关于高尔基 Gorky
I learn a story about Gorky from my elder brother. He loves books, such as life. Once, his room is on fire.He picks up the books at first. He doesn't care anything except books. He isnearly killed in the fire in order to save his books. He says books inspire histalent and mind. Hearing his story, I feel ashamed. I go to my room to tidy mybooks right away. 我从哥哥那里了解到高尔基的一个故事。他爱书如命。有一次,他的房间失火了。他首先拿起的是书。除了书,别的他什么都不在乎。为了抢救那些书,他差点被烧死。他说书启示着他的智慧和心灵。听着他的故事,我感到了很羞愧。我马上走回自己的房间收拾我的书。
关于高尔基 Gorky
I learn a story about Gorky from my elder brother. He loves books, such as life. Once, his room is on fire.He picks up the books at first. He doesn't care anything except books. He isnearly killed in the fire in order to save his books. He says books inspire histalent and mind. Hearing his story, I feel ashamed. I go to my room to tidy mybooks right away. 我从哥哥那里了解到高尔基的一个故事。他爱书如命。有一次,他的房间失火了。他首先拿起的是书。除了书,别的他什么都不在乎。为了抢救那些书,他差点被烧死。他说书启示着他的智慧和心灵。听着他的故事,我感到了很羞愧。我马上走回自己的房间收拾我的书。
My Childhood Summary: After reading this book I was shocked and moved by the little boy in the story. The writer let me ...查看
work 工作篇 don't gild the lily.不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足. (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . w .)i can live for two months on a good compliment. (mark tw ...查看
Hello everybody,I'm dolceux,long time no see,are you all ok now? 我根据有关材料整理了一些系列的词汇和表达法,推荐给大家,希望能够从中获益. 1 Homeros,荷马(约公元前 ...查看
one crowded hour of a glorious life is worth an age without a name. --walter scott 辉煌的一生中忙碌的一小时,抵得上碌碌无为的一世. --司各特 he who ...查看
WORK 工作篇 Don't gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足. (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .) I can live for two months on a good compliment. (Mark Tw ...查看
Don't gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足. (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .) I can live for two months on a good compliment. (Mark Twain , Ame ...查看
[导语]又到了毕业季,同学之间的毕业祝福是必不可少的.下面是本站为您整理的英文毕业经典祝福语,仅供大家参考. It is such a pleasure to congratulate you on your graduation.What ...查看
目录: 华盛顿致妻子的信 George Washington to His Wife 霍桑致妻子的信 Nathaniel Hawthorne to His Wife 海明威致女儿的信 Ernest Hemingway to His Daug ...查看
Home > 艺术家(artist)艺术家(artist) 搜作品 Search 高仿油画 仿真油画批发 设为主页 他们还看过: Leonidas at Thermopylae by Jacques-Louis Da Marie An ...查看