
上帝是个女孩 - Groove Coverage

remembering me discover and see all over the world shes known as a girl to those who a free

the mind shall be key forgotten as the past cause history will last

god is a girl

wherever you are

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

whatever you say

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

however you live

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

shes only a girl

do you believe it

can you receive it

she wants to shine forever in time

she is so driven shes always mine

cleanly and free

she wants you to be a part of the future a girl like me

there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there that we truly trust

there is a rainbow for you and me

a beautiful sunrise eternally

god is a girl

wherever you are

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

whatever you say

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

however you live

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

shes only a girl

do you believe it can you receive it ~~~~~~~~~~~~``~~~~````~~~

上帝是个女孩 - Groove Coverage

remembering me discover and see all over the world shes known as a girl to those who a free

the mind shall be key forgotten as the past cause history will last

god is a girl

wherever you are

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

whatever you say

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

however you live

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

shes only a girl

do you believe it

can you receive it

she wants to shine forever in time

she is so driven shes always mine

cleanly and free

she wants you to be a part of the future a girl like me

there is a sky illuminating us someone is out there that we truly trust

there is a rainbow for you and me

a beautiful sunrise eternally

god is a girl

wherever you are

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

whatever you say

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

however you live

do you believe it

can you receive it

god is a girl

shes only a girl

do you believe it can you receive it ~~~~~~~~~~~~``~~~~````~~~


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