
Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Being a normal, healthy nineteen-year-old, Rhona was in the habit of falling asleep the moment her head touched her pillow and not wakening up again until her mother called her at seven-thirty. When she awoke that morning in the grey light of early dawn, she had no idea what had disturbed her. Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four.

She sat up, listening, alert. There was definitely a smell of burning. Rising quickly, she crossed to the window and opened it quietly, thinking it would be the remains of some garden bonfire. But it wasn’t. She saw smoke and flames billowing out of a downstairs window next door.

Barefoot and in pyjamas, she ran first to her parents’ room, opening their door to call, ―Mum! Dad! There’s a fire next door!

Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialled 999 and gave her name and address in clear, brief tones. By the time she had finished, Graeme, her elder brother, was coming running downstairs.

―You go to their front door—I’ll go to the back, she said to him.

As she banged on their neighbors’ back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel, put her hand in and turned the key which opened the door.

Through the smoke she saw a drying screen hung with white washing and she grabbed at as many of the damp clothes as she could on her way past towards the stairs. Halfway up she met Mr Parker carrying the baby and she hurriedly gave him some wet towels before doing the same for Mrs Parker who was behind him leading

two-year-old Clare by the hand.

“Crouch down as low as you can,” Rhona directed them as she took the child’s other hand. Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.

66. Rhona woke up early in the morning because_________.

A. her mother called her for an emergency

B. she heard a baby crying in fear downstairs

C. she smelt something burning in the air

D. the alarm clock rang as she set it

67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Rhona, together with her brother, Graeme, went to the Parkers’ rescue.

B. The Parkers escaped from the burning house together.

C. Rhona broke into the house by back door after smashing the glass panel.

D. Rhona covered her mouth with the damp clothes before entering the Parkers’.

68. According to the article, Rhona can be best described as _________.

A. alert and timid B. courageous and stressed

C. panic and sympathetic D. decisive and responsive

69. It can be inferred that when the fire broke out, _________.

A. The Parkers were at a loss what to do

B. Rhona had a good knowledge of survival skills

C. Rhona showed the Parkers a safe fire escape

D. Rhona’s parents helped to save the scared children

Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.





Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Being a normal, healthy nineteen-year-old, Rhona was in the habit of falling asleep the moment her head touched her pillow and not wakening up again until her mother called her at seven-thirty. When she awoke that morning in the grey light of early dawn, she had no idea what had disturbed her. Then she imagined, or thought she imagined, a faint smell of smoke around her nostrils (鼻孔). What was strange, though, was the very fact that she was wide awake and, according to her bedside clock, it was only a quarter to four.

She sat up, listening, alert. There was definitely a smell of burning. Rising quickly, she crossed to the window and opened it quietly, thinking it would be the remains of some garden bonfire. But it wasn’t. She saw smoke and flames billowing out of a downstairs window next door.

Barefoot and in pyjamas, she ran first to her parents’ room, opening their door to call, ―Mum! Dad! There’s a fire next door!

Downstairs in a flash, she hurriedly dialled 999 and gave her name and address in clear, brief tones. By the time she had finished, Graeme, her elder brother, was coming running downstairs.

―You go to their front door—I’ll go to the back, she said to him.

As she banged on their neighbors’ back door, she could hear a child crying in fear. Without stopping to think, Rhona lifted the large doorstop and smashed it through a glass panel, put her hand in and turned the key which opened the door.

Through the smoke she saw a drying screen hung with white washing and she grabbed at as many of the damp clothes as she could on her way past towards the stairs. Halfway up she met Mr Parker carrying the baby and she hurriedly gave him some wet towels before doing the same for Mrs Parker who was behind him leading

two-year-old Clare by the hand.

“Crouch down as low as you can,” Rhona directed them as she took the child’s other hand. Within a matter of seconds the family was safely outside.

66. Rhona woke up early in the morning because_________.

A. her mother called her for an emergency

B. she heard a baby crying in fear downstairs

C. she smelt something burning in the air

D. the alarm clock rang as she set it

67. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Rhona, together with her brother, Graeme, went to the Parkers’ rescue.

B. The Parkers escaped from the burning house together.

C. Rhona broke into the house by back door after smashing the glass panel.

D. Rhona covered her mouth with the damp clothes before entering the Parkers’.

68. According to the article, Rhona can be best described as _________.

A. alert and timid B. courageous and stressed

C. panic and sympathetic D. decisive and responsive

69. It can be inferred that when the fire broke out, _________.

A. The Parkers were at a loss what to do

B. Rhona had a good knowledge of survival skills

C. Rhona showed the Parkers a safe fire escape

D. Rhona’s parents helped to save the scared children

Section B

Directions: Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.






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