
第25卷第2期Vol 125, No 12

西华大学学报#自然科学版Journal of Xihua U niversity #Natural Science

2006年3月M ar 12006

文章编号:1673-159X(2006) 02-0048-03


孙福艳1, 魏金成1, 王 磊1, 吕宗旺2

(1. 西华大学电气信息学院, 四川成都610039; 2. 德昌电机(深圳) 有限公司, 广东深圳518125)

摘 要:提出了一个新的非线性动力学系统模型, 并对其进行了理论分析、仿真和硬件电路的实现。结果证明这种变型蔡氏电路为混沌通信和混沌现象的研究提供了一种新的混沌发生器。

关键词:混沌; 混沌通信; 非线性器件; 混沌发生器; 非线形二极管 中图分类号:T N 918


目前对于混沌通信的研究逐步深入, 已经有许多基于混沌同步的保密通信方法。然而目前能够用于混沌通信的混沌发生器还很少, 在一定程度上阻碍了混沌通信的实用化进程, 因而设计出性能好的混沌发生器对混沌和混沌通信的研究来说具有很大的参考价值。在混沌和混沌通信研究中, 最常用的是蔡氏双涡旋混沌电路, 其模型可描述为一个三阶非线性自治动力学系统。蔡氏电路只采用了一个非线性器件, 即一个三段线性的负阻, 并且蔡氏电路从整体结构来看是最简单的混沌发生器。此混沌发生器的动力学系统数学模型如下:

=y -py 2d S =-x +qy -r z d S =s(y -z ) d S

式中, p 、r 、s 为参数, 若p 、r 、s 一定, 随着q 的变化, 最终导致混沌吸引子的出现。

若保持蔡氏双涡旋混沌吸引子数学模型中的f (x ) 和a 、b 参数不变, 增加一个非线性函数g (y ) c , g (y ) c 是一个两段线形函数, 变型电路的原理如图1所示:

图1 变型蔡氏电路原理图

由变型蔡氏电路原理图可得如下的状态方程:d i L

=-U C 1d t d U C 1C 1=-(U C 1-U C 2) -f (x )

d t R V L C 2

d U C 2=(U C 1-U C 2) -f (x ) d t R V


1 变型蔡氏电路的工作原理与实现方法

蔡氏双涡旋混沌吸引子的数学模型可以用式(1) 表示:

=a(y -x -f (x ) c ) d S =x -y +z (1) d S =-b y d S

式中, f (x ) c =vx +(u -v ) (|x +1|-|x -1|) /2, a 、b 、u 和v 为参数。

设Z =R V i L , U C 1=y , U C 2=x , t =C 1R V S , R V f (x ) =f (x ) c , R V g(U C 1) =g (U C 1) c , 则

=a(y -x -f (x ) c ) d S =x -y +z +g (y ) c (3) d S =-by d S

C 1

式中, a ==10, b =C 1R 2L /L =18, f (x ) c =C 2

vx +(u -v ) (|x +1|-|x -1|) /2,

收稿日期:2005-07-12 改回日期:2005-11-10

作者简介:孙福艳(1979-) , 女, 黑龙江省海伦市人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向:混沌控制理论及其在保密通信中的应用。



u =-1137, v =-0174,


my y [0

g (y ) c = m 、n 为参数。

ny y >0

(3) 式来表示, 其中, 非线性器件N1为蔡氏二极管, 其原理如图2所示, N2也是一个非线形元件, 它能够实现非线形函数g (y ) c 的特性, 非线性元件

N2由两个受二极管控制的分段线性电阻和一个线性负阻并联构成, 其原理如图3

所示, 适当调整电阻R1和R2的阻值, 就可以得到不同的参数值。



使用PSPICE911对所实现的变型蔡氏电路进行仿真模拟研究, 在C2两端输出的结果如图5所示:

图5 变型蔡氏电路仿真输出图形

严格来说, 使用PSPICE911进行的仿真仍然是一种数据仿真, 它使用的仿真模型直接来自于实际硬件电路模型, 仿真结果是与示波器从实际硬件电路得到的结果是相近的。但是实际蔡氏电路会受外界许多因素的影响, 比如电源不稳定、人为调整电阻R1、R2和

R20阻值的偏差等, 故C2两端输出的波形与实际的波形很难完全一样。通过实际硬件电路可以得到


图2 蔡氏二极管N1的电路原理图

图3 非线形元件N2的电路原理图


图6 C2两端输出信号(时域图)

图4 变型蔡氏电路的电路原理图

图7 C 2两端输出信号



3 结论

本文作者提出了一种混沌发生器模型并对其进行了理论分析、仿真和硬件电路实现研究, 结果证明这种变型蔡氏电路为混沌通信和混沌现象的研究提供了一种新的混沌发生器。

参 考 文 献

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[5]G. Kol umban et al. FM -DCSK:A robust modulation sch eme for chaotic communications[J]. IEICE, 1998, E81-A(9) :1798-1802.

[6]Kol umban G, Kennedy M P, Chua L O. The role of s ynch ro -ni zation in digital commun i cati ons using chaos -Part I:Fundamentals of digital communications [J]. IEEE Trans. CAS -Ñ, 1997, 44(10) :927-936.

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3) 综合评判。对于信息无关量集合I 上的模糊集A ={a 1, a 2, , , a n }, 通过R 变换为趋向集上的模糊集, 即

B =A #R ={b 1, b 2, , , b m }


机器人足球队伍的智能化水平(主要表现为有效的团队协作以及高智能化的对抗水平) 。

参 考 文 献

[1]马光伟, 徐晋晖. Agent 思维状态模型[J]. 软件学报, 1999, 10(4) :342-347.

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式中b j =i =V 1(a k C r kj ) (j =1, 2, ... , m ) 。再将B 归一化, 即令

B c ={b 1. , b 2. ,. .. b m . }

式中b j . =b j /i 6 (j =1, 2, ... , m ) 。根据总体动=1作B c 趋向及最大隶属原则, 就可以对球员做出角色分配。

4) 计算综合决策值。即

N =B c#C



fuzzy rules and neural netw orks for soccer robot system [A]. IEE E Pro -ceedings of the First International Con feren ce on M achine learning and Cyberneti cs [C]. Beijing, 2002, 511-514.

[7]张 颖, 刘艳秋. 软计算方法[M ]. 北京:科学出版社, 2002. [8]贺仲雄, 阎 浩. 模糊信息分析决策支持系统[M ]. 北京:北方交通大学出版社, 1997.

[9]柳长安, 刘春阳, 李国栋. 基于模糊综合决策的足球机器人策略子系统[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2004, (7) .

式中C ={c 1, c 2,.. . , c m }是动作趋向集的一个权重分配, C T 是C 的转置矩阵。按普通矩阵的乘法, 就

可以得到综合决策值, 最后根据其值的大小便可找适合该对手的最佳策略。

3 结论

仿真实验的结果表明, 该策略针对不同的对手, 可以有效的抑制对手水平的正常发挥, 增强了己方

(责任编辑:陈 谨)

No. 2Journal of Xihua University #Natural Science 3

ulated under the same conditions. T he authors bring up an ap -proach to t he choice for a model and discuss the i ssues w hich should be taken into account w hen the compensat ion models are simulated based transient fuel compensation and Neural N et -w ork based transient fuel compensatio n.

Key words:gasoline Engine; transient fuel compensation (T FC) ; Neural Networ k(NN )

has been demonstr ated t hat this appro ach can design an op -amp to meet the r equirements r apidly.

Key words:adaptive genetic algor ithm (A GA) ; quas -i ex -actness penalization functio n; circuit -level synt hesis; cost func -tion

Implementation of Gathering Quadrature Signal Using Encoder with DI Channel Based on Visual Ba -sic Mult-i thread

QIU Xiao -chu (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) . JOURNAL OF XIHUA U -NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 142-44, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Development and Research of the Grinder NC 2050-A for Grinding Annular Enveloping Worm

W ANG Qiang, (School of M echanical Engineering and Automa -tion, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , LI Ya -yuan, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 134-36, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Abstract:T his paper puts fo rwards a method for gathering quadrature signal of enco der by the DI channel based on mult-i thr ead. It describes the principle of gather ing quadr ature sig nal of encoder and discusses the pr oblems involved in the mult-i thr ead under V isual Basic. A co rresponding method of hardw are and softw ar e is given. T he metho d can be applied to measure the angle and low rotary speed.

Key words:Visual Basic; thr ead; rotary encoder

Abstract:T he idea of desig ning and developing N C g rinder for grinding annular enveloping w orm is proposed. T he prob -lems of interpolation err or caused by the seriously unmatchable load of t he driven -ax is in the ser vomechanism ar e solved. As a r esult, the development and r esearch of gr inder achieve the t echnical target of the machine tool reconstruction.

Key words:N C g rinder; annular enveloping worm; gener -ating

Design of the Direct Torque Control System for

Study on Soccer Robot Strategy Based on Oppo -nents

HUANG Xin -yu(School of M echanical Engineering and Automa -tion, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , XIANG Zhong -fan. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 137-38, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Asynchronous Motors Based on TMS 320F 240DSP

YANG Wen -fang(Electricity and Informati on College of Xihua U -niversity, Chengdu 610039Sichuan ) , W ANG Jun. JOURNAL OF XI -HUA U NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 145-47, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:Dir ect torque control is a high performance con -trol method, which directly selects inverter . s switch sequence. According to the demands o f flux and torque, it makes the Asynchronous M otor run in ideal state. A DT C system based on T M S320F240DSP is desig ned. T he elements and the str uc -tures of its hardware and softw are are introduced w ith its flow chart. T he ex periment results sho w that the design scheme is feasible and the system . s performance is excellent.

Key words:asynchronous motor; direct tor que control; dig ital sig nal processor.

Abstract:One cr itical problem in robotic soccer is to adapt skills and the ov er all behavior in a changeable environment. T hrough the process of the opponent robots . infor mation, a strateg y based on v ar ious opponents is proposed. Exper imental r esults in simulation sho w that the method is co rrect and feas-i ble.

Key words:soccer robot; strategy; simulatio n

C ircui-t Level Synthesis of Op -amp Based on AGA

J IN Li(Electron i cs Department of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China) , L IU Qiao. JOU RNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 139-41, 2/2006. (IS SN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Implementation and Research of the Dynamic Caishi C haos C ircuit

SUN Fu -yan(Departmentof Electric and Engineering, W est China University, Chengdu 610039China) W EI Jin -cheng, et al. JOU RNAL OF XIH UA U NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 148-50, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:A circuit -level synthesis approach of o p -amp i s presented. T he method of quas-i exactness penalization function is used to produce cost functio n. Besides, as an optimal algo -r ithm, AGA can modify crossover probability and mutation it Abstract:T he ar ticle presented a new nonlinear model of

4Journal of Xihua University #Natural Science M ar. 2006

uated the circuitry. T he r esult of the evaluation is that the dy -namic Caishi circuit prov ides a new chaos generator to the chao tic communication and the investigation of chaos.

Key words:chaos; chaotic co mmunication; nonlinear com -po nent; chaotic generator; nonlinear diode

Abstract:T he conceit of applying Activity Based Costing to the enterpr ise of post transport is presented in this paper. T he ABC analysis on the post trucks of Cheng du Postal District T ransportation Center is put into practice. T he study conducted shows that the A ctivity -based costing is more beneficial than tradit ional costing.

Key words:activ ity based costing; post transportation; ac -tivity r esource

Noise Source Identification of the Surface Rad-i ation for the Gasoline Engine with Four Cylinders

W ANG Jian -zhong (M ianyang Xinchen Engine co. LTD. ) , HUANG Ha-i bo, et al. JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 151-53, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Research of Combined Prediction for C ity Traf -fic Flow Based on Genetic Algorithm

LEI Sheng (Second Public Transi t Company of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510660China) . JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERS IT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 160-63, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:It is crucial to exactly identify the engine noise source char acter for eng ine modification in order to reduce the noise and vibration. In the study, the authors adopt several measur ement methods, such as 1meter Sound Pressure Level (SPL ) , combustion noise, near field sound intensity , or der t racing technique, vibration etc. , to test the M P I 4cy linder g asoline engine, and find the main noise sources, and analyze t he effects under different eng ine speed and load. As a result, many refer ence and useful data ar e obtained for t he engine noise and vibration reduction of this mo del.

Key words:g asoline engine; noise source Identification; sound Intensity measurement; or der tracking technique

Abstract:T he intelligent T ranspor tation System is the best measure for the solution of t he urban traffic jam in the world, and for ecasting urban tr affic network is the premise for develop -ing urban intelligent tr anspor tat ion system. In this paper, some important fo recasting models, including the theory and charac -ter i stic, are discussed, and the factors influencing the forecast -ing model ar e di scussed. In the end, the combined prediction of city traffic flow based on genetic algor ithm is given using the characteristics of genetic algorit hm . s co lony search. T he new algorithm combines all kinds o f algor ithms, optimizes the pre -diction schemes, fully discovers the advantag es of differ ent alg o -rithms, and is proved to be practical and productive.

Key words:traffic flow ; genet ic alg orithm; combined pre -diction;

Design of the Electronic Controller for Automo -tive Sensotronic Brake Control System

ZHAO Shuang(School of Transportation and Automotive Engineer -ing, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , SUN Ren -yun, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 154-57, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Analysis of Ren-t Seek Game Behavior in Project Valuation W ay /Dual Track System 0

XU Qi ang(Facul ty of Construction M anagement an d Real Estate of Chongqing University ) , XIANG Yong. JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNI -VERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 164-65, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Ch-i nese)

Abstract:In this paper the authors design a kind of elec -tronic cont roller for automotive sensotronic brake control sys -tem, including the choosing of core disposal ship and the input/output signal processing circuits of t he system. T hrough the signals collected by every sensor , the SBC controller implements t he calculation, analysis and estimat ion for t he system according to t he controlling scheme of log ic gate limit value to control the brake system, and realize the intentio n of brake -by -w ire.

Key words:automotive SBC; controller design; brake -by -w ire

Abstract:Because evolutio nary reformation formed pr oject valuation way /dual track system 0and the mar ket w as unper -fect and unorder ed, the env ironment for producing r ent -seeking behav ior w as offered. T hroug h setting up the rent -seeking game model among investor, project executor, and contractor , this paper drew a conclusion of mix tactic Nashon -equilibr ium. T hen according to N ashon -equilibr ium conclusion, it analy zed the op -timum tactics of three sides under different conditions and pr o -posed the measur e of controlling rent -seeking behav ior.

Key w ords:project valuatio n way; dual track system; rent -seeking game

Application of Activity Based Costing to Post Transport

YIN Liang (School of Transportation and Automotive Engineer -ing, Xihua University, C hengdu 610039China) , YANG Wei, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 158-59, 2/(-

第25卷第2期Vol 125, No 12

西华大学学报#自然科学版Journal of Xihua U niversity #Natural Science

2006年3月M ar 12006

文章编号:1673-159X(2006) 02-0048-03


孙福艳1, 魏金成1, 王 磊1, 吕宗旺2

(1. 西华大学电气信息学院, 四川成都610039; 2. 德昌电机(深圳) 有限公司, 广东深圳518125)

摘 要:提出了一个新的非线性动力学系统模型, 并对其进行了理论分析、仿真和硬件电路的实现。结果证明这种变型蔡氏电路为混沌通信和混沌现象的研究提供了一种新的混沌发生器。

关键词:混沌; 混沌通信; 非线性器件; 混沌发生器; 非线形二极管 中图分类号:T N 918


目前对于混沌通信的研究逐步深入, 已经有许多基于混沌同步的保密通信方法。然而目前能够用于混沌通信的混沌发生器还很少, 在一定程度上阻碍了混沌通信的实用化进程, 因而设计出性能好的混沌发生器对混沌和混沌通信的研究来说具有很大的参考价值。在混沌和混沌通信研究中, 最常用的是蔡氏双涡旋混沌电路, 其模型可描述为一个三阶非线性自治动力学系统。蔡氏电路只采用了一个非线性器件, 即一个三段线性的负阻, 并且蔡氏电路从整体结构来看是最简单的混沌发生器。此混沌发生器的动力学系统数学模型如下:

=y -py 2d S =-x +qy -r z d S =s(y -z ) d S

式中, p 、r 、s 为参数, 若p 、r 、s 一定, 随着q 的变化, 最终导致混沌吸引子的出现。

若保持蔡氏双涡旋混沌吸引子数学模型中的f (x ) 和a 、b 参数不变, 增加一个非线性函数g (y ) c , g (y ) c 是一个两段线形函数, 变型电路的原理如图1所示:

图1 变型蔡氏电路原理图

由变型蔡氏电路原理图可得如下的状态方程:d i L

=-U C 1d t d U C 1C 1=-(U C 1-U C 2) -f (x )

d t R V L C 2

d U C 2=(U C 1-U C 2) -f (x ) d t R V


1 变型蔡氏电路的工作原理与实现方法

蔡氏双涡旋混沌吸引子的数学模型可以用式(1) 表示:

=a(y -x -f (x ) c ) d S =x -y +z (1) d S =-b y d S

式中, f (x ) c =vx +(u -v ) (|x +1|-|x -1|) /2, a 、b 、u 和v 为参数。

设Z =R V i L , U C 1=y , U C 2=x , t =C 1R V S , R V f (x ) =f (x ) c , R V g(U C 1) =g (U C 1) c , 则

=a(y -x -f (x ) c ) d S =x -y +z +g (y ) c (3) d S =-by d S

C 1

式中, a ==10, b =C 1R 2L /L =18, f (x ) c =C 2

vx +(u -v ) (|x +1|-|x -1|) /2,

收稿日期:2005-07-12 改回日期:2005-11-10

作者简介:孙福艳(1979-) , 女, 黑龙江省海伦市人, 硕士研究生, 研究方向:混沌控制理论及其在保密通信中的应用。



u =-1137, v =-0174,


my y [0

g (y ) c = m 、n 为参数。

ny y >0

(3) 式来表示, 其中, 非线性器件N1为蔡氏二极管, 其原理如图2所示, N2也是一个非线形元件, 它能够实现非线形函数g (y ) c 的特性, 非线性元件

N2由两个受二极管控制的分段线性电阻和一个线性负阻并联构成, 其原理如图3

所示, 适当调整电阻R1和R2的阻值, 就可以得到不同的参数值。



使用PSPICE911对所实现的变型蔡氏电路进行仿真模拟研究, 在C2两端输出的结果如图5所示:

图5 变型蔡氏电路仿真输出图形

严格来说, 使用PSPICE911进行的仿真仍然是一种数据仿真, 它使用的仿真模型直接来自于实际硬件电路模型, 仿真结果是与示波器从实际硬件电路得到的结果是相近的。但是实际蔡氏电路会受外界许多因素的影响, 比如电源不稳定、人为调整电阻R1、R2和

R20阻值的偏差等, 故C2两端输出的波形与实际的波形很难完全一样。通过实际硬件电路可以得到


图2 蔡氏二极管N1的电路原理图

图3 非线形元件N2的电路原理图


图6 C2两端输出信号(时域图)

图4 变型蔡氏电路的电路原理图

图7 C 2两端输出信号



3 结论

本文作者提出了一种混沌发生器模型并对其进行了理论分析、仿真和硬件电路实现研究, 结果证明这种变型蔡氏电路为混沌通信和混沌现象的研究提供了一种新的混沌发生器。

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3) 综合评判。对于信息无关量集合I 上的模糊集A ={a 1, a 2, , , a n }, 通过R 变换为趋向集上的模糊集, 即

B =A #R ={b 1, b 2, , , b m }


机器人足球队伍的智能化水平(主要表现为有效的团队协作以及高智能化的对抗水平) 。

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式中b j =i =V 1(a k C r kj ) (j =1, 2, ... , m ) 。再将B 归一化, 即令

B c ={b 1. , b 2. ,. .. b m . }

式中b j . =b j /i 6 (j =1, 2, ... , m ) 。根据总体动=1作B c 趋向及最大隶属原则, 就可以对球员做出角色分配。

4) 计算综合决策值。即

N =B c#C



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式中C ={c 1, c 2,.. . , c m }是动作趋向集的一个权重分配, C T 是C 的转置矩阵。按普通矩阵的乘法, 就

可以得到综合决策值, 最后根据其值的大小便可找适合该对手的最佳策略。

3 结论

仿真实验的结果表明, 该策略针对不同的对手, 可以有效的抑制对手水平的正常发挥, 增强了己方

(责任编辑:陈 谨)

No. 2Journal of Xihua University #Natural Science 3

ulated under the same conditions. T he authors bring up an ap -proach to t he choice for a model and discuss the i ssues w hich should be taken into account w hen the compensat ion models are simulated based transient fuel compensation and Neural N et -w ork based transient fuel compensatio n.

Key words:gasoline Engine; transient fuel compensation (T FC) ; Neural Networ k(NN )

has been demonstr ated t hat this appro ach can design an op -amp to meet the r equirements r apidly.

Key words:adaptive genetic algor ithm (A GA) ; quas -i ex -actness penalization functio n; circuit -level synt hesis; cost func -tion

Implementation of Gathering Quadrature Signal Using Encoder with DI Channel Based on Visual Ba -sic Mult-i thread

QIU Xiao -chu (School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) . JOURNAL OF XIHUA U -NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 142-44, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Development and Research of the Grinder NC 2050-A for Grinding Annular Enveloping Worm

W ANG Qiang, (School of M echanical Engineering and Automa -tion, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , LI Ya -yuan, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 134-36, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Abstract:T his paper puts fo rwards a method for gathering quadrature signal of enco der by the DI channel based on mult-i thr ead. It describes the principle of gather ing quadr ature sig nal of encoder and discusses the pr oblems involved in the mult-i thr ead under V isual Basic. A co rresponding method of hardw are and softw ar e is given. T he metho d can be applied to measure the angle and low rotary speed.

Key words:Visual Basic; thr ead; rotary encoder

Abstract:T he idea of desig ning and developing N C g rinder for grinding annular enveloping w orm is proposed. T he prob -lems of interpolation err or caused by the seriously unmatchable load of t he driven -ax is in the ser vomechanism ar e solved. As a r esult, the development and r esearch of gr inder achieve the t echnical target of the machine tool reconstruction.

Key words:N C g rinder; annular enveloping worm; gener -ating

Design of the Direct Torque Control System for

Study on Soccer Robot Strategy Based on Oppo -nents

HUANG Xin -yu(School of M echanical Engineering and Automa -tion, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , XIANG Zhong -fan. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 137-38, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Asynchronous Motors Based on TMS 320F 240DSP

YANG Wen -fang(Electricity and Informati on College of Xihua U -niversity, Chengdu 610039Sichuan ) , W ANG Jun. JOURNAL OF XI -HUA U NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 145-47, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:Dir ect torque control is a high performance con -trol method, which directly selects inverter . s switch sequence. According to the demands o f flux and torque, it makes the Asynchronous M otor run in ideal state. A DT C system based on T M S320F240DSP is desig ned. T he elements and the str uc -tures of its hardware and softw are are introduced w ith its flow chart. T he ex periment results sho w that the design scheme is feasible and the system . s performance is excellent.

Key words:asynchronous motor; direct tor que control; dig ital sig nal processor.

Abstract:One cr itical problem in robotic soccer is to adapt skills and the ov er all behavior in a changeable environment. T hrough the process of the opponent robots . infor mation, a strateg y based on v ar ious opponents is proposed. Exper imental r esults in simulation sho w that the method is co rrect and feas-i ble.

Key words:soccer robot; strategy; simulatio n

C ircui-t Level Synthesis of Op -amp Based on AGA

J IN Li(Electron i cs Department of Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China) , L IU Qiao. JOU RNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 139-41, 2/2006. (IS SN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Implementation and Research of the Dynamic Caishi C haos C ircuit

SUN Fu -yan(Departmentof Electric and Engineering, W est China University, Chengdu 610039China) W EI Jin -cheng, et al. JOU RNAL OF XIH UA U NIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 148-50, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:A circuit -level synthesis approach of o p -amp i s presented. T he method of quas-i exactness penalization function is used to produce cost functio n. Besides, as an optimal algo -r ithm, AGA can modify crossover probability and mutation it Abstract:T he ar ticle presented a new nonlinear model of

4Journal of Xihua University #Natural Science M ar. 2006

uated the circuitry. T he r esult of the evaluation is that the dy -namic Caishi circuit prov ides a new chaos generator to the chao tic communication and the investigation of chaos.

Key words:chaos; chaotic co mmunication; nonlinear com -po nent; chaotic generator; nonlinear diode

Abstract:T he conceit of applying Activity Based Costing to the enterpr ise of post transport is presented in this paper. T he ABC analysis on the post trucks of Cheng du Postal District T ransportation Center is put into practice. T he study conducted shows that the A ctivity -based costing is more beneficial than tradit ional costing.

Key words:activ ity based costing; post transportation; ac -tivity r esource

Noise Source Identification of the Surface Rad-i ation for the Gasoline Engine with Four Cylinders

W ANG Jian -zhong (M ianyang Xinchen Engine co. LTD. ) , HUANG Ha-i bo, et al. JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 151-53, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Research of Combined Prediction for C ity Traf -fic Flow Based on Genetic Algorithm

LEI Sheng (Second Public Transi t Company of Guangzhou, Guangzhou 510660China) . JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERS IT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 160-63, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Chinese)

Abstract:It is crucial to exactly identify the engine noise source char acter for eng ine modification in order to reduce the noise and vibration. In the study, the authors adopt several measur ement methods, such as 1meter Sound Pressure Level (SPL ) , combustion noise, near field sound intensity , or der t racing technique, vibration etc. , to test the M P I 4cy linder g asoline engine, and find the main noise sources, and analyze t he effects under different eng ine speed and load. As a result, many refer ence and useful data ar e obtained for t he engine noise and vibration reduction of this mo del.

Key words:g asoline engine; noise source Identification; sound Intensity measurement; or der tracking technique

Abstract:T he intelligent T ranspor tation System is the best measure for the solution of t he urban traffic jam in the world, and for ecasting urban tr affic network is the premise for develop -ing urban intelligent tr anspor tat ion system. In this paper, some important fo recasting models, including the theory and charac -ter i stic, are discussed, and the factors influencing the forecast -ing model ar e di scussed. In the end, the combined prediction of city traffic flow based on genetic algor ithm is given using the characteristics of genetic algorit hm . s co lony search. T he new algorithm combines all kinds o f algor ithms, optimizes the pre -diction schemes, fully discovers the advantag es of differ ent alg o -rithms, and is proved to be practical and productive.

Key words:traffic flow ; genet ic alg orithm; combined pre -diction;

Design of the Electronic Controller for Automo -tive Sensotronic Brake Control System

ZHAO Shuang(School of Transportation and Automotive Engineer -ing, Xihua University, Chengdu 610039China) , SUN Ren -yun, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 154-57, 2/2006. (ISS N 1673-159X; In C hi nese)

Analysis of Ren-t Seek Game Behavior in Project Valuation W ay /Dual Track System 0

XU Qi ang(Facul ty of Construction M anagement an d Real Estate of Chongqing University ) , XIANG Yong. JOURNAL OF XIHUA UNI -VERSITY. v. 25, no 121PP 164-65, 2/2006. (ISSN 1673-159X; In Ch-i nese)

Abstract:In this paper the authors design a kind of elec -tronic cont roller for automotive sensotronic brake control sys -tem, including the choosing of core disposal ship and the input/output signal processing circuits of t he system. T hrough the signals collected by every sensor , the SBC controller implements t he calculation, analysis and estimat ion for t he system according to t he controlling scheme of log ic gate limit value to control the brake system, and realize the intentio n of brake -by -w ire.

Key words:automotive SBC; controller design; brake -by -w ire

Abstract:Because evolutio nary reformation formed pr oject valuation way /dual track system 0and the mar ket w as unper -fect and unorder ed, the env ironment for producing r ent -seeking behav ior w as offered. T hroug h setting up the rent -seeking game model among investor, project executor, and contractor , this paper drew a conclusion of mix tactic Nashon -equilibr ium. T hen according to N ashon -equilibr ium conclusion, it analy zed the op -timum tactics of three sides under different conditions and pr o -posed the measur e of controlling rent -seeking behav ior.

Key w ords:project valuatio n way; dual track system; rent -seeking game

Application of Activity Based Costing to Post Transport

YIN Liang (School of Transportation and Automotive Engineer -ing, Xihua University, C hengdu 610039China) , YANG Wei, et al. J OURNAL OF XIHUA UNIVERSIT Y. v. 25, no 121PP 158-59, 2/(-


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