Zhongshan Kindergarten is truly gorgeous in Spring! It is a place filled with green. Children are so joyous in Spring! Because they can go for spring outing! So where did they go to explore the beauty of nature and spring? Let’s have a look.
(Look out from the reception room in Zhongshan)
K2小朋友和爸爸妈妈来到了海洋馆!美丽的海洋生物让人着迷,好多我从来没有见过的海底朋友呀!K2 children went to the aquarium with parents! Beautiful marine animals are so charming and mysterious! So excited to see so many creatures that I have never seen before!
K1小朋友则和父母一起来到了自然博物馆!巨大如恐龙,渺小如昆虫,居然都可以在这里找到哎!太奇妙了!K1 children went to the Nature History Museum with their parents! There I saw so many animals, from bugs to dinosaurs! How amazing!
好开心,我们可以出去玩,还可以了解到大自然的奥秘!老师,我们夏天去哪里呀?It is wonderful that we could go out and learn the secrets of nature at the same time! Dear teachers, where are we going for summer?
Zhongshan Kindergarten is truly gorgeous in Spring! It is a place filled with green. Children are so joyous in Spring! Because they can go for spring outing! So where did they go to explore the beauty of nature and spring? Let’s have a look.
(Look out from the reception room in Zhongshan)
K2小朋友和爸爸妈妈来到了海洋馆!美丽的海洋生物让人着迷,好多我从来没有见过的海底朋友呀!K2 children went to the aquarium with parents! Beautiful marine animals are so charming and mysterious! So excited to see so many creatures that I have never seen before!
K1小朋友则和父母一起来到了自然博物馆!巨大如恐龙,渺小如昆虫,居然都可以在这里找到哎!太奇妙了!K1 children went to the Nature History Museum with their parents! There I saw so many animals, from bugs to dinosaurs! How amazing!
好开心,我们可以出去玩,还可以了解到大自然的奥秘!老师,我们夏天去哪里呀?It is wonderful that we could go out and learn the secrets of nature at the same time! Dear teachers, where are we going for summer?