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å ė ėĊđĊĆĘĊ ĊåĉĆęĊÿ ÿå÷õöûòöö öòöû
Montessori M Model United Nati ions. All Rights Rese erved
S ECTION ONE: Learning About the United Nations
W hat is the United Nations (UN)? The UN is a worldwide organization that encourages cooperation1 between countries. When it started in 1945 there were 51 members. Since 1945, many more countries have joined. There are now 193 member states.
Signing the UN Charter in San Francisco
Why did we create the UN? World War II was the deadliest war in history. 50 million people died. In 1944, the countries fighting knew it was important to stop future wars. Many nations felt finding solutions to problems by peaceful means was important. Who is the Head of the UN? The Head of the UN is the Secretary-General. On 1 January 2007, Mr. Ban Ki-moon from South Korea became the 8th Secretary-General. He speaks for the world’s peoples – especially the poor – and encourages peace. All the member states of the UN choose the SecretaryGeneral for a period of 5 years. After 5 years, the countries may choose to have the Secretary-General stay for another 5 years.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
What are the goals 2 of the UN? The UN has four main goals: 1. To keep peace around the world 2. To help countries be friendly 3. To improve the lives of all humans 4. To help countries work together to achieve goals
1 2
Work together An action you want to complete
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
W here is the UN? The UN has its main office in New York City. But, the building is on land that does not belong to any country. Countries consider the building international territory. The UN has other major offices in Vienna (Austria) and Geneva (Switzerland). There are smaller offices in South America (Chile), Africa (Ethiopia), the Middle East (Jordan) and Asia (Thailand).
The United Nations building
How does a country join the UN? To join the UN all countries must apply to become members. Once a country joins, they pay a yearly fee and accept some rules and duties. All countries at the UN are equal – this means no country is more important because it is richer or stronger. All countries have an equal vote. Some countries (states) may only be observers at the UN. This means they do not get a vote. Palestine and the Holy See are two examples.
What does the UN do? The UN uses persuasion1, cooperation and negotiation to encourage peace. Countries join the UN to listen and speak to other countries about problems. When the UN does or says something it means that most of other countries in the world agree. The UN wants to create a better world for the future. To reach this goal the UN does many things. The UN Food for a disaster area helps refugees2 and encourages countries to make peace. It also plans talks to discuss how to protect the environment. The UN also delivers food to countries that do not have enough. This can be because of war, drought, or other disasters. When there is a natural disaster the UN helps to fix the problems. In 2010, Haiti had a terrible earthquake. The UN helped by sending food and water. Today, the UN still helps Haiti with rebuilding and education.
1 2
To convince by talking People who have to leave their country because of a disaster
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
W hat can the UN not do? The UN is not a government. It does not have the power to make laws. It cannot force a country to do anything it does not want to do. It does not have an army or police. It makes recommendations and other countries can choose to follow them. What if a country attacks another country? There is a special part of the UN called the Security Council. This group tries to keep peace. If there is a threat, the Security Council can recommend sanctions1. In extreme cases, the Security Council might recommend the use of force to restore peace. There are 15 members of the Security Council. Five of the members are permanent: China, Russia, the US, France, and the United Kingdom. The General Assembly (all the members of the United Nations) chooses the other 10 countries. These countries stay on the council for two years. Can you answer the following questions about the United Nations using research? Who was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations? ________________________________________________________________________________ What are some of the United Nations Programs that the UN organizes? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Research UN and add your own information about the UN in the space below. __________________________________________________________? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Punish a country without violence (e.g. not allow a country to sell its products)
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The UN is a very complex organization. Therefore, it is important the UN has a system for organizing everything it does. To make things simple, the UN is divided into 6 main parts. We call these parts organs. Your instructor will tell you a little about each organ of the UN. You will write a few notes about each one (second column). After, you will discuss with other students about why each organ is important. You will write the reasons in the third column.
General Assembly
Security Council
Economic and Social Council
The Secretariat
International Court of Justice
The Trusteeship Council
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Below are 10 ways the UN is working to improve the world. Which ones did you already know about? Which ones surprised you? Discuss how these actions make a difference in the world.
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How can we help people who are refugees?
Why do some countries need help feeding people?
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In what countries are
How does your country help the UN do its
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How do healthy mothers improve the lives of children?
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
S ection Four:
The Montessori
Model UN Process
conference, each student submits a Position PaperOn the first day of the conference students will present a before they come and should be ready to speak for 1 minute.
At the conference students will Caucus 1 answer questions and work with other students to find solutions to the issue.
At the end of Caucus students will work together to create a countries can agree upon.
• Begins after research • Occurs before conference • Around 2 pages long •• • •
• Written before the conference • Speak for 1 minute • A “thank you” to the Chair and committee • Issues affecting the country • Country’s solution
Background of problemCountry’s position Past international action Possible solution
To talk about or debate a topic of importance
Student Simulation Guide Resolution ••• possible solutions
Brainstorming Finding allies and questioning Debate, discussion, •• (informal) un-moderated Moderated (formal) or During the conference •••••
Operative Clauses
Preamble Heading THE GOAL!!!
document Is a written conference During the R E S O L U T I O N
. A resolution is series of statements that the majority of the with other students representing other countries. They have to be ready to ask questions, Speech to everybody in their committee. Students must write these speeches explaining the country’s view on the topic of the committee.
Before a student attends a Montessori Model United Nations Conference he or she must put in a lot of work. One month before the
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The position paper is what your country believes about the topic. Before you begin writing your position paper you need to have a good understanding of 3 things:
1) Your Country 2) The Topic of Your Committee
3) Your Country’s Relationship to the Topic.
Your position paper is a little bit like an essay. You need to explain what your country believes about the problem. However, you also want to describe why there is a problem, what countries have tried in the past and what possible solutions could fix the problem.
Your position paper will be sent to the MMUN Organizers one month before the event. This is to give the organizers information about what you have been thinking about. Usually, the position paper is two pages long. Also, it should have a list of all the sources you looked at to do your research. This is called a Bibliography or a Works Cited.
Below, you will see the flow that your paper should follow:
T h e P o s i t i o n P a p e r
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Your speech is your country’s introduction to the other delegates. It is important to speak clearly, show you understand the topic, and offer a possible solution.
In your speech you will need to:
1) Thank the Chair
2) Describe how the issue affects your country
3) State your country’s solution
Opening Speech: India
Topic: Counter Terrorism
H onorable chair, esteemed delegates, it is an honor to represent India at this Montessori Model UN Conference.
Terrorism is a worldwide phenomenon. Every minute, two people are killed in
conflicts around the world. Often very little is known about the people who are fighting
and dying. The country of India calls upon greater participation of the United Nations in
countering terrorism. Worldwide participation should be taken in the implementation of
the present anti-terrorist conventions, and new international methods must also be developed in order to counteract terrorist threats.
We ask that countries cooperate with each other, particularly through bilateral and
multilateral agreements and arrangements to make extraditions easier and deny
terrorists asylum, in order to prevent and suppress terrorist acts. Countries must realize
that suppressing acts of international terrorism are essential to international peace and
security, because even if their countries are not facing terrorism as a crisis, they may
eventually do so, as terrorism is a worldwide occurrence, which is, as we have seen, often interconnected.
Thank you for your attention.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The main part of a Montessori Model United Nations is the Negotiation . This is also the most fun. It is made up of three parts: Speeches , Moderated Caucus, and Unmoderated Caucus.
The speeches are formal. The Chair will ask delegates who would like to speak. Delegates raise their placards and are recorded on a list. This is called the Speaker’s List. Speakers are called one by one according to the list.
After the speeches the delegates will enter a period called Caucus. There can be two types of Caucus – Moderated and Unmoderated.
c h
e s
An MMUN session usually begins with countries giving their speeches. Firstly, countries will vote on how long the speeches will be. Usually, the time is set to 1 minute. Therefore, you should be ready to say your speech in less than 1 minute.
After the Chair makes the Speaker’s List speeches will begin.
• Listen to the other delegates while they are giving their speeches. It
will help you decide which countries you might be able to work with. • Use your Position Paper to help you organize your speech.
• Be ready to present your speech in less than 1 minute. If you go over
your time the Chair will cut you off before you finish. A moderated caucus involves discussionoutside of the speakerslist. The Chair calls on delegates one-by-one (this does not follow the speakers list, it follows whoever raises their placards) so that delegates can make short comments.
• Delegates can ask questions to specific delegates • Comments discuss what other delegates have said • Delegates can bring up new ideas for the committee to think about In an unmoderated caucus, the rules of moderated caucus are suspended. Delegates may leave their seats and discuss topics freely.
• Delegates talk to each other
• This is a good time to talk to countries that share your point of view
• This is a good time to try and persuade countries that disagree with
e e
U n
m C a o d e u c r a t e u s d
M o d C a e r a u c t e d u s
S p
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Roll Call
Attendance: the Chair or rapporteur calls country names and delegates say “Present.”
Formal Speeches
§ Speeches focus on stating country positions & offering recommendations for action.
Close of Negotiation
If everyone on the speakers list has spoken, negotiation automatically stops. A delegate can also motion to close if he/she feels that the committee is ready to vote.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Session Opening
The chair welcomes the delegates and announces the topic of
Moderated Caucus
§ Speeches comment on what other delegates have said
§Speeches can bring up new ideas for the committee to think about
Unmoderated / Informal
§ Delegates talk to each other
§ This is a good time to talk to countries that share your point of view
§ This is a good time to try and persuade countries that disagree with you
Voting Procedures
The committee votes on each resolution
Motions Procedure Voting
Motion to Set the Agenda Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Motion to Open or Close the Speaker’s List
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Delegate that motions to open a speaker’s list is typically the first
speaker. Committee moves into voting procedure if speaker’s list is closed and exhausted.
Order of vote is by longest speaking time to shortest.
Motion to Set the Speaker’s Time
Two For and Two Against
Simple Majority
Motion to Suspend the Meeting for a Moderated Caucus
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Requires the time for the entire moderated caucus, the time per comment, and the purpose of the
moderated caucus. Order of vote is by longest total time to shortest.
Motion to Suspend the Meeting for an Un-moderated (Informal) Caucus
Immediate Vote Simple Majority Requires the time for the entire un-moderated caucus.
Motion to Adjourn
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Used at the end of conference.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
MMUN Committee Simulation Overview
Students will participate in a Montessori Model UN mini-simulation. Students will work in pairs to represent a country. With their speech prepared, they are ready to participate in a committee session.
Note: Students guide the entire committee session at actual MMUN conferences. For example, students suggest and vote on speaking times. However, students may need support/direction during a simulation. The following procedures provide chair-directed structure so students become accustomed to the usual format of UN Rules of Procedure.
a. The committee chair bangs gavel and says, “Welcome to the Montessori Model UN committee session of United Nations Environmental Committee on climate change. I will serve as your Chair and ___ will serve as the Secretariat member. We are happy to welcome you and excited about leading this first MMUN Committee session. Our goal is to facilitate a meaningful and engaging experience. Let us each introduce ourselves and share our goal for this committee” Each delegate introduces him/ herself and shares their goal.
Roll Call
b. The chair says, “I will now call roll”. Please raise your placard and say ‘Present,’ or ‘Present and Voting’ if you want to participate in voting when your country is called.”
The Chair calls each country name (traditionally done in alphabetical order). Students raise placard and say “Present” or “Present and Voting”.
Motion to Set the Agenda
b. The chair says, is there a motion on the floor to set the agenda?”
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture to encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Motion to Open the Speaker’s List
c. The chair will now ask for a motion to open the speakers list to begin formal speeches. Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
d. “All those wishing to be added to the speakers list, please raise your placard at this time.” Students raise placards. The Secretariat records all the country names on a display board and will cross the country name off as the delegation speaks.
Motion to Set the Speaker’s Time
d. The chair will now ask for a motion to set the speaker’s time. Once a motion has been made, the Chair moves to voting.
All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Listening to Speeches
Remind students to take notes on the included Listening Worksheet so they know which resolution each country supports and will be able to negotiate better. Speakers’ list speeches are the prepared speeches (Speech Worksheet)
The Chair calls first country on the list. Delegates present their speeches from Speech Worksheet. After each speech, say, “Thank you honorable delegates from____.” Then “The chair now recognizes the delegates from _(next country on list).”
Moving to Caucusing
d. Every 3-5 speeches the Chair will stop the speaker’s list and say, “is there a motion on the floor for a moderated or unmoderated caucus?” The chair aims to encourage students to select a new negotiation format (moderated or unmoderated caucus). When the moderated or unmoderated caucus ends, return to the next country on the speakers list.
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With__(number of) votes, the motion passes and we will now move into a (moderated or unmoderated caucus) for __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Unmoderated Caucus
e. “The committee will now move to an unmoderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Delegates, please speak with a country or countries that agree with you.” (Students mingle and discuss)
OR “The committee will now move to an unmoderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Delegates, please speak with a country that disagrees with you.” (Students mingle and discuss)
To end caucus, the Chair says, “The time for unmoderated caucus has expired. We will now return to the speakers list.
Moderated Caucus
f. “The committee will now move to a moderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Any delegates wishing to speak may raise their placard. The speaking time will be set at (30) seconds.
The chair calls on any country that wants to speak (no list). The same country may speak more than once. Bang gavel at the end of 30 seconds and go to a new delegation.
To end caucus: “The time for moderated caucus has expired. We will now return to the speakers list.”
g. The chair will move to voting procedures once draft resolutions have been created during unmoderated caucus.
The chair will call the committee to listen to a summary of the draft resolutions and then to move into voting procedures.
h. The chair will say, “All those in favor of resolution (number/title), please raise your placard. (Count votes. Simple majority wins.)
The chair announces the voting by saying, “Resolution (number of title) passes with (number of votes).” OR “With only (number of votes), Resolution (number or title) fails.”
Repeat for each proposed resolution.
End of Committee Session
i. The chair says, “we would like to thank the honorable delegates for their participation in today’s committee session. (Tap gavel) Session adjourned.”
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
ĒĔ ĔēęĊĘ ĘĘĔė ėĎåĒĔ ĔĉĊđ đåĚēĎę ęĊĉåē ēĆęĎ ĎĔēĘ å
å ė ėĊđĊĆĘĊ ĊåĉĆęĊÿ ÿå÷õöûòöö öòöû
Montessori M Model United Nati ions. All Rights Rese erved
S ECTION ONE: Learning About the United Nations
W hat is the United Nations (UN)? The UN is a worldwide organization that encourages cooperation1 between countries. When it started in 1945 there were 51 members. Since 1945, many more countries have joined. There are now 193 member states.
Signing the UN Charter in San Francisco
Why did we create the UN? World War II was the deadliest war in history. 50 million people died. In 1944, the countries fighting knew it was important to stop future wars. Many nations felt finding solutions to problems by peaceful means was important. Who is the Head of the UN? The Head of the UN is the Secretary-General. On 1 January 2007, Mr. Ban Ki-moon from South Korea became the 8th Secretary-General. He speaks for the world’s peoples – especially the poor – and encourages peace. All the member states of the UN choose the SecretaryGeneral for a period of 5 years. After 5 years, the countries may choose to have the Secretary-General stay for another 5 years.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
What are the goals 2 of the UN? The UN has four main goals: 1. To keep peace around the world 2. To help countries be friendly 3. To improve the lives of all humans 4. To help countries work together to achieve goals
1 2
Work together An action you want to complete
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
W here is the UN? The UN has its main office in New York City. But, the building is on land that does not belong to any country. Countries consider the building international territory. The UN has other major offices in Vienna (Austria) and Geneva (Switzerland). There are smaller offices in South America (Chile), Africa (Ethiopia), the Middle East (Jordan) and Asia (Thailand).
The United Nations building
How does a country join the UN? To join the UN all countries must apply to become members. Once a country joins, they pay a yearly fee and accept some rules and duties. All countries at the UN are equal – this means no country is more important because it is richer or stronger. All countries have an equal vote. Some countries (states) may only be observers at the UN. This means they do not get a vote. Palestine and the Holy See are two examples.
What does the UN do? The UN uses persuasion1, cooperation and negotiation to encourage peace. Countries join the UN to listen and speak to other countries about problems. When the UN does or says something it means that most of other countries in the world agree. The UN wants to create a better world for the future. To reach this goal the UN does many things. The UN Food for a disaster area helps refugees2 and encourages countries to make peace. It also plans talks to discuss how to protect the environment. The UN also delivers food to countries that do not have enough. This can be because of war, drought, or other disasters. When there is a natural disaster the UN helps to fix the problems. In 2010, Haiti had a terrible earthquake. The UN helped by sending food and water. Today, the UN still helps Haiti with rebuilding and education.
1 2
To convince by talking People who have to leave their country because of a disaster
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
W hat can the UN not do? The UN is not a government. It does not have the power to make laws. It cannot force a country to do anything it does not want to do. It does not have an army or police. It makes recommendations and other countries can choose to follow them. What if a country attacks another country? There is a special part of the UN called the Security Council. This group tries to keep peace. If there is a threat, the Security Council can recommend sanctions1. In extreme cases, the Security Council might recommend the use of force to restore peace. There are 15 members of the Security Council. Five of the members are permanent: China, Russia, the US, France, and the United Kingdom. The General Assembly (all the members of the United Nations) chooses the other 10 countries. These countries stay on the council for two years. Can you answer the following questions about the United Nations using research? Who was the first Secretary-General of the United Nations? ________________________________________________________________________________ What are some of the United Nations Programs that the UN organizes? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Research UN and add your own information about the UN in the space below. __________________________________________________________? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________
Punish a country without violence (e.g. not allow a country to sell its products)
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The UN is a very complex organization. Therefore, it is important the UN has a system for organizing everything it does. To make things simple, the UN is divided into 6 main parts. We call these parts organs. Your instructor will tell you a little about each organ of the UN. You will write a few notes about each one (second column). After, you will discuss with other students about why each organ is important. You will write the reasons in the third column.
General Assembly
Security Council
Economic and Social Council
The Secretariat
International Court of Justice
The Trusteeship Council
Student Simulation Guide Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Below are 10 ways the UN is working to improve the world. Which ones did you already know about? Which ones surprised you? Discuss how these actions make a difference in the world.
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How can we help people who are refugees?
Why do some countries need help feeding people?
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In what countries are
How does your country help the UN do its
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How do healthy mothers improve the lives of children?
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
S ection Four:
The Montessori
Model UN Process
conference, each student submits a Position PaperOn the first day of the conference students will present a before they come and should be ready to speak for 1 minute.
At the conference students will Caucus 1 answer questions and work with other students to find solutions to the issue.
At the end of Caucus students will work together to create a countries can agree upon.
• Begins after research • Occurs before conference • Around 2 pages long •• • •
• Written before the conference • Speak for 1 minute • A “thank you” to the Chair and committee • Issues affecting the country • Country’s solution
Background of problemCountry’s position Past international action Possible solution
To talk about or debate a topic of importance
Student Simulation Guide Resolution ••• possible solutions
Brainstorming Finding allies and questioning Debate, discussion, •• (informal) un-moderated Moderated (formal) or During the conference •••••
Operative Clauses
Preamble Heading THE GOAL!!!
document Is a written conference During the R E S O L U T I O N
. A resolution is series of statements that the majority of the with other students representing other countries. They have to be ready to ask questions, Speech to everybody in their committee. Students must write these speeches explaining the country’s view on the topic of the committee.
Before a student attends a Montessori Model United Nations Conference he or she must put in a lot of work. One month before the
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The position paper is what your country believes about the topic. Before you begin writing your position paper you need to have a good understanding of 3 things:
1) Your Country 2) The Topic of Your Committee
3) Your Country’s Relationship to the Topic.
Your position paper is a little bit like an essay. You need to explain what your country believes about the problem. However, you also want to describe why there is a problem, what countries have tried in the past and what possible solutions could fix the problem.
Your position paper will be sent to the MMUN Organizers one month before the event. This is to give the organizers information about what you have been thinking about. Usually, the position paper is two pages long. Also, it should have a list of all the sources you looked at to do your research. This is called a Bibliography or a Works Cited.
Below, you will see the flow that your paper should follow:
T h e P o s i t i o n P a p e r
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Your speech is your country’s introduction to the other delegates. It is important to speak clearly, show you understand the topic, and offer a possible solution.
In your speech you will need to:
1) Thank the Chair
2) Describe how the issue affects your country
3) State your country’s solution
Opening Speech: India
Topic: Counter Terrorism
H onorable chair, esteemed delegates, it is an honor to represent India at this Montessori Model UN Conference.
Terrorism is a worldwide phenomenon. Every minute, two people are killed in
conflicts around the world. Often very little is known about the people who are fighting
and dying. The country of India calls upon greater participation of the United Nations in
countering terrorism. Worldwide participation should be taken in the implementation of
the present anti-terrorist conventions, and new international methods must also be developed in order to counteract terrorist threats.
We ask that countries cooperate with each other, particularly through bilateral and
multilateral agreements and arrangements to make extraditions easier and deny
terrorists asylum, in order to prevent and suppress terrorist acts. Countries must realize
that suppressing acts of international terrorism are essential to international peace and
security, because even if their countries are not facing terrorism as a crisis, they may
eventually do so, as terrorism is a worldwide occurrence, which is, as we have seen, often interconnected.
Thank you for your attention.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
The main part of a Montessori Model United Nations is the Negotiation . This is also the most fun. It is made up of three parts: Speeches , Moderated Caucus, and Unmoderated Caucus.
The speeches are formal. The Chair will ask delegates who would like to speak. Delegates raise their placards and are recorded on a list. This is called the Speaker’s List. Speakers are called one by one according to the list.
After the speeches the delegates will enter a period called Caucus. There can be two types of Caucus – Moderated and Unmoderated.
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An MMUN session usually begins with countries giving their speeches. Firstly, countries will vote on how long the speeches will be. Usually, the time is set to 1 minute. Therefore, you should be ready to say your speech in less than 1 minute.
After the Chair makes the Speaker’s List speeches will begin.
• Listen to the other delegates while they are giving their speeches. It
will help you decide which countries you might be able to work with. • Use your Position Paper to help you organize your speech.
• Be ready to present your speech in less than 1 minute. If you go over
your time the Chair will cut you off before you finish. A moderated caucus involves discussionoutside of the speakerslist. The Chair calls on delegates one-by-one (this does not follow the speakers list, it follows whoever raises their placards) so that delegates can make short comments.
• Delegates can ask questions to specific delegates • Comments discuss what other delegates have said • Delegates can bring up new ideas for the committee to think about In an unmoderated caucus, the rules of moderated caucus are suspended. Delegates may leave their seats and discuss topics freely.
• Delegates talk to each other
• This is a good time to talk to countries that share your point of view
• This is a good time to try and persuade countries that disagree with
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M o d C a e r a u c t e d u s
S p
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Roll Call
Attendance: the Chair or rapporteur calls country names and delegates say “Present.”
Formal Speeches
§ Speeches focus on stating country positions & offering recommendations for action.
Close of Negotiation
If everyone on the speakers list has spoken, negotiation automatically stops. A delegate can also motion to close if he/she feels that the committee is ready to vote.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Session Opening
The chair welcomes the delegates and announces the topic of
Moderated Caucus
§ Speeches comment on what other delegates have said
§Speeches can bring up new ideas for the committee to think about
Unmoderated / Informal
§ Delegates talk to each other
§ This is a good time to talk to countries that share your point of view
§ This is a good time to try and persuade countries that disagree with you
Voting Procedures
The committee votes on each resolution
Motions Procedure Voting
Motion to Set the Agenda Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Motion to Open or Close the Speaker’s List
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Delegate that motions to open a speaker’s list is typically the first
speaker. Committee moves into voting procedure if speaker’s list is closed and exhausted.
Order of vote is by longest speaking time to shortest.
Motion to Set the Speaker’s Time
Two For and Two Against
Simple Majority
Motion to Suspend the Meeting for a Moderated Caucus
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Requires the time for the entire moderated caucus, the time per comment, and the purpose of the
moderated caucus. Order of vote is by longest total time to shortest.
Motion to Suspend the Meeting for an Un-moderated (Informal) Caucus
Immediate Vote Simple Majority Requires the time for the entire un-moderated caucus.
Motion to Adjourn
Immediate Vote Simple Majority
Used at the end of conference.
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
MMUN Committee Simulation Overview
Students will participate in a Montessori Model UN mini-simulation. Students will work in pairs to represent a country. With their speech prepared, they are ready to participate in a committee session.
Note: Students guide the entire committee session at actual MMUN conferences. For example, students suggest and vote on speaking times. However, students may need support/direction during a simulation. The following procedures provide chair-directed structure so students become accustomed to the usual format of UN Rules of Procedure.
a. The committee chair bangs gavel and says, “Welcome to the Montessori Model UN committee session of United Nations Environmental Committee on climate change. I will serve as your Chair and ___ will serve as the Secretariat member. We are happy to welcome you and excited about leading this first MMUN Committee session. Our goal is to facilitate a meaningful and engaging experience. Let us each introduce ourselves and share our goal for this committee” Each delegate introduces him/ herself and shares their goal.
Roll Call
b. The chair says, “I will now call roll”. Please raise your placard and say ‘Present,’ or ‘Present and Voting’ if you want to participate in voting when your country is called.”
The Chair calls each country name (traditionally done in alphabetical order). Students raise placard and say “Present” or “Present and Voting”.
Motion to Set the Agenda
b. The chair says, is there a motion on the floor to set the agenda?”
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture to encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Motion to Open the Speaker’s List
c. The chair will now ask for a motion to open the speakers list to begin formal speeches. Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
d. “All those wishing to be added to the speakers list, please raise your placard at this time.” Students raise placards. The Secretariat records all the country names on a display board and will cross the country name off as the delegation speaks.
Motion to Set the Speaker’s Time
d. The chair will now ask for a motion to set the speaker’s time. Once a motion has been made, the Chair moves to voting.
All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With __(number of) votes, the motion passes and the speaking time is set at __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Listening to Speeches
Remind students to take notes on the included Listening Worksheet so they know which resolution each country supports and will be able to negotiate better. Speakers’ list speeches are the prepared speeches (Speech Worksheet)
The Chair calls first country on the list. Delegates present their speeches from Speech Worksheet. After each speech, say, “Thank you honorable delegates from____.” Then “The chair now recognizes the delegates from _(next country on list).”
Moving to Caucusing
d. Every 3-5 speeches the Chair will stop the speaker’s list and say, “is there a motion on the floor for a moderated or unmoderated caucus?” The chair aims to encourage students to select a new negotiation format (moderated or unmoderated caucus). When the moderated or unmoderated caucus ends, return to the next country on the speakers list.
Once the motion has been made, the chair asks, “All those in favor, raise your placards.” [gesture encourage students to raise placards] (Count votes.) “All those opposed, raise your placards.” (Count votes)
“With__(number of) votes, the motion passes and we will now move into a (moderated or unmoderated caucus) for __minutes.” [If the motion does not pass, say “ the motion fails”
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.
Unmoderated Caucus
e. “The committee will now move to an unmoderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Delegates, please speak with a country or countries that agree with you.” (Students mingle and discuss)
OR “The committee will now move to an unmoderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Delegates, please speak with a country that disagrees with you.” (Students mingle and discuss)
To end caucus, the Chair says, “The time for unmoderated caucus has expired. We will now return to the speakers list.
Moderated Caucus
f. “The committee will now move to a moderated caucus for (5-10) minutes. Any delegates wishing to speak may raise their placard. The speaking time will be set at (30) seconds.
The chair calls on any country that wants to speak (no list). The same country may speak more than once. Bang gavel at the end of 30 seconds and go to a new delegation.
To end caucus: “The time for moderated caucus has expired. We will now return to the speakers list.”
g. The chair will move to voting procedures once draft resolutions have been created during unmoderated caucus.
The chair will call the committee to listen to a summary of the draft resolutions and then to move into voting procedures.
h. The chair will say, “All those in favor of resolution (number/title), please raise your placard. (Count votes. Simple majority wins.)
The chair announces the voting by saying, “Resolution (number of title) passes with (number of votes).” OR “With only (number of votes), Resolution (number or title) fails.”
Repeat for each proposed resolution.
End of Committee Session
i. The chair says, “we would like to thank the honorable delegates for their participation in today’s committee session. (Tap gavel) Session adjourned.”
Student Simulation Guide
Montessori Model United Nations. All rights reserved.