

1. Before we go to America,we’d better know its c________ and customs.

2. As students,we should r_________ our teachers..

3. Chinese use c___________to eat while Americans use forks and knives.

4. He works hard to achieve s________.

5. If you go to a foreign country,please do as the l_______ people do.


1. 到目前为止,我们已经学习了2000个英语单词。

_________ ________,we have learned 2,000 English words.

2. 在开始的时候我们都不适应广州的天气和事物。

_______ _______ ,aren’t used to the weather and food in Guangzhou.

3. 我们做菜的时候,都要在菜里放少量的盐。

We add _______ _______ _________ salt into the dishes when we cook.

4. 这节课老师让我们初步了解到唐朝的历史。

In this class,the teacher ________ ________ ________ Tang Dynasty.

5. 我叔叔下个月将从美国来中国看望我爷爷。

My uncle will ________ ________ ________ China to visit my grandfather.


( )1. I have _______ the bike for a year.

A. bought B. sold C. buy D. had

( )2. China has _______the host for the 2008 Olympic Games since July 13 2001.

A. become B. been C. became D. turned

( )3. ---_______ the market _______for many years?

---No, it _______only one year ago.

A. Has„opened was open B. Is„opened was„opened

C. Has„been open opened D. was„opened was„opened

( )4. I’m sorry to hear that the boy _______ home for two days.

A. has left B. has been away from C. left D. is away from ( )5. Chen Ping ________ the CD player for a week.

A. has bought B. has had C. had had D. has borrowed

( )6. They have ________the army for three years.

A. joined B. been in C. joined to D. joined in


Sam works in a factory. It’s far __1___ his home. Every day he ___2__ to work in the morning and back home in the evening. One day, he came home late and didn’t look ___3__ .His wife saw his ___4__ then asked him,“Why aren’t you happy? Are you not __5___ dear?”

“No, I’m quite well. But I’m very angry __6___ the bus ticket was three pence last week. But today it is two only.” “That’s ___7__ ,” his wife said.“The bus ticket is cheaper now. You __8___ save two pence every day.” But Dick said, “No, you are a fool. I walk to work and back home every day. __9___I saved six pence every day, but now I have two pence __10___.

( ) 1. A. at B. in C. to D. from

( ) 2. A. runs B. drives C. walks D. wants

( ) 3. A. nice B. sorry C. happily D. happy

( ) 4. A. bus B. face C. bag D. hand

( ) 5. A. well B. late C. hungry D. early

( ) 6. A. so B. because C. or D. and

( ) 7. A. bad B. quick C. wrong D. good

( ) 8. A. mustn’t B. can C. must D. can’t

( ) 9. A. Next week B. Yesterday C. Last week D. Today

( ) 10. A. less B. more C. many D. much



提示:1. 与同学共同生活,相互学习,参加各种各样的活动。

2. 游览名胜古迹,品尝广州的美食,了解广州的历史文化。

3. 感谢老师和同学的帮助。


Tony,June 20,2010,10:35

How time flies!I have been here in Guangzhou for almost a year.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Before we go to America,we’d better know its c________ and customs.

2. As students,we should r_________ our teachers..

3. Chinese use c___________to eat while Americans use forks and knives.

4. He works hard to achieve s________.

5. If you go to a foreign country,please do as the l_______ people do.


1. 到目前为止,我们已经学习了2000个英语单词。

_________ ________,we have learned 2,000 English words.

2. 在开始的时候我们都不适应广州的天气和事物。

_______ _______ ,aren’t used to the weather and food in Guangzhou.

3. 我们做菜的时候,都要在菜里放少量的盐。

We add _______ _______ _________ salt into the dishes when we cook.

4. 这节课老师让我们初步了解到唐朝的历史。

In this class,the teacher ________ ________ ________ Tang Dynasty.

5. 我叔叔下个月将从美国来中国看望我爷爷。

My uncle will ________ ________ ________ China to visit my grandfather.


( )1. I have _______ the bike for a year.

A. bought B. sold C. buy D. had

( )2. China has _______the host for the 2008 Olympic Games since July 13 2001.

A. become B. been C. became D. turned

( )3. ---_______ the market _______for many years?

---No, it _______only one year ago.

A. Has„opened was open B. Is„opened was„opened

C. Has„been open opened D. was„opened was„opened

( )4. I’m sorry to hear that the boy _______ home for two days.

A. has left B. has been away from C. left D. is away from ( )5. Chen Ping ________ the CD player for a week.

A. has bought B. has had C. had had D. has borrowed

( )6. They have ________the army for three years.

A. joined B. been in C. joined to D. joined in


Sam works in a factory. It’s far __1___ his home. Every day he ___2__ to work in the morning and back home in the evening. One day, he came home late and didn’t look ___3__ .His wife saw his ___4__ then asked him,“Why aren’t you happy? Are you not __5___ dear?”

“No, I’m quite well. But I’m very angry __6___ the bus ticket was three pence last week. But today it is two only.” “That’s ___7__ ,” his wife said.“The bus ticket is cheaper now. You __8___ save two pence every day.” But Dick said, “No, you are a fool. I walk to work and back home every day. __9___I saved six pence every day, but now I have two pence __10___.

( ) 1. A. at B. in C. to D. from

( ) 2. A. runs B. drives C. walks D. wants

( ) 3. A. nice B. sorry C. happily D. happy

( ) 4. A. bus B. face C. bag D. hand

( ) 5. A. well B. late C. hungry D. early

( ) 6. A. so B. because C. or D. and

( ) 7. A. bad B. quick C. wrong D. good

( ) 8. A. mustn’t B. can C. must D. can’t

( ) 9. A. Next week B. Yesterday C. Last week D. Today

( ) 10. A. less B. more C. many D. much



提示:1. 与同学共同生活,相互学习,参加各种各样的活动。

2. 游览名胜古迹,品尝广州的美食,了解广州的历史文化。

3. 感谢老师和同学的帮助。


Tony,June 20,2010,10:35

How time flies!I have been here in Guangzhou for almost a year.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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