

5 Lessons Dogs Can Teach Us About Happiness

Dogs are arguably man’s best friend. They have accompanied us since the dawn of time. Surprisingly, there are lots of life lessons that we can learn from them. Listen to these dog’s thoughts and learn the five lessons that dogs can teach us about happiness:


1.“Rub my tummy, please”


This very simple act alone is simple enough to make them happy. Likewise, we need to learn that happiness is actually simple.


Lesson that we can learn: Happiness is simple. It can be as simple as

spending the time with people you love. So when was the last time you went out on a date with your spouse? Do not let the busyness of life prevent you from spending quality time with the people you love.


2.“I can play with the water forever, simply because i enjoy it” “我可以一直玩水,就只是因为我喜欢”

Do you notice that your dog is always ready for some play time, be it chasing the ducks, playing with water, catching sticks with you? They seem to never get tired while playing.


Lesson that we can learn: Don’t allow your life to become nothing more than a series of chores and obligations. Figure out what you enjoy doing, then make it a priority at least once a week. Ride your bike, read a book, draw pictures – whatever it is that makes you smile, do that. And do it regularly.


3.“Let me curl my body near the fireplace and relax for a while” “让我蜷缩一下身体,然后放松一下”

After getting tired from playing and running around, your dog loves nothing more than curling their body beside you and just be still.


Lesson that we can learn: Happiness can be found in quiet moments. In a chaotic world, sometimes we need some personal time to just sit back, be quiet, and reflect on everything.


4.“What? The neighbor dog stole my ball? Well, I don’t really mind. We can play the ball together”


When you study animal packs, there is rarely a conflict, as the members of the pack solve their problems . They don’t hold a grudge or worry about what happened yesterday.


Lesson that we can learn: Do not hold grudges. Forgiveness gives us back our power, as we regain a sense of wholeness, peace, and the ability to move on with our lives.


5.“I don’t want to play ball alone, play with me please”


A dog seldom plays with the ball by herself. She can get to it any time, but the ball on its own is boring. Her joy comes in the interaction. She wants me to throw the ball. She wants me to chase her. She wants me to ask her to give it back.


Lesson that we can learn: Things won’t make you happy. People will. Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while and make plans to get together.



5 Lessons Dogs Can Teach Us About Happiness

Dogs are arguably man’s best friend. They have accompanied us since the dawn of time. Surprisingly, there are lots of life lessons that we can learn from them. Listen to these dog’s thoughts and learn the five lessons that dogs can teach us about happiness:


1.“Rub my tummy, please”


This very simple act alone is simple enough to make them happy. Likewise, we need to learn that happiness is actually simple.


Lesson that we can learn: Happiness is simple. It can be as simple as

spending the time with people you love. So when was the last time you went out on a date with your spouse? Do not let the busyness of life prevent you from spending quality time with the people you love.


2.“I can play with the water forever, simply because i enjoy it” “我可以一直玩水,就只是因为我喜欢”

Do you notice that your dog is always ready for some play time, be it chasing the ducks, playing with water, catching sticks with you? They seem to never get tired while playing.


Lesson that we can learn: Don’t allow your life to become nothing more than a series of chores and obligations. Figure out what you enjoy doing, then make it a priority at least once a week. Ride your bike, read a book, draw pictures – whatever it is that makes you smile, do that. And do it regularly.


3.“Let me curl my body near the fireplace and relax for a while” “让我蜷缩一下身体,然后放松一下”

After getting tired from playing and running around, your dog loves nothing more than curling their body beside you and just be still.


Lesson that we can learn: Happiness can be found in quiet moments. In a chaotic world, sometimes we need some personal time to just sit back, be quiet, and reflect on everything.


4.“What? The neighbor dog stole my ball? Well, I don’t really mind. We can play the ball together”


When you study animal packs, there is rarely a conflict, as the members of the pack solve their problems . They don’t hold a grudge or worry about what happened yesterday.


Lesson that we can learn: Do not hold grudges. Forgiveness gives us back our power, as we regain a sense of wholeness, peace, and the ability to move on with our lives.


5.“I don’t want to play ball alone, play with me please”


A dog seldom plays with the ball by herself. She can get to it any time, but the ball on its own is boring. Her joy comes in the interaction. She wants me to throw the ball. She wants me to chase her. She wants me to ask her to give it back.


Lesson that we can learn: Things won’t make you happy. People will. Call a friend you haven’t seen in a while and make plans to get together.



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