
Sixty Second Adventures of Econonics:

Number 2 The Paradox of Thrift


Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it’s better to save or spend.

就和孩子得到零花钱时的问题一样, 经济学最大的问题之一仍然是:把钱存起来好还是花掉好,。

Free marketeer like Hayek and Milton Friedman say that even in diffiuclt times it’s best to be thrifty and save. Banks then channel the saving into investment, in new plants, skills and techniques that let us produce more.


And even if this new technology destroys jobs, wages will drop and businesses hire more people --- so the unemployment falls again. Simple. At least in the long run.


But then a “live-fast-die-young” kind of chap called John Maynard Keynes cheerfully pointed out that “in the long run, we are all dead”.


So to avoid misery of unemployment, the government should instead spend money to create jobs. 所以,为了避免失业的穷困,政府反倒是应该花钱去创造工作。

Wheras if the government tightens its belt when people and buisnesses are doing the same, less is spent, so the unemployment even gets worse.


That is the paradox of thrift.


So instead they should spend now and tax later when everyone’s happy to pay. Though, making people happy to pay tax is something even Keynes didn’t solve.


Sixty Second Adventures of Econonics:

Number 2 The Paradox of Thrift


Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it’s better to save or spend.

就和孩子得到零花钱时的问题一样, 经济学最大的问题之一仍然是:把钱存起来好还是花掉好,。

Free marketeer like Hayek and Milton Friedman say that even in diffiuclt times it’s best to be thrifty and save. Banks then channel the saving into investment, in new plants, skills and techniques that let us produce more.


And even if this new technology destroys jobs, wages will drop and businesses hire more people --- so the unemployment falls again. Simple. At least in the long run.


But then a “live-fast-die-young” kind of chap called John Maynard Keynes cheerfully pointed out that “in the long run, we are all dead”.


So to avoid misery of unemployment, the government should instead spend money to create jobs. 所以,为了避免失业的穷困,政府反倒是应该花钱去创造工作。

Wheras if the government tightens its belt when people and buisnesses are doing the same, less is spent, so the unemployment even gets worse.


That is the paradox of thrift.


So instead they should spend now and tax later when everyone’s happy to pay. Though, making people happy to pay tax is something even Keynes didn’t solve.



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