
人生只有一次, 如何找到目标

Your job is important and part of what defines you as who you are. However, in order to be truly successful in life you need to be balanced. After fifteen years in the Information Technology industry, I have learned a few lessons that have helped me maintain my sanity at work.




Key for me has always been to have hobbies and interests out side of work. It doesn't matter what you do, but you need time away from your work, time away from your family and time that is strictly yours for enjoyment. This blog for example is one of my new hobbies and a way to stretch my mind. For others it might be some board game or even something like Geocaching (Ties into the active life I talk about below). Without hobbies, or at least a time to decompress, I feel that by the end of the week I'm dead and no use to my family all weekend long.

工作之余的爱好和兴趣对我来说很重要。做什么并不重要,关键是你拥有完全属于自己享受的时间,不去想工作和家庭。举个例子,这个博客就是我的新爱好之一,用来表达自己的想法。还有一些游戏或甚至像 Geocaching(我下面将谈到的户外运动) 。没有爱好,或者解压的时间,我想在周末时我已经精疲力尽,没有什么可以带给家人。



Put family first... This doesn't mean to be a clock watcher at work, but make sure that you leave your work at work and make time for your family. I have kids and I make sure I'm there for supper almost every night. Make sure that you spend time with your wife, husband, significant other (And watching TV doesn't count). My life overall runs a lot better when I make sure I give time to my wife and kids.

把家庭放在首位……这并不是指工作时一味想着回家的时间,但一定要抽出时间给家人。我有孩子,我几乎每天都和他们一起吃晚餐。记得多陪陪你的妻子、丈夫和其他重要家人(仅看电视是不行的) 。我只要有时间和妻子孩子在一起,我的生活总体感觉还不错。 Active life


This is my #1. If I don't run, play soccer, rock climb or do something active, I tend to be grumpy and irritable. This is the way I deal with my stress, this is not only something that makes me feel good, but it means that when I'm at work, I can focus on work.


Take time a few times a week, look at what is offered in your area and go for it. If you can't find anything, consider running. Running is easy to get started and cheap... You can also do it anywhere in the world. I've traveled quite a bit in life and running is something that you can do no matter where you are (Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation when its below 25°C and you need the right gear, but you still can do it).

一周几次,就近取材。如果找不到合适的,考虑跑步。跑步不择场地,且成本不高,可是在世界上任何地方随时开始。我一生中旅行过很多次,跑步是不论在任何地方都能做到的(当气温低于25摄氏度时你会觉得没有动力,但是你还是可以做的) 。

Time for personal reflection


Personal reflection means that I take time for myself, make sure my life is where I want it to be, and if it isn't, to think about how I can get it to where I need it to be. I know this sounds cliche, but we only have one life to live and I feel like I'd better not waste mine. I love my work, my family and the experiences I have had in my life and taking the time to reflect makes me feel like all those goals I haven't reached yet are attainable if I stay focused and on course.


人生只有一次, 如何找到目标

Your job is important and part of what defines you as who you are. However, in order to be truly successful in life you need to be balanced. After fifteen years in the Information Technology industry, I have learned a few lessons that have helped me maintain my sanity at work.




Key for me has always been to have hobbies and interests out side of work. It doesn't matter what you do, but you need time away from your work, time away from your family and time that is strictly yours for enjoyment. This blog for example is one of my new hobbies and a way to stretch my mind. For others it might be some board game or even something like Geocaching (Ties into the active life I talk about below). Without hobbies, or at least a time to decompress, I feel that by the end of the week I'm dead and no use to my family all weekend long.

工作之余的爱好和兴趣对我来说很重要。做什么并不重要,关键是你拥有完全属于自己享受的时间,不去想工作和家庭。举个例子,这个博客就是我的新爱好之一,用来表达自己的想法。还有一些游戏或甚至像 Geocaching(我下面将谈到的户外运动) 。没有爱好,或者解压的时间,我想在周末时我已经精疲力尽,没有什么可以带给家人。



Put family first... This doesn't mean to be a clock watcher at work, but make sure that you leave your work at work and make time for your family. I have kids and I make sure I'm there for supper almost every night. Make sure that you spend time with your wife, husband, significant other (And watching TV doesn't count). My life overall runs a lot better when I make sure I give time to my wife and kids.

把家庭放在首位……这并不是指工作时一味想着回家的时间,但一定要抽出时间给家人。我有孩子,我几乎每天都和他们一起吃晚餐。记得多陪陪你的妻子、丈夫和其他重要家人(仅看电视是不行的) 。我只要有时间和妻子孩子在一起,我的生活总体感觉还不错。 Active life


This is my #1. If I don't run, play soccer, rock climb or do something active, I tend to be grumpy and irritable. This is the way I deal with my stress, this is not only something that makes me feel good, but it means that when I'm at work, I can focus on work.


Take time a few times a week, look at what is offered in your area and go for it. If you can't find anything, consider running. Running is easy to get started and cheap... You can also do it anywhere in the world. I've traveled quite a bit in life and running is something that you can do no matter where you are (Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation when its below 25°C and you need the right gear, but you still can do it).

一周几次,就近取材。如果找不到合适的,考虑跑步。跑步不择场地,且成本不高,可是在世界上任何地方随时开始。我一生中旅行过很多次,跑步是不论在任何地方都能做到的(当气温低于25摄氏度时你会觉得没有动力,但是你还是可以做的) 。

Time for personal reflection


Personal reflection means that I take time for myself, make sure my life is where I want it to be, and if it isn't, to think about how I can get it to where I need it to be. I know this sounds cliche, but we only have one life to live and I feel like I'd better not waste mine. I love my work, my family and the experiences I have had in my life and taking the time to reflect makes me feel like all those goals I haven't reached yet are attainable if I stay focused and on course.



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