
—南 昌 大 学 考 试 试 卷—

【适用时间:20 14 ~20 15 学年第 一 学期 试卷类型:[ A ]卷】

第 1 页 共 6 页

Pricing, Water


An acquaintance once said that "every water faucet in New York City leaks." She was

exaggerating, of course, but her point was that New Yorkers do not take the time or spend the money to repair leaks. Why? Most residents of the city pay a flat fee for their water. For a fixed monthly charge, residents can use as much water as they want. Marginal cost is zero. Hence, the wasted water costs them nothing, aside from the annoyance of listening to the drip.

But why should anyone worry about the cost of water?

一位熟人曾说; 纽约的每一个水龙头都漏水。当然她有些夸张,但是她想说的重点是纽约人不花费时间或金钱去修。为什么呢?因为这个城市的大部分居民付的公寓费用中包含了水费。每月付固定的费用,居民可以无限量用水。边际成本为零。因此,除了厌烦听滴水声之外,浪费的水不花他们一分钱。

The figure shows recent prices of an additional 1,000 gallons per month in several U.S.

cities in 2001, ranging from $1.25 to nearly $3.00. (Water rates in other countries often are considerably higher.) For most Americans, this is a very small part of their budgets. Even so, study after study has shown that most water users will indeed respond to a higher price by fixing leaks, using a broom instead of a hose to clean the driveway, and otherwise

conserving water. Imposing a quantity charge, or raising it, forces users to rethink, even if only informally, their marginal benefit/marginal cost computations and adjust

consumption accordingly.


What is Water's True Cost?


Even when water utilities use a quantity charge instead of a fixed fee, they often set the quantity charge too low. Typical public water utilities design their rates to cover

out-of-pocket costs, but such costs often fall short of the true economic value of extracting and distributing water.


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First, governments often subsidize water infrastructure . Developers often must

contribute ready-to-use water systems to the utility. These subsidies do not come directly from the utility company and hence do not show up in their accounting records.


Capital Equipment.


Second, capital equipment—pumps, water mains, buildings, and so on—is a major element of total water cost and tends to last for several decades. Replacing a water main built, for example, 40 years ago would cost almost six times the original cost because of inflation alone. Yet few if any utilities update the value of aging capital equipment when they add up costs.


Scarcity Value.


Third, water in the ground or in a stream is valuable because it is scarce. The right to divert water from a stream or to pump it from an aquifer is an asset of growing value to utility companies But again is often ignored in standard accounting practice. One study estimated scarcity value to be at least as large as all other conventionally reckoned costs together. Similarly, any environmental costs incurred in providing public water supplies should be added to water rates.


Pricing as a Conservation Incentive


For the reasons outlined above, water rate schedules based on the utility's out-of-pocket costs leave consumers paying less than they should. And since consumers pay too little, they use too much.


However, an increasing number of water utilities have recognized the potential of pricing to provide an incentive for their customers to conserve water. Some (Seattle, Washington and southern California, for example) have refined the notion, charging higher rates during droughts or in dry seasons or for unexpectedly large quantities.


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But if water is priced at its full economic cost, what about the poor? Several major cities have taken at least tentative steps toward establishing what is called an "inclined-block" water rate schedule, as shown here:


Ideally, customers under this system would pay a low rate for the first few thousand gallons used, but the rate would rise until they pay the full marginal cost for the last thousand gallons. The criterion of marginal benefits equals marginal costs would be met, and yet even the poorest could afford at least a basic amount.

理想情况下,在这个阶梯价格体系下的客户只需支付低速率就可以使用几千加仑水,但速率 会上升,直到他们为最后几千加支付全部的全边际成本,标准的边际效益的等于边际费用,然而,让即使最穷的用户能至少一个基本自来水的使用量。

Trending Toward Demand Management.


On average, Americans use more than 1,000 gallons of water per day. The amount necessary to sustain life processes is quite small, perhaps a few gallons per day. Of the difference, how much is really needed for bathing, laundry, housecleaning, car washing, lawn and garden care, filling the swimming pool, and so on? Clearly, if consumers are presented with the right incentive, they can conserve on water use.

平均来看,美国人每天使用超过 1000 加仑的水,维持生命过程所需量很小,也许几加仑每一天,区别在于,多少是真正用于沐浴、 洗衣、 打扫房间、 洗车、 草坪和花园的护理,灌装游泳池,等等?显然,如果现在适当的激励消费者,他们就可以节约用水。

This article has considered mainly residential water users, but similar considerations apply to businesses and farms that use water. Farmers, for example, have developed highly sophisticated means of conservation by determining exactly how much water each plant needs and applying just that amount, but adjusting for water costs. Hotels install low-flow showerheads and toilets. Car washes and many other businesses reuse water.


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Most public utilities and other water-supply agencies try to accommodate growth in water demand by looking for additional water sources to develop; this is supply-side

management. But growth can often be met by conservation in the use of existing sources; this is demand management. Some utilities go so far as to charge a premium during the dry season, for unanticipated high water demands, or during periods of drought. Pricing is a powerful tool of growing importance in the toolkits of water managers and





As anyone who has seen the 1939 film Gone with the Wind knows, cotton was once the staple crop of the southern United States. No more. Cotton, a very water intensive crop, was well suited to the southern climate with its heavy rainfall. The center of cotton production has since shifted, however, to bone-dry parts of California. Why?

Several reasons exist for cotton's western migration, but clearly this shift could not have happened without federally funded irrigation projects. Generally, farmers who use water from these projects pay far less than its full economic value; they are thus subsidized. Subsidies are common among government-financed water resource projects. However, they are not free: taxpayers bear the cost in proportion to their tax payments.

正如我们所知道的 1939 年电影《乱世佳人》,棉花曾经是美国南部的主要作物,是一种耗水量大的作物,非常适合南方的气候与它的降雨。然而,棉花生产的中心已经转移到加州干燥地区。为什么呢?棉花的西部迁移,存在以下几个原因:但显然这种转变可能不是源于由联邦政府出资的灌溉工程,一般来说,农民从这些项目使用水的支付远远小于其全部经济价值 ;他们因而可获补助。补贴是政府资助的水资源项目中常见的。然而,他们不是免费的:纳税人承担的按费用比例缴纳税款。

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—南 昌 大 学 考 试 试 卷—

【适用时间:20 14 ~20 15 学年第 一 学期 试卷类型:[ A ]卷】

第 1 页 共 6 页

Pricing, Water


An acquaintance once said that "every water faucet in New York City leaks." She was

exaggerating, of course, but her point was that New Yorkers do not take the time or spend the money to repair leaks. Why? Most residents of the city pay a flat fee for their water. For a fixed monthly charge, residents can use as much water as they want. Marginal cost is zero. Hence, the wasted water costs them nothing, aside from the annoyance of listening to the drip.

But why should anyone worry about the cost of water?

一位熟人曾说; 纽约的每一个水龙头都漏水。当然她有些夸张,但是她想说的重点是纽约人不花费时间或金钱去修。为什么呢?因为这个城市的大部分居民付的公寓费用中包含了水费。每月付固定的费用,居民可以无限量用水。边际成本为零。因此,除了厌烦听滴水声之外,浪费的水不花他们一分钱。

The figure shows recent prices of an additional 1,000 gallons per month in several U.S.

cities in 2001, ranging from $1.25 to nearly $3.00. (Water rates in other countries often are considerably higher.) For most Americans, this is a very small part of their budgets. Even so, study after study has shown that most water users will indeed respond to a higher price by fixing leaks, using a broom instead of a hose to clean the driveway, and otherwise

conserving water. Imposing a quantity charge, or raising it, forces users to rethink, even if only informally, their marginal benefit/marginal cost computations and adjust

consumption accordingly.


What is Water's True Cost?


Even when water utilities use a quantity charge instead of a fixed fee, they often set the quantity charge too low. Typical public water utilities design their rates to cover

out-of-pocket costs, but such costs often fall short of the true economic value of extracting and distributing water.


第 2 页 共 6 页




First, governments often subsidize water infrastructure . Developers often must

contribute ready-to-use water systems to the utility. These subsidies do not come directly from the utility company and hence do not show up in their accounting records.


Capital Equipment.


Second, capital equipment—pumps, water mains, buildings, and so on—is a major element of total water cost and tends to last for several decades. Replacing a water main built, for example, 40 years ago would cost almost six times the original cost because of inflation alone. Yet few if any utilities update the value of aging capital equipment when they add up costs.


Scarcity Value.


Third, water in the ground or in a stream is valuable because it is scarce. The right to divert water from a stream or to pump it from an aquifer is an asset of growing value to utility companies But again is often ignored in standard accounting practice. One study estimated scarcity value to be at least as large as all other conventionally reckoned costs together. Similarly, any environmental costs incurred in providing public water supplies should be added to water rates.


Pricing as a Conservation Incentive


For the reasons outlined above, water rate schedules based on the utility's out-of-pocket costs leave consumers paying less than they should. And since consumers pay too little, they use too much.


However, an increasing number of water utilities have recognized the potential of pricing to provide an incentive for their customers to conserve water. Some (Seattle, Washington and southern California, for example) have refined the notion, charging higher rates during droughts or in dry seasons or for unexpectedly large quantities.


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But if water is priced at its full economic cost, what about the poor? Several major cities have taken at least tentative steps toward establishing what is called an "inclined-block" water rate schedule, as shown here:


Ideally, customers under this system would pay a low rate for the first few thousand gallons used, but the rate would rise until they pay the full marginal cost for the last thousand gallons. The criterion of marginal benefits equals marginal costs would be met, and yet even the poorest could afford at least a basic amount.

理想情况下,在这个阶梯价格体系下的客户只需支付低速率就可以使用几千加仑水,但速率 会上升,直到他们为最后几千加支付全部的全边际成本,标准的边际效益的等于边际费用,然而,让即使最穷的用户能至少一个基本自来水的使用量。

Trending Toward Demand Management.


On average, Americans use more than 1,000 gallons of water per day. The amount necessary to sustain life processes is quite small, perhaps a few gallons per day. Of the difference, how much is really needed for bathing, laundry, housecleaning, car washing, lawn and garden care, filling the swimming pool, and so on? Clearly, if consumers are presented with the right incentive, they can conserve on water use.

平均来看,美国人每天使用超过 1000 加仑的水,维持生命过程所需量很小,也许几加仑每一天,区别在于,多少是真正用于沐浴、 洗衣、 打扫房间、 洗车、 草坪和花园的护理,灌装游泳池,等等?显然,如果现在适当的激励消费者,他们就可以节约用水。

This article has considered mainly residential water users, but similar considerations apply to businesses and farms that use water. Farmers, for example, have developed highly sophisticated means of conservation by determining exactly how much water each plant needs and applying just that amount, but adjusting for water costs. Hotels install low-flow showerheads and toilets. Car washes and many other businesses reuse water.


第 4 页 共 6 页


Most public utilities and other water-supply agencies try to accommodate growth in water demand by looking for additional water sources to develop; this is supply-side

management. But growth can often be met by conservation in the use of existing sources; this is demand management. Some utilities go so far as to charge a premium during the dry season, for unanticipated high water demands, or during periods of drought. Pricing is a powerful tool of growing importance in the toolkits of water managers and





As anyone who has seen the 1939 film Gone with the Wind knows, cotton was once the staple crop of the southern United States. No more. Cotton, a very water intensive crop, was well suited to the southern climate with its heavy rainfall. The center of cotton production has since shifted, however, to bone-dry parts of California. Why?

Several reasons exist for cotton's western migration, but clearly this shift could not have happened without federally funded irrigation projects. Generally, farmers who use water from these projects pay far less than its full economic value; they are thus subsidized. Subsidies are common among government-financed water resource projects. However, they are not free: taxpayers bear the cost in proportion to their tax payments.

正如我们所知道的 1939 年电影《乱世佳人》,棉花曾经是美国南部的主要作物,是一种耗水量大的作物,非常适合南方的气候与它的降雨。然而,棉花生产的中心已经转移到加州干燥地区。为什么呢?棉花的西部迁移,存在以下几个原因:但显然这种转变可能不是源于由联邦政府出资的灌溉工程,一般来说,农民从这些项目使用水的支付远远小于其全部经济价值 ;他们因而可获补助。补贴是政府资助的水资源项目中常见的。然而,他们不是免费的:纳税人承担的按费用比例缴纳税款。

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