. Why do salesmen still feel pressure upon them when they are doing well?

答:when salesmen are doing well, there is pressure upon them to begin doing better, also they fear they may start doing worse.

2. What kind of life are salesmen leading?

答:Salesmen often eat excessively at dinner parties with their clients, and they are also worried about their future .Otherwise, they are vigorous , struggling for success. They have to lead a life under great pressure for vanity.


1. The result of photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny

and discussion throughout the company of how well or how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time.


2. It’s a real problem to decide whether it’s more boring to do something boring than to pass

along everything boring that comes in to somebody else and then have nothing to do at all. 我真的不知道到底是做些烦心的事让人烦心,还是把所有烦心的事都交给别人去做,而自己什么都不做更让人烦心。


1.。。。答:they don’t sure any sign before they lost their temper.

=absolutely , one is stupid if he is certain about…

=after one wins in each challenge and feels extremely excited ,he will feel dull.


27)laid its spell on the very quick of her being -------Her mother’s sad life cast a strong influence on the deepest of her feelings.


8) Why was she in two minds about leaving home ?

答:she couldn’t leave her aged father and her young brothers who needed her care.

9) what made her suddenly decide to go to the boat station?

答:A remembrance of her mother’s suffering life made her suddenly decide to go to the boat station.


1. Her head was leaned against the window curtain ,and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty



6. … she was again in the close , dark room at the other side of the hall and outside she heard a melancholy air of Italy.



1. =the gradual darkness of the night .

=Time was passing quickly and it was time to make the decision.


17)…… confines himself to only one pungent footnote on this subject.---- He does no more than putting only one footnote on this subject .( In other words, he doesn’t want to attach much importance to it . )A footnote lacks importance and prominence.

37)……I still think the word was not only in the beginning but will be in the end .----------….I still think this medium of printed words not only founded the mass communication industry but will also continue to play the most important role in the future.


A4.What does the author think about TV program as a whole?

答:The author thinks that TV programmes cater far too much to the lowest instincts of man ,particularly the lust for violence. Televisions provide a wide range of opinions and background information , but television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate.


B3. Television lives on advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers , and since advertising is big business ,advertising is by nature Republican.


B6.Television also provides a wide range of opinion by setting up for or five experts and letting them knock each other down.

电视还通过让四五位专家相互辩论的形式提供一系列广泛的观点。 B7.And this resistance to change is the end of growth----which, in turns, marks the end of usefulness.

反对变化就是停止发展,进而意味着报纸没有任何作用。 英译英:

E4)….letting them =attack and criticize each other

E7)……=that improves quality of news and makes it better than the ads of dogfood


33.they are likely to end up alone

=they are likely to remain widows.


A1.What is it like to be old in the united states?

答:Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. To be old in the United States means that you may have to suffer from age discrimination, poverty and chronic health problems.

A4.Why is old age a tragedy for many elderly Americans? What are the problems they confront?

答:American people have shaped a society which is extremely harsh to live in when one is old .They have to confront poverty, drastically lowered income ,age discrimination is employment and illnesses .They are also easy targets for crime in the streets and in

their homes .They may be scolded by bus drivers for their slowness. 英译中:

B1. Aging is the neglected stepchild of the human life cycle. 衰老是人类生命周期中被忽视的继子。

B4. We base our feelings on primitive fears, prejudice and stereotypes rather than on knowledge and insight.


B7.Age discrimination in employment is unrestrained ,with arbitrary retirement practices and bias against hiring older people for available jobs.


英译英: =to ignored period that nobody cares about

E3 …


3.all are much bundled up --

4.and would ordinarily be called more comfortable looking ---in ordinary times you would say she is a cheerful ,relaxed looking woman .

18.I shouldn’t say she had the homemaking instinct .-----The country attorney thinks that Mrs. Wright is to blame for the cheerlessness of the place .He thinks it is because she lacks the instinct to make the home a cheerful place.


B4.I think I’d rather have you go into that upstairs, where you can point it all out .


B6.I suppose she felt she couldn’t do her part ,and then you don’t enjoy things when you feel shabby .


B7.She used to wear pretty clothes and be lively , when she was Minnie Foster, one of the town girls singing in the choir .



E2.I want you to know


21.but you know juries when it comes to women .

----Juries are always more sympathetic to women and we need convincing evidence to make them convict women .

英译英: =occupy her mind =hold herself back ,…………………………………….,speaks hesitantly in a low voice.




5.She’ll pop her lid ------She will be very angry.

11…you had the brains to get out of it .---- You were smart enough to leave the job .Note that Ace was fired by the boss ,but in the mother’s mouth her left the job on his own .This shows in the mother’s eyes ,Ace couldn’t do anything wrong .


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