

1.Mental Health for College Students.

Serious situation in mental health for college students

Single-child family, self-centered mentality

Lack of communicative skills

Not enough emphasis on mental health of college students

Teacher-student relationship very loose

Negative Impact of Divorce Family

Social economic transformation

Efforts from the government/MOE/families/communities

Constructive measures consultation from experts

Helping others is helping oneself

Stress modesty and constructive solutions

overcome bad habits

Change position with each other

2.Rich & Poor Gap in China and Solutions

Social and economic transformation period

anti-corruption demand

previous mentality from planned economy

regional differences

strengthen legislation

taxation reform

social welfare system

governmental poverty relief efforts

healthy ideological navigation

3.Conservation-minded Society(节约型社会) and Viable Solutions

earth facing crisis in natural resources

water and forest resources facing crucial test with rapid materialistic development many wars fought for resources

sustainable and peaceful development the only way out

related technology: new energy, water treatment technology,


price lever regulation

international cooperation

raise public awareness (sense of crisis)

think for our future and posterities

rational development and exploitation

4.High Tuition Fees in Universities and Possible Solutions

Awkward situation of university tuition fees

Marketization influence, competition

People's growing need for higher education

more scholarships

student loans, bank support/credit

MOE regulations and government legislation for reasonable charging standard

tuition reduction and exemption for excellent/merit students and extremely poor students offer part-time jobs/teaching assistance/social practice

5.Chosen Unemployment: High Expectations Vs. Reality for Fresh College Graduates. Fewer jobs for more fresh graduates

high expectations from fresh graduates

inability to cope with complicated situation

fear of hard work

subconsciously hope for quick success

low tolerance for failure

excessive enthusiasm for material wealth

neglect of mental balance

overestimation of oneself

slave of desires

lack of patience and concentration necessary for any worthwhile success

Make rational analysis of oneself and make adjustment

Overcome poisonous vanity

undertake social commitment/responsibility

right timing and schedule and correct measures for intended success

6.Medical Care in China and Solutions

Transformational period of medical care in China

High charges cause social insecurity and a series of problems

Lack of professionalism from the hospital side

life insurance and social welfare system underdeveloped/long way to go

regulation medicine market from the Ministry of Health and related legislation public awareness of life insurance

supportive measures for disadvantaged social groups

7.Development at the Cost of Environment?

Air, water pollution, running out of many natural resources

penny wise and pound foolish

development first and treatment afterwards no more applicable

disappearing of tropical rain forests

frequent visits of natural disasters caused by human activities

global warming

Development? or suffering indeed?

8.Private Cars, Public Transportation and Energy Crisis

Many wars fought for petroleum

thriving automobile industry accelerates consumption of unrenewable resource auto culture has overacted itself

great waste of energy with many private cars

Internet and more communication technology offer alternative life style

public transportation: metro, light rail, etc.

public awareness

media efforts in leading consumer habit

government decision-making

sustainable development

green earth

alternative energy by new technology

9.Concept and Understanding of Personal Success

Monetary success very important mark but not the only interpretation for success success depends actually upon individual's point of view, not material things indeed psychological balance and techniques are necessary for success in true sense overcome unnecessary competition mentality

constructive thinking instead of self-scolding

jealousy and laziness never followed by success

correct understanding of one's status quo and goals

unhealthy conformity mentality causes greater pains instead of sense of success

10.Job-oriented Education for College Students.

job-oriented education important focus now

previous shortcomings of higher education

customized/precision education more preferred

competition pressure

down-to-earth educational practice

update educator's knowledge in scope and depth

learn from advanced experience of western countries

stress on and prioirty for disciplines of global concern

bright prospect for environmental series of disciplines

11.Last Drop of Water is the Tear of Human Being: Water Saving and Protection Tap water utilization

Green industry

Public awareness (media efforts)

Governmental regulations

Higher charges urban

High-tech: New dripping irrigation in agriculture

Industrial efforts

Specific legislation


Garbage treatment


1.Mental Health for College Students.

Serious situation in mental health for college students

Single-child family, self-centered mentality

Lack of communicative skills

Not enough emphasis on mental health of college students

Teacher-student relationship very loose

Negative Impact of Divorce Family

Social economic transformation

Efforts from the government/MOE/families/communities

Constructive measures consultation from experts

Helping others is helping oneself

Stress modesty and constructive solutions

overcome bad habits

Change position with each other

2.Rich & Poor Gap in China and Solutions

Social and economic transformation period

anti-corruption demand

previous mentality from planned economy

regional differences

strengthen legislation

taxation reform

social welfare system

governmental poverty relief efforts

healthy ideological navigation

3.Conservation-minded Society(节约型社会) and Viable Solutions

earth facing crisis in natural resources

water and forest resources facing crucial test with rapid materialistic development many wars fought for resources

sustainable and peaceful development the only way out

related technology: new energy, water treatment technology,


price lever regulation

international cooperation

raise public awareness (sense of crisis)

think for our future and posterities

rational development and exploitation

4.High Tuition Fees in Universities and Possible Solutions

Awkward situation of university tuition fees

Marketization influence, competition

People's growing need for higher education

more scholarships

student loans, bank support/credit

MOE regulations and government legislation for reasonable charging standard

tuition reduction and exemption for excellent/merit students and extremely poor students offer part-time jobs/teaching assistance/social practice

5.Chosen Unemployment: High Expectations Vs. Reality for Fresh College Graduates. Fewer jobs for more fresh graduates

high expectations from fresh graduates

inability to cope with complicated situation

fear of hard work

subconsciously hope for quick success

low tolerance for failure

excessive enthusiasm for material wealth

neglect of mental balance

overestimation of oneself

slave of desires

lack of patience and concentration necessary for any worthwhile success

Make rational analysis of oneself and make adjustment

Overcome poisonous vanity

undertake social commitment/responsibility

right timing and schedule and correct measures for intended success

6.Medical Care in China and Solutions

Transformational period of medical care in China

High charges cause social insecurity and a series of problems

Lack of professionalism from the hospital side

life insurance and social welfare system underdeveloped/long way to go

regulation medicine market from the Ministry of Health and related legislation public awareness of life insurance

supportive measures for disadvantaged social groups

7.Development at the Cost of Environment?

Air, water pollution, running out of many natural resources

penny wise and pound foolish

development first and treatment afterwards no more applicable

disappearing of tropical rain forests

frequent visits of natural disasters caused by human activities

global warming

Development? or suffering indeed?

8.Private Cars, Public Transportation and Energy Crisis

Many wars fought for petroleum

thriving automobile industry accelerates consumption of unrenewable resource auto culture has overacted itself

great waste of energy with many private cars

Internet and more communication technology offer alternative life style

public transportation: metro, light rail, etc.

public awareness

media efforts in leading consumer habit

government decision-making

sustainable development

green earth

alternative energy by new technology

9.Concept and Understanding of Personal Success

Monetary success very important mark but not the only interpretation for success success depends actually upon individual's point of view, not material things indeed psychological balance and techniques are necessary for success in true sense overcome unnecessary competition mentality

constructive thinking instead of self-scolding

jealousy and laziness never followed by success

correct understanding of one's status quo and goals

unhealthy conformity mentality causes greater pains instead of sense of success

10.Job-oriented Education for College Students.

job-oriented education important focus now

previous shortcomings of higher education

customized/precision education more preferred

competition pressure

down-to-earth educational practice

update educator's knowledge in scope and depth

learn from advanced experience of western countries

stress on and prioirty for disciplines of global concern

bright prospect for environmental series of disciplines

11.Last Drop of Water is the Tear of Human Being: Water Saving and Protection Tap water utilization

Green industry

Public awareness (media efforts)

Governmental regulations

Higher charges urban

High-tech: New dripping irrigation in agriculture

Industrial efforts

Specific legislation


Garbage treatment


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