


近日,在美国,有一个《美国小学生暑假要做的100件事》的帖子在网络上疯传。这100件事,包括“带着微笑做家务、去远航、抓蝴蝶或者虫子 、开睡衣晚会……”其中第100条是“玩得高兴”,表达暑假最重要的目标。




Japan: a study of what all depend on the interest


Japan is a traditional summer homework "independent research". , requested that the students themselves interested in things, to understand, discover, observation, investigation, practice, and then the results are finishing up, and with a caption, submitted at the beginning of school, the teacher and the parents together, take turns to show results.


Japanese children's topic is rich and varied, for example: "manhole covers survey", "the extinction of the dinosaurs inquiry", "growth" morning glory, it can be a small hand children do it: for example, hand knitted sweater, or hand built cabins, or Handmade game etc..

德国:汇报旅游经历Germany: report of tourism experience


Every seven or eight months, the German big schools all over the summer. Despite the provisions of every state is different, a German student holiday is more than a month, a German student summer life rich and colorful.

除了政府和学校举办的各种社会实践、夏令营之外,几乎家家都要出国度假。因此,开学时学生们会将自己的暑假生活做成PPT, 在课堂上汇报自己的暑假旅游经历。 In addition to all kinds of social practice, to hold government and school summer camp, almost every family to go abroad on vacation. Therefore, school students will be their summer life made PPT, report on their summer vacation tourism experience in the classroom.


Before the summer vacation, Germany almost every city youth Bureau will launch a "holiday syndrome". With this document, all the activities of young people may participate in the youth bureau. Zoo, museum, the science and Technology Museum and various places of historic interest and scenic beauty, etc., can be visited free by Holiday cards. Horse riding field, cinema, music hall, sports venues and youth activity center of interest in the course, with holiday cards to pay only for very cheap tickets. 此外,14岁以上的中学生还会选择在暑假打工赚钱。学生暑期工作种类繁多,包括卖雪糕、推销产品、派发广告、送报纸、餐馆服务生等。在德国,一个孩子一个假期里的劳动报酬,一般可以买一辆简易、轻便的自行车。通过打工,德国的孩子们对通过劳动获得报酬有了亲身体会,对形成正确的价值观以及融入社会起到了很大的帮助。 In addition, over the age of 14 middle school students will choose to earn money in the summer. Student summer job variety, including selling ice cream, a product to sell, distribute advertising, delivering newspapers, restaurant waiter etc.. In Germany, the labor remuneration of a child a holiday, the general can buy a simple, lightweight bicycle. By taking a part-time job, German children to get paid by labor with experience, to form the correct values and social integration played a great help. 当然,旅游是德国学生暑假生活中不可缺少的。据统计,每年都有60%的德国人到全国各地或国外旅行。大多数德国中小学生的父母在暑假都会带着自己的孩子出国旅行,几乎不会主动给孩子施加学习压力。

Of course, tourism is an indispensable summer students living in germany. According to statistics, there are 60% of Germans to all parts of the country or travel abroad each year. Most German students' parents would take their children to travel abroad

in the summer, almost will not take the initiative to give children applied learning pressure.


In addition, German parents will encourage children to contact with their peers in other countries, also welcome children from other countries to live their Home Furnishing, enhance the communication between different cultures, enrich experience.




近日,在美国,有一个《美国小学生暑假要做的100件事》的帖子在网络上疯传。这100件事,包括“带着微笑做家务、去远航、抓蝴蝶或者虫子 、开睡衣晚会……”其中第100条是“玩得高兴”,表达暑假最重要的目标。




Japan: a study of what all depend on the interest


Japan is a traditional summer homework "independent research". , requested that the students themselves interested in things, to understand, discover, observation, investigation, practice, and then the results are finishing up, and with a caption, submitted at the beginning of school, the teacher and the parents together, take turns to show results.


Japanese children's topic is rich and varied, for example: "manhole covers survey", "the extinction of the dinosaurs inquiry", "growth" morning glory, it can be a small hand children do it: for example, hand knitted sweater, or hand built cabins, or Handmade game etc..

德国:汇报旅游经历Germany: report of tourism experience


Every seven or eight months, the German big schools all over the summer. Despite the provisions of every state is different, a German student holiday is more than a month, a German student summer life rich and colorful.

除了政府和学校举办的各种社会实践、夏令营之外,几乎家家都要出国度假。因此,开学时学生们会将自己的暑假生活做成PPT, 在课堂上汇报自己的暑假旅游经历。 In addition to all kinds of social practice, to hold government and school summer camp, almost every family to go abroad on vacation. Therefore, school students will be their summer life made PPT, report on their summer vacation tourism experience in the classroom.


Before the summer vacation, Germany almost every city youth Bureau will launch a "holiday syndrome". With this document, all the activities of young people may participate in the youth bureau. Zoo, museum, the science and Technology Museum and various places of historic interest and scenic beauty, etc., can be visited free by Holiday cards. Horse riding field, cinema, music hall, sports venues and youth activity center of interest in the course, with holiday cards to pay only for very cheap tickets. 此外,14岁以上的中学生还会选择在暑假打工赚钱。学生暑期工作种类繁多,包括卖雪糕、推销产品、派发广告、送报纸、餐馆服务生等。在德国,一个孩子一个假期里的劳动报酬,一般可以买一辆简易、轻便的自行车。通过打工,德国的孩子们对通过劳动获得报酬有了亲身体会,对形成正确的价值观以及融入社会起到了很大的帮助。 In addition, over the age of 14 middle school students will choose to earn money in the summer. Student summer job variety, including selling ice cream, a product to sell, distribute advertising, delivering newspapers, restaurant waiter etc.. In Germany, the labor remuneration of a child a holiday, the general can buy a simple, lightweight bicycle. By taking a part-time job, German children to get paid by labor with experience, to form the correct values and social integration played a great help. 当然,旅游是德国学生暑假生活中不可缺少的。据统计,每年都有60%的德国人到全国各地或国外旅行。大多数德国中小学生的父母在暑假都会带着自己的孩子出国旅行,几乎不会主动给孩子施加学习压力。

Of course, tourism is an indispensable summer students living in germany. According to statistics, there are 60% of Germans to all parts of the country or travel abroad each year. Most German students' parents would take their children to travel abroad

in the summer, almost will not take the initiative to give children applied learning pressure.


In addition, German parents will encourage children to contact with their peers in other countries, also welcome children from other countries to live their Home Furnishing, enhance the communication between different cultures, enrich experience.



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