
简介The mid-21st century, as a result of climate warming, melting ice caps north and south poles, the Earth many cities have been submerged in a vast expanse of water in the. At this point, the human science and technology has reached a very high level of artificial intelligence is that human beings invented the robot to cope with the worst one of the natural environment of scientific and technological means.

观后感 Today finally put admire already a long time in the 2001 science fiction film finished, couldn't help exclaim 1 "god is!!!" I don't talk nonsense, plot is too touching! When David abandoned by mother, when he and machine teddy bear together, through the tough time, when he believed in fairy tales, Pinocchio, the blue fairy can turn themselves into reality, so my mother would love him, when he from she fell into the ocean at the end of the world at that moment, when he saw the blue fairy, at the bottom of the sea constantly pray for her, this is two thousand... Two thousand years later, the human existence, as a friendly alien saved him from being frozen sea, he's still pray... Every moment, it is so touching. Every picture is so shock aestheticism, every scene, is so touching... A robot of artificial intelligence can actually "love" interpretation so deep, touched, Thorough, incisively and vividly, touching

When he saw the real blue fairy illusion (aliens), the blue fairy promised he could put the mother to life, but must have the wreckage, and only a day! This day is the happiest day of David life!

简介The mid-21st century, as a result of climate warming, melting ice caps north and south poles, the Earth many cities have been submerged in a vast expanse of water in the. At this point, the human science and technology has reached a very high level of artificial intelligence is that human beings invented the robot to cope with the worst one of the natural environment of scientific and technological means.

观后感 Today finally put admire already a long time in the 2001 science fiction film finished, couldn't help exclaim 1 "god is!!!" I don't talk nonsense, plot is too touching! When David abandoned by mother, when he and machine teddy bear together, through the tough time, when he believed in fairy tales, Pinocchio, the blue fairy can turn themselves into reality, so my mother would love him, when he from she fell into the ocean at the end of the world at that moment, when he saw the blue fairy, at the bottom of the sea constantly pray for her, this is two thousand... Two thousand years later, the human existence, as a friendly alien saved him from being frozen sea, he's still pray... Every moment, it is so touching. Every picture is so shock aestheticism, every scene, is so touching... A robot of artificial intelligence can actually "love" interpretation so deep, touched, Thorough, incisively and vividly, touching

When he saw the real blue fairy illusion (aliens), the blue fairy promised he could put the mother to life, but must have the wreckage, and only a day! This day is the happiest day of David life!


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