


注意:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可适度发挥;

2. 开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数;

3. 词数:150左右。

The rapid increase of private cars in recent years has caused some social problems. Some big cities are considering whether to control the number of cars. Different people have different ideas about it.


Possible version: Some people think it necessary to do so. For one thing, the roads are so crowded that traffic jams can be seen everywhere. For another, there're not enough parking areas available for cars. Besides, by controlling cars, we can reduce air pollution around us. They suggest cities improve public transportation and people be encouraged to ride bicycles.

However, some people think it unreasonable. They hold the opinion that the increase of private cars will promote the car industry, which contributes greatly to the development of the country's economy. Moreover, cars bring convenience to people and save them a lot of time. They suggest cities improve the management of traffic and raise the cost of using cars.

In my opinion, we should take measures to solve the problem. Laws should be passed to regulate the traffic. And cities should build more subways so that people can have a better choice for travel.



注意:1. 短文须包括所有要点,可适度发挥;

2. 开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数;

3. 词数:150左右。

The rapid increase of private cars in recent years has caused some social problems. Some big cities are considering whether to control the number of cars. Different people have different ideas about it.


Possible version: Some people think it necessary to do so. For one thing, the roads are so crowded that traffic jams can be seen everywhere. For another, there're not enough parking areas available for cars. Besides, by controlling cars, we can reduce air pollution around us. They suggest cities improve public transportation and people be encouraged to ride bicycles.

However, some people think it unreasonable. They hold the opinion that the increase of private cars will promote the car industry, which contributes greatly to the development of the country's economy. Moreover, cars bring convenience to people and save them a lot of time. They suggest cities improve the management of traffic and raise the cost of using cars.

In my opinion, we should take measures to solve the problem. Laws should be passed to regulate the traffic. And cities should build more subways so that people can have a better choice for travel.


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