
《快乐英语》第一册听力赏析栏目听力稿 Unit 1

--- School is over.

--- Look, my mum.

--- Look, my dad.

----Look, my grandma.

---- Look, my grandpa.

---- Look, my mum.

---- Goodbye, Kate.

----Bye, Meimei.

Unit 2

---- Wow, fruit.

---- How nice. A watermelon for you, dad. ---- Thank you.

--- A peach for you, grandma.

---Thank you.

--- An apple for you, mum.

-----Thank you.

---- An orange for you, grandpa.

---- Thank you.

---- A banana for you, Jinjin.

---- Oh, no. A banana for you, Tiantian. ---- Let’s share it. Haha.

Unit 3

----- Look at the rainbow. How beautiful. ----- Oh, very beautiful.

---- Look, it’s red, orange, yellow, green …

----What colour?

---- Is it blue?

--- No, it isn’t blue. It’s purple.

----- Oh, it’s purple., purple.

Unit 4

---- Look, Tiantian.

----Wow, it’s nice. Let’s draw it.

----- OK. Let’s draw . Give me a pencil, please. -----Here you are.

----- Give me an eraser, please.

-----Here you are.

----- Give me a marker, please.

-----Here you are.

----- A marker. What colour? Red, blue or green? ------ Give me a blue one, please.

----- Here’s a blue marker.

----- Thank you.

----- You ’re welcome.

---- Oh, no. It’s not blue. It’s purple.

Unit 5

----- Look, a puppy. I love this puppy. ---- Yes, I love this puppy.

----- Mum, I want a puppy.

----- OK.

----- Thank you, Mum.

Unit 6

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

One little monkey jumping on the bed. He falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

《快乐英语》第一册听力赏析栏目听力稿 Unit 1

--- School is over.

--- Look, my mum.

--- Look, my dad.

----Look, my grandma.

---- Look, my grandpa.

---- Look, my mum.

---- Goodbye, Kate.

----Bye, Meimei.

Unit 2

---- Wow, fruit.

---- How nice. A watermelon for you, dad. ---- Thank you.

--- A peach for you, grandma.

---Thank you.

--- An apple for you, mum.

-----Thank you.

---- An orange for you, grandpa.

---- Thank you.

---- A banana for you, Jinjin.

---- Oh, no. A banana for you, Tiantian. ---- Let’s share it. Haha.

Unit 3

----- Look at the rainbow. How beautiful. ----- Oh, very beautiful.

---- Look, it’s red, orange, yellow, green …

----What colour?

---- Is it blue?

--- No, it isn’t blue. It’s purple.

----- Oh, it’s purple., purple.

Unit 4

---- Look, Tiantian.

----Wow, it’s nice. Let’s draw it.

----- OK. Let’s draw . Give me a pencil, please. -----Here you are.

----- Give me an eraser, please.

-----Here you are.

----- Give me a marker, please.

-----Here you are.

----- A marker. What colour? Red, blue or green? ------ Give me a blue one, please.

----- Here’s a blue marker.

----- Thank you.

----- You ’re welcome.

---- Oh, no. It’s not blue. It’s purple.

Unit 5

----- Look, a puppy. I love this puppy. ---- Yes, I love this puppy.

----- Mum, I want a puppy.

----- OK.

----- Thank you, Mum.

Unit 6

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Four little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Three little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

Two little monkeys jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”

One little monkey jumping on the bed. He falls off and bumps his head.

Mum calls the doctor and the doctor says, “ No my monkey jumping on the bed.”


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