
  这是一座充满活力的城市。四海宾朋,总能在这里找到交流与合作的伙伴。一批批外国友人慕名而至,他们以惊喜的目光打量永康、体验永康、结缘永康。  国际会展中心的启用,对永康的经济发展产生了极大的促进作用。在中国五金博览会龙头带动下,以五金产业和中国科技五金城市场为依托,新兴的文化产业—会展业蓬勃发展,扩大了永康的国际交流与合作。  永康正以自信的姿态走向世界。  2012年9月,第17届中国五金博览会将如期启幕。这座五金名城处处洋溢着喜庆的气氛,形如“金凤凰”的永康国际会展中心已敞开了宽广的胸怀,期待着与世界各国的嘉宾作一次热情的拥抱。???(本版摄影:徐恩东)  A city of vitality and friendship, Yongkang attracts people from all over the world to find partners for exchanges and cooperation. Foreign friends gravitate to Yongkang, appreciating the amazing experience and opportunities the city offers.  Since its inception in 2011, International Conference & Exhibition Center has played a significant part in boosting the local economy. With China Hardware Exposition as the key event and backup of the hardware industry and China High-Tech Hardware Town, the exhibition industry of Yongkang, an emerging cultural phenomenon, is flourishing and invigorating the city’s international exchanges and cooperation.  With full confidence, Yongkang is going international.  As the 17th China Hardware Exposition is scheduled for September 2012, Yongkang, the hardware powerhouse of China, abounds with festivities. Looking like a golden phoenix, Yongkang International is eager to embrace all the friends and visitors coming from home and abroad.

  这是一座充满活力的城市。四海宾朋,总能在这里找到交流与合作的伙伴。一批批外国友人慕名而至,他们以惊喜的目光打量永康、体验永康、结缘永康。  国际会展中心的启用,对永康的经济发展产生了极大的促进作用。在中国五金博览会龙头带动下,以五金产业和中国科技五金城市场为依托,新兴的文化产业—会展业蓬勃发展,扩大了永康的国际交流与合作。  永康正以自信的姿态走向世界。  2012年9月,第17届中国五金博览会将如期启幕。这座五金名城处处洋溢着喜庆的气氛,形如“金凤凰”的永康国际会展中心已敞开了宽广的胸怀,期待着与世界各国的嘉宾作一次热情的拥抱。???(本版摄影:徐恩东)  A city of vitality and friendship, Yongkang attracts people from all over the world to find partners for exchanges and cooperation. Foreign friends gravitate to Yongkang, appreciating the amazing experience and opportunities the city offers.  Since its inception in 2011, International Conference & Exhibition Center has played a significant part in boosting the local economy. With China Hardware Exposition as the key event and backup of the hardware industry and China High-Tech Hardware Town, the exhibition industry of Yongkang, an emerging cultural phenomenon, is flourishing and invigorating the city’s international exchanges and cooperation.  With full confidence, Yongkang is going international.  As the 17th China Hardware Exposition is scheduled for September 2012, Yongkang, the hardware powerhouse of China, abounds with festivities. Looking like a golden phoenix, Yongkang International is eager to embrace all the friends and visitors coming from home and abroad.


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