债务重组核算问题探讨 摘要及文献









A Study of the Accounting Problems of Debt Restructuring Abstrac t: "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt restructurings" since the implementation of debt restructuring, debt restructuring accounting theory and practice have been deepened, the occurrence of certain changes in the debt restructuring methods and accounting methods are compared with the previous accounting standards, this paper for the four kinds of debt restructuring under the new accounting standards of the specific accounting treatment for a simple explanation, using literature research method, historical data analysis, combination of theory and practice, the corresponding research methods such as analysis of the inadequacies of debt restructuring accounting that the new accounting standards for business enterprises existing in the processing mode, and puts forward some suggestions on these deficiencies.

This paper is divided into four chapters:

The first chapter is mainly about the background and significance of the research, and the related summary of the definition of debt restructuring;

The second chapter is our country's accounting standards through comparing with the restructuring of the national and international accounting, and the results of comparative analysis, put forward our country can draw lessons from in debt restructuring guidelines;

The third chapter mainly expounds the problems of the new accounting standards in our country on the debt restructuring accounting standards;

The fourth chapter is mainly for the unreasonable part of the proposed solutions to the unreasonable;

The fifth chapter summarizes the whole paper.

Keywords: debt restructuring accounting; accounting standards; problems


1 国内债务重组准则发展概论



随着我国市场经济的不断发展,交易活动的复杂,使得企业面临越来越多的经营风险。很容易导致企业陷入经营困境。因此,相关的法律法规应运而生。1998年六月颁布实施的债务重组准则是我国首次颁布的,用以规范债务重组交易事项的准则。该准则的颁布较多的参照了美国财务会计准则第15号公告以及第114号公告,也参照了国际会计会计准则有关收入的准则规定。这就意味着我国首次将公允价值的计量属性引入了准则之中,并将重组收益计入了当期收益。 肖凌(2000)觉得1998年债务重组准则规定的一系列改革,目的是允许债务人减少总收入,债权人尽可能减少总损失。然而,准则执行过程中存在的问题是公允价值的使用和重组的收益和企业盈利的损失,都包括在盈余管理的现行规定中。


王跃堂 (2000)的研究中对自愿执行与未自愿执行三大减值政策的两类公司进行分组,并将其各自的特征进行参数和非参数检验,希望得到这两类公司的特征值是否存在偏差。用多元回归分析对影响企业会计政策选择的经济因素进行检测,证明了上市公司的上市年限越久,公司的经营业绩和财务状况就越差,利用债务重组进行盈余管理的可能性就越大。






程海燕(2001)通过研究发现:一些被退市的上市公司例如PT 渝汰白在修订版的会计准则下无法利用债务重组扭亏为盈时,采用新的对策即利用资本公积弥补亏损。由于公司法的规定较为含糊:其规定公司的公积金用于弥补公司的亏损,扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。在此之前,1996年PT 北旅为了使公司扭亏为盈摆脱两年连续亏损的命运,用盈余公积和资本公积去弥补亏损。越来越多的公司会利用这种含糊不够明确的规定来躲避新债务重组准则。





李秉祥(2003)指出我国ST 公司现有债务重组方式存在的主要问题有报表重组多、关联交易多、实质性重组少、盈余管理多等缺陷与不足。指出了ST 公司可以实行包括公司的产业调整、产品结构调整、治理结构调整和债务重组在内的全面重组,只有面向市场实施战略重组,才能使ST 公司的债务重组达到标本兼治的效果。


许文静(2007)在分析债务重组准则变革的基础上,以沪市52家ST 公司2007年(新会计准则体系实施的第一年)年报资料为依据,对新债务准则的实施效果及其产生的影响进行了相关的探讨,认为上市公司利用债务重组进行利润操纵的现象确实存在,需要加强对其监管和惩罚的力度并由政府统一规范年报中有关债务重组经济事项的披露。




夏裕、彭压等(2008)以上市ST 公司为例,证明了新会计准则下,债务重




2006年我国对债务重组准则再次进行修订。准则重新使用公允价值,再次将重组收益计入了当期收益,与1998年相同。其目的就是力图建立一套符合我国实际情况,指导重组交易行为,规范上市环境且与国际会计惯例接轨的准则。 2 国内债务重组研究现状评析



[1]旷溪. 新债务重组会计准则研究[D].长安大学,2009.

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[5] 陈淑贤. 浅析新《企业会计准则一债务重组》对上市公司的影响[J].四川会


[6] Botstein,David W.IS fair value accounting rally fir. Internationals Financial Law

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[8] FASB. “Using Cash Flow Information and Present Value in Accounting

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IFRS: Beyond the Standards

By George T. Tsakoumis, David R. Campbell Sr. and Timothy S. Doupnik February 2009

Since the European Union's 2002 regulation mandating IFRS for EU public companies and the execution of the Norwalk Agreement by FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), momentum has been building for global standards convergence. Currently, more than 100 countries have adopted IFRS, and a number of other economically important countries, including Japan and the United States, have programs in place to converge their national standards with IFRS. IASB Chairman Sir David Tweedie has said that by December 2011, US GAAP and IFRS “should be pretty much the same.”At that point, about 150 countries would be using very similar accounting standards, though some countries have adopted versions of IFRS that vary from IFRS as published by the IASB. In 2007 the SEC extended the question beyond mere convergence by accepting the English language version of IFRS by foreign issuers without reconciliation. And in November the SEC released a proposed road map that could require a phased adoption of IFRS by US issuers beginning in 2014, dependent in part on whether seven milestones are achieved. And in November the SEC released a proposed road map that could require a phased adoption of IFRS by US issuers beginning in 2014, dependent in part on whether seven milestones are achieved. In the road map, which has a comment period ending Feb. 19, it is noted that, “The Commission has long expressed its support for a single set of high-quality global accounting standards as an important means of enhancing comparability.”

This article points out that even among countries that have adopted the same version of IFRS, recent accounting research suggests that two factors—national culture and language translation—could undermine the rigorous interpretation and application of IFRS and lead to a lack of comparability across countries. The objective of this article is to highlight two significant hurdles that impede the

consistent interpretation and application of converged standards: the influence of national culture on the interpretation of standards and the difficulty of translating standards into other languages

This research reveals that two accounting values directly influenced by national culture are conservatism and secrecy , which affect the measurement and disclosure of financial information in financial reports and have the greatest potential to affect cross-border financial statement comparability. The underlying framework helping to explain these findings is based upon one of the largest cross-cultural surveys ever conducted. Social psychology researcher Greet Hosted (Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations, 2nd Edition) collected data on cultural values from approximately 116,000 employees of a multinational company located in 50 countries and three regions around the world. He identified four cultural dimensions that reflected core values and helped explain general similarities and differences in cultures. These dimensions were:

Uncertainty avoidance —how comfortable individuals in a society feel with uncertainty and ambiguity;Individualism —a society's preference for a loosely knit social fabric or a more interdependent, tightly knit social fabric;Achievement orientation —how much values such as performance and visible achievement are emphasized; andPower distance —how much hierarchy and unequal power distribution are accepted in a culture.

Hofstadter’s cultural framework has been used extensively in management and other disciplines to examine the influence of national culture on organizational and individual performance. This framework can be used in an accounting context to explain the SEC's concern that “proper application encompasses not only faithful adherence to the requirements of the standards, but also understandable standards such that across the spectrum of issuers those requirements are consistently understood and applied” (Concepts Release 33-8831, August 2007, page 30).

From an accounting perspective, high conservatism implies a tendency to defer the recognitio n of assets and items that increase net income. Within Hostage’s framework, higher levels of conservatism are most closely linked with countries that

have higher uncertainty avoidance and lower individualism and achievement orientation. High secrecy implies a tendency to restrict the disclosure of relevant information to outside parties. In summary, research reveals that the cultural values existing in a country influence a country's accounting values (accountants' levels of conservatism and secrecy), which influence how financial reporting standards are applied:

Accounting Values g Application of Financial Reporting Standards National culture is most likely to influence the application of financial reporting standards where judgment is required. This requires substantial judgment on the part of the accountant. Recent research has found that national culture influences both the interpretation and application of accounting standards across countries.For example, a study by Timothy S. Drunk, a co-author of this article, and Martin Richter (“Interpretation of Uncertainty Expressions: A Cross -National Study,” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Jan. 2003) found that German accountants exhibit more of a conservative bias than their US counterparts in their interpretation of the word “probable” in establishing the threshold for the recognition of a construction contract loss. German accountants assigned a lower numeric threshold (66% likelihood of occurrence) to the term “probable” than their US counterparts (74% likelihood of occurrence), exhibiting greater levels of conservatism in recognizing a construction contract loss (IAS 11).

Another study (“The Influence of Culture on Accountants' Application of Financial Reporting Rules,” Abacus, March 2007) by George T. Tsakoumis (lead author of this article) found that when presented with similar economic facts and financial reporting guidelines, accountants in the United States and Greece made different contingency recognition and disclosure decisions in their application of IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. Only 33% of US accountants responded that they would be likely to recognize the lawsuit as a contingent asset, while 65% of Greek accountants indicated that they would recognize the lawsuit as a contingent asset. In the same situation, 72% of US accountants indicated that they would recognize the lawsuit as a liability, while only 59% of the

Greek accountants elected to do so. From a disclosure perspective, Greek accountants were much more reluctant to disclose the existence of a lawsuit to outside parties than US accountants. While 84% of US accountants indicated that they would disclose the lawsuit in the notes to the financial statements, only 56% of the Greek accountants indicated a disclosure preference.

Other research (“The Influence of Conservatism and Secrecy on the Interpretation of Verbal Probability Expressions in the Anglo and Latin Cultural Areas,” by Drunk and Edison Luis Rocco, The International Journal of Accounting, V ol. 41, Issue 3, 2006) also has found Brazilian accountants to be much less likely than US accountants to disclose contingencies in the notes to the financial statements. Another study (“The Impact of National Influence on Accounting Estimates: Implications for International Accounting Standard- Setters,” by Joseph J. Schultz and Thomas J. Lopez, The International Journal of Accounting , Vol. 36, Issue 3, 2001) found that French and German accountants recommended recording warranty estimates higher (more cautious or conservative) than their American counterparts.

These findings suggest that wherever professional judgment is required, national culture plays a significant role in how accountants interpret and apply IFRS. Culture is a pervasive environmental factor that can lead to inconsistent interpretation and application of converged financial reporting standards.


Translation of IFRS into various languages poses another threat to comparability Theofficial working language of the IASB, and the language in which IFRS is published, is English. For

non- English speaking accountants to have access to IFRS, they are translated into other languages. The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF) created an official translation process in 1997, and IFRS was first officially translated into German By the end of 2006, IFRS had been translated into nearly 40 languages. Translations primarily have been into European languages, but Chinese, Japanese and Arabic translations also have been made. Its translation process is well-organized and quite rigorous. However, despite the care taken by translators and

the oversight provided by translation review committees, translation problems exist. In some cases, words and phrases used in English-language accounting standards cannot be translated into other languages without some distortion of meaning. Several research studies have shown this to be true.

In one study (“Interlinguistic Comparison of International Accounting Standards: The Case of Uncertainty Expressions,” by Ronald A. Davidson and Heidi H.

Chrisman, The International Journal of Accounting , Vol. 28, Issue 1, 1993), Canadian researchers examined accounting students' interpretations of probability expressions ( probable , not likely , and reasonable assurance ) used in Canadian accounting

standards to establish recognition and disclosure thresholds. They found Anglophone students' interpretations of some English-language expressions to be significantly different from the interpretations made by Francophone students of the

French-language translation. In the study, cited earlier by Dunk and Richter, German accountants fluent in English assigned values to both the English original and the German translation of probability expressions used in IFRS.For several expressions, the original and translation were interpreted differently.

IAS 37 (Para. 28) indicates that a contingent liability is disclosed “unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote,” and IAS 31 (Para. 45) requires separate disclosure of specific types of contingent

liabilities “unless the probability of loss is remote.” Given the similar purpose and context in which remote is used in these two standards, it would appear that the IASC intended the term to convey the same meaning in both cases.



乔治.T.TSAKUMIS ,老戴维 R.坎贝尔和提摩太


自2002年欧盟的规定对欧盟的上市公司和FASB 和国际会计准则委员会(IASB )的诺沃克协议执行国际财务报告准则的监管,势头已建立全球标准的衔接。目前,超过100个国家已采用国际财务报告准则,以及其他重要经济国家,包括日本和美国的数量,有计划到位,他们的国家标准与国际财务报告准则衔接。 国际会计准则委员会主席David Tweedie 爵士说,2011年12月,美国通用会计准则和国际财务报告准则“应该是大同小异。”



研究表明,文化差异造成会计师在不同国家的不同解释和适用的会计准则。本研究结果显示两个会计值;直接影响国家的文化保守主义和保密性,从而影响了测量,并在财务报告中的财务信息披露,并具有最大的潜在影响跨境财务报表的可比性。底层框架有助于解释这些发现是基于后,进行了有史以来最大的跨文化调查之一。社会心理学研究者海尔特霍夫斯泰德( 文化的后果:比较值,行为,机构,组织和联合国之间 ,第二版)收集的数据约为116,000一家跨国公


(1) 不确定性规避 :舒适的个人与社会的不确定性和模糊性的感觉;

(2) 个人主义的社会的一个松散的社会结构或一个更加相互依赖紧密的社会结构的偏好;

(3) 成就取向,强调如性能和可见的成就值多少;

(4) 电源距离,多少层次和不平等的权力分配是在文化接受。


从会计的角度来看,高保守主义意味着一种倾向,以推迟确认的资产和项目,增加纯收入。Hofstede 的框架内,更高层次的保守主义最密切联系的国家有较高的不确定性规避 和较低的个人主义和成就取向。保密性高,意味着一种倾向,限制向外界披 露有关信息。保密水平较高,在文化与较高的不确定性规避权力距离与低个人主义和成就取向。总之,研究表明,在一个国家现有的文化价值观,影响一个国家的会计值(会计师保守主义和保密的水平),从而影响如何应用财务报告准则:民族文化是最有可能影响应用程序需要判断财务报告标准。这是因为大多数国际财务报告准则是基于原则的关注。这就要求会计师做出实质性判断。最近的研究发现,国家文化的影响,不同国家的会计准则的解释和应用。

例如,研究发现了这篇文章的合著者,霍震霆和马丁•里希特(“解读的不确定性的表达:一个跨国研究”,会计,组织与社会 ,2003年1月),德国会计师表现出更保守的偏见比他们的美国同行在他们的建造合同亏损的认同建立的门槛“可能”一词的解释。在此背景下,“可能”是用来作为识别为一个项目,降低收入门槛。德国会计师分配一个较低的数字阈值(66%发生的可能性),“可能”比他们的美国同行(74%发生的可能性),表现出更高水平的保守主义在承认建造合同损失(IAS11)。

另一项研究(“会计师财务报告规则的应用文化的影响,” 珠算 2007年3月)由乔治,T. Tsakumis(这篇文章的主要作者)发现,当出现类似的经济事实和财务报告准则,会计师美国和希腊在其应用国际会计准则第37号“不同的应变识别和披露的决定,规定,或然负债及或然资产。美国会计师超过希腊承认他们的诉讼或然资产或然负债的财务报表会计师保守。只有33%的美国会计师回应时表示,他们很可能会承认有资产的诉讼,而65%的希腊会计师表示,他们将承认或然资产的诉讼。在相同的情况下,72%的美国会计师表示,他们会认识到作为责任的诉讼,而只有59%的希腊会计师当选这样做。从披露的角度看,希腊会计师更不愿透露存在着一个比美国会计师的外部各方的诉讼。

虽然84%的美国会计师表示,他们将财务报表附注中披露的诉讼,只有56%表示希腊会计师披露的偏好。其他研究(“释义盎格鲁和拉丁文化区的言语概率表达的影响,保守主义和保密”,由Doupnik 和埃德森路易斯里奇奥,国际会计学报第3期,2006年)也有发现巴西会计师是不太可能比美国会计师财务报表附注中披露的应急。在两项研究中,希腊和巴西会计师展出超过美国会计师的秘密。

另一项研究(“全国影响力的会计估计的影响:国际会计准则制定的启示”,由约瑟夫•舒尔茨和托马斯•J •洛佩斯,国际会计杂志 ,第36卷,第3期,2001年)发现,法国和德国会计师建议的录音保修估计高于他们的美国同行(更谨慎或保守)。这些研究结果表明,凡是需要专业判断,国家的文化起到了重要的角色会计师如何解释和适用国际财务报告准则。文化是一个普遍的环境因素,可导致不一致的解释和应用融合财务报告准则。这是麻烦的,因为不同的判断,可能会导致在财务报表的显着性差异。这些差异可能会严重影响国家之间的财务报表的可比性。

国际财务报告准则“翻译成各种语言构成另一可比性威胁。国际会计准则委员会的正式工作语言,并在国际财务报告准则公布的语言,是英语。对于非英语有机会获得国际财务报告准则的会计师,他们被翻译成其他语言 国际会计准则委员会基金会(IASCF )创建于1997年正式翻译过程中,与国际财务报告准则首次正式翻译成德语。到2006年底,国际财务报告准则“已被译成近40种语言。主要已被翻译成欧洲语言,但汉语、日语和阿拉伯语的翻译也已做出IASCF 协调


加拿大研究人员在一项研究中(语法比较“国际会计准则:不确定性表达为例,”罗纳德•戴维森和海蒂•克里斯曼,国际会计杂志“卷28,第1期,1993年),审核的会计学生的解释(可能,不太可能 ,合理的保证 )在加拿大的会计准则,建立识别和披露阈值的概率表达式。他们发现:一些英语表达英语国家学生的解释明显是从法语翻译法语学生所作的解释不同。在这项研究中,引早由Dunk 和Richter ,德国会计师英文原版和在国际财务报告准则的概率表达的德语翻译流利的英语的分配值。数表达式,原件和翻译不同的解释。



感谢华北科技学院管理学院的各位老师,是他们毫无保留的的授学和指导,才使得我在四年的大学学习中,学到了很多会计方面的理论知识,也学到了不少的实践经验。在论文的写作过程中也得到了很多同学们的宝贵意见,和同学们的热心帮助,在此一并的致以诚挚的谢意。感谢在这期间所有关心、支持、帮助过我的良师益友。 最后,向在百忙中抽出时间对本文进行评审并提出宝贵意见的各位评审老师表示衷心的感谢!









A Study of the Accounting Problems of Debt Restructuring Abstrac t: "Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 12 - Debt restructurings" since the implementation of debt restructuring, debt restructuring accounting theory and practice have been deepened, the occurrence of certain changes in the debt restructuring methods and accounting methods are compared with the previous accounting standards, this paper for the four kinds of debt restructuring under the new accounting standards of the specific accounting treatment for a simple explanation, using literature research method, historical data analysis, combination of theory and practice, the corresponding research methods such as analysis of the inadequacies of debt restructuring accounting that the new accounting standards for business enterprises existing in the processing mode, and puts forward some suggestions on these deficiencies.

This paper is divided into four chapters:

The first chapter is mainly about the background and significance of the research, and the related summary of the definition of debt restructuring;

The second chapter is our country's accounting standards through comparing with the restructuring of the national and international accounting, and the results of comparative analysis, put forward our country can draw lessons from in debt restructuring guidelines;

The third chapter mainly expounds the problems of the new accounting standards in our country on the debt restructuring accounting standards;

The fourth chapter is mainly for the unreasonable part of the proposed solutions to the unreasonable;

The fifth chapter summarizes the whole paper.

Keywords: debt restructuring accounting; accounting standards; problems


1 国内债务重组准则发展概论



随着我国市场经济的不断发展,交易活动的复杂,使得企业面临越来越多的经营风险。很容易导致企业陷入经营困境。因此,相关的法律法规应运而生。1998年六月颁布实施的债务重组准则是我国首次颁布的,用以规范债务重组交易事项的准则。该准则的颁布较多的参照了美国财务会计准则第15号公告以及第114号公告,也参照了国际会计会计准则有关收入的准则规定。这就意味着我国首次将公允价值的计量属性引入了准则之中,并将重组收益计入了当期收益。 肖凌(2000)觉得1998年债务重组准则规定的一系列改革,目的是允许债务人减少总收入,债权人尽可能减少总损失。然而,准则执行过程中存在的问题是公允价值的使用和重组的收益和企业盈利的损失,都包括在盈余管理的现行规定中。


王跃堂 (2000)的研究中对自愿执行与未自愿执行三大减值政策的两类公司进行分组,并将其各自的特征进行参数和非参数检验,希望得到这两类公司的特征值是否存在偏差。用多元回归分析对影响企业会计政策选择的经济因素进行检测,证明了上市公司的上市年限越久,公司的经营业绩和财务状况就越差,利用债务重组进行盈余管理的可能性就越大。






程海燕(2001)通过研究发现:一些被退市的上市公司例如PT 渝汰白在修订版的会计准则下无法利用债务重组扭亏为盈时,采用新的对策即利用资本公积弥补亏损。由于公司法的规定较为含糊:其规定公司的公积金用于弥补公司的亏损,扩大公司生产经营或者转为增加公司资本。在此之前,1996年PT 北旅为了使公司扭亏为盈摆脱两年连续亏损的命运,用盈余公积和资本公积去弥补亏损。越来越多的公司会利用这种含糊不够明确的规定来躲避新债务重组准则。





李秉祥(2003)指出我国ST 公司现有债务重组方式存在的主要问题有报表重组多、关联交易多、实质性重组少、盈余管理多等缺陷与不足。指出了ST 公司可以实行包括公司的产业调整、产品结构调整、治理结构调整和债务重组在内的全面重组,只有面向市场实施战略重组,才能使ST 公司的债务重组达到标本兼治的效果。


许文静(2007)在分析债务重组准则变革的基础上,以沪市52家ST 公司2007年(新会计准则体系实施的第一年)年报资料为依据,对新债务准则的实施效果及其产生的影响进行了相关的探讨,认为上市公司利用债务重组进行利润操纵的现象确实存在,需要加强对其监管和惩罚的力度并由政府统一规范年报中有关债务重组经济事项的披露。




夏裕、彭压等(2008)以上市ST 公司为例,证明了新会计准则下,债务重




2006年我国对债务重组准则再次进行修订。准则重新使用公允价值,再次将重组收益计入了当期收益,与1998年相同。其目的就是力图建立一套符合我国实际情况,指导重组交易行为,规范上市环境且与国际会计惯例接轨的准则。 2 国内债务重组研究现状评析



[1]旷溪. 新债务重组会计准则研究[D].长安大学,2009.

[2]王金丽. 债务重组准则中存在的问题及建议[J].山西财经大学学报,2015,S1:45-46.

[3]王立娜. 债务重组中公允价值问题的探讨[J].商业经济,2015,03:50-51.

[4] 程海燕. 《企业会计准则一债务重组》对上市公司的影响[J].2008(7):56-65

[5] 陈淑贤. 浅析新《企业会计准则一债务重组》对上市公司的影响[J].四川会


[6] Botstein,David W.IS fair value accounting rally fir. Internationals Financial Law

Review , 2002.08

[7] Wilson ,Allister Fair value and measurement: where the conflict lie. Balance


[8] FASB. “Using Cash Flow Information and Present Value in Accounting

Measurements”. Concept Statement,2000.07

[9] Win Allister. Fair value and measurement: where the conflictive.




IFRS: Beyond the Standards

By George T. Tsakoumis, David R. Campbell Sr. and Timothy S. Doupnik February 2009

Since the European Union's 2002 regulation mandating IFRS for EU public companies and the execution of the Norwalk Agreement by FASB and the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), momentum has been building for global standards convergence. Currently, more than 100 countries have adopted IFRS, and a number of other economically important countries, including Japan and the United States, have programs in place to converge their national standards with IFRS. IASB Chairman Sir David Tweedie has said that by December 2011, US GAAP and IFRS “should be pretty much the same.”At that point, about 150 countries would be using very similar accounting standards, though some countries have adopted versions of IFRS that vary from IFRS as published by the IASB. In 2007 the SEC extended the question beyond mere convergence by accepting the English language version of IFRS by foreign issuers without reconciliation. And in November the SEC released a proposed road map that could require a phased adoption of IFRS by US issuers beginning in 2014, dependent in part on whether seven milestones are achieved. And in November the SEC released a proposed road map that could require a phased adoption of IFRS by US issuers beginning in 2014, dependent in part on whether seven milestones are achieved. In the road map, which has a comment period ending Feb. 19, it is noted that, “The Commission has long expressed its support for a single set of high-quality global accounting standards as an important means of enhancing comparability.”

This article points out that even among countries that have adopted the same version of IFRS, recent accounting research suggests that two factors—national culture and language translation—could undermine the rigorous interpretation and application of IFRS and lead to a lack of comparability across countries. The objective of this article is to highlight two significant hurdles that impede the

consistent interpretation and application of converged standards: the influence of national culture on the interpretation of standards and the difficulty of translating standards into other languages

This research reveals that two accounting values directly influenced by national culture are conservatism and secrecy , which affect the measurement and disclosure of financial information in financial reports and have the greatest potential to affect cross-border financial statement comparability. The underlying framework helping to explain these findings is based upon one of the largest cross-cultural surveys ever conducted. Social psychology researcher Greet Hosted (Culture’s Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions, and Organizations across Nations, 2nd Edition) collected data on cultural values from approximately 116,000 employees of a multinational company located in 50 countries and three regions around the world. He identified four cultural dimensions that reflected core values and helped explain general similarities and differences in cultures. These dimensions were:

Uncertainty avoidance —how comfortable individuals in a society feel with uncertainty and ambiguity;Individualism —a society's preference for a loosely knit social fabric or a more interdependent, tightly knit social fabric;Achievement orientation —how much values such as performance and visible achievement are emphasized; andPower distance —how much hierarchy and unequal power distribution are accepted in a culture.

Hofstadter’s cultural framework has been used extensively in management and other disciplines to examine the influence of national culture on organizational and individual performance. This framework can be used in an accounting context to explain the SEC's concern that “proper application encompasses not only faithful adherence to the requirements of the standards, but also understandable standards such that across the spectrum of issuers those requirements are consistently understood and applied” (Concepts Release 33-8831, August 2007, page 30).

From an accounting perspective, high conservatism implies a tendency to defer the recognitio n of assets and items that increase net income. Within Hostage’s framework, higher levels of conservatism are most closely linked with countries that

have higher uncertainty avoidance and lower individualism and achievement orientation. High secrecy implies a tendency to restrict the disclosure of relevant information to outside parties. In summary, research reveals that the cultural values existing in a country influence a country's accounting values (accountants' levels of conservatism and secrecy), which influence how financial reporting standards are applied:

Accounting Values g Application of Financial Reporting Standards National culture is most likely to influence the application of financial reporting standards where judgment is required. This requires substantial judgment on the part of the accountant. Recent research has found that national culture influences both the interpretation and application of accounting standards across countries.For example, a study by Timothy S. Drunk, a co-author of this article, and Martin Richter (“Interpretation of Uncertainty Expressions: A Cross -National Study,” Accounting, Organizations and Society, Jan. 2003) found that German accountants exhibit more of a conservative bias than their US counterparts in their interpretation of the word “probable” in establishing the threshold for the recognition of a construction contract loss. German accountants assigned a lower numeric threshold (66% likelihood of occurrence) to the term “probable” than their US counterparts (74% likelihood of occurrence), exhibiting greater levels of conservatism in recognizing a construction contract loss (IAS 11).

Another study (“The Influence of Culture on Accountants' Application of Financial Reporting Rules,” Abacus, March 2007) by George T. Tsakoumis (lead author of this article) found that when presented with similar economic facts and financial reporting guidelines, accountants in the United States and Greece made different contingency recognition and disclosure decisions in their application of IAS 37, Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. Only 33% of US accountants responded that they would be likely to recognize the lawsuit as a contingent asset, while 65% of Greek accountants indicated that they would recognize the lawsuit as a contingent asset. In the same situation, 72% of US accountants indicated that they would recognize the lawsuit as a liability, while only 59% of the

Greek accountants elected to do so. From a disclosure perspective, Greek accountants were much more reluctant to disclose the existence of a lawsuit to outside parties than US accountants. While 84% of US accountants indicated that they would disclose the lawsuit in the notes to the financial statements, only 56% of the Greek accountants indicated a disclosure preference.

Other research (“The Influence of Conservatism and Secrecy on the Interpretation of Verbal Probability Expressions in the Anglo and Latin Cultural Areas,” by Drunk and Edison Luis Rocco, The International Journal of Accounting, V ol. 41, Issue 3, 2006) also has found Brazilian accountants to be much less likely than US accountants to disclose contingencies in the notes to the financial statements. Another study (“The Impact of National Influence on Accounting Estimates: Implications for International Accounting Standard- Setters,” by Joseph J. Schultz and Thomas J. Lopez, The International Journal of Accounting , Vol. 36, Issue 3, 2001) found that French and German accountants recommended recording warranty estimates higher (more cautious or conservative) than their American counterparts.

These findings suggest that wherever professional judgment is required, national culture plays a significant role in how accountants interpret and apply IFRS. Culture is a pervasive environmental factor that can lead to inconsistent interpretation and application of converged financial reporting standards.


Translation of IFRS into various languages poses another threat to comparability Theofficial working language of the IASB, and the language in which IFRS is published, is English. For

non- English speaking accountants to have access to IFRS, they are translated into other languages. The International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation (IASCF) created an official translation process in 1997, and IFRS was first officially translated into German By the end of 2006, IFRS had been translated into nearly 40 languages. Translations primarily have been into European languages, but Chinese, Japanese and Arabic translations also have been made. Its translation process is well-organized and quite rigorous. However, despite the care taken by translators and

the oversight provided by translation review committees, translation problems exist. In some cases, words and phrases used in English-language accounting standards cannot be translated into other languages without some distortion of meaning. Several research studies have shown this to be true.

In one study (“Interlinguistic Comparison of International Accounting Standards: The Case of Uncertainty Expressions,” by Ronald A. Davidson and Heidi H.

Chrisman, The International Journal of Accounting , Vol. 28, Issue 1, 1993), Canadian researchers examined accounting students' interpretations of probability expressions ( probable , not likely , and reasonable assurance ) used in Canadian accounting

standards to establish recognition and disclosure thresholds. They found Anglophone students' interpretations of some English-language expressions to be significantly different from the interpretations made by Francophone students of the

French-language translation. In the study, cited earlier by Dunk and Richter, German accountants fluent in English assigned values to both the English original and the German translation of probability expressions used in IFRS.For several expressions, the original and translation were interpreted differently.

IAS 37 (Para. 28) indicates that a contingent liability is disclosed “unless the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is remote,” and IAS 31 (Para. 45) requires separate disclosure of specific types of contingent

liabilities “unless the probability of loss is remote.” Given the similar purpose and context in which remote is used in these two standards, it would appear that the IASC intended the term to convey the same meaning in both cases.



乔治.T.TSAKUMIS ,老戴维 R.坎贝尔和提摩太


自2002年欧盟的规定对欧盟的上市公司和FASB 和国际会计准则委员会(IASB )的诺沃克协议执行国际财务报告准则的监管,势头已建立全球标准的衔接。目前,超过100个国家已采用国际财务报告准则,以及其他重要经济国家,包括日本和美国的数量,有计划到位,他们的国家标准与国际财务报告准则衔接。 国际会计准则委员会主席David Tweedie 爵士说,2011年12月,美国通用会计准则和国际财务报告准则“应该是大同小异。”



研究表明,文化差异造成会计师在不同国家的不同解释和适用的会计准则。本研究结果显示两个会计值;直接影响国家的文化保守主义和保密性,从而影响了测量,并在财务报告中的财务信息披露,并具有最大的潜在影响跨境财务报表的可比性。底层框架有助于解释这些发现是基于后,进行了有史以来最大的跨文化调查之一。社会心理学研究者海尔特霍夫斯泰德( 文化的后果:比较值,行为,机构,组织和联合国之间 ,第二版)收集的数据约为116,000一家跨国公


(1) 不确定性规避 :舒适的个人与社会的不确定性和模糊性的感觉;

(2) 个人主义的社会的一个松散的社会结构或一个更加相互依赖紧密的社会结构的偏好;

(3) 成就取向,强调如性能和可见的成就值多少;

(4) 电源距离,多少层次和不平等的权力分配是在文化接受。


从会计的角度来看,高保守主义意味着一种倾向,以推迟确认的资产和项目,增加纯收入。Hofstede 的框架内,更高层次的保守主义最密切联系的国家有较高的不确定性规避 和较低的个人主义和成就取向。保密性高,意味着一种倾向,限制向外界披 露有关信息。保密水平较高,在文化与较高的不确定性规避权力距离与低个人主义和成就取向。总之,研究表明,在一个国家现有的文化价值观,影响一个国家的会计值(会计师保守主义和保密的水平),从而影响如何应用财务报告准则:民族文化是最有可能影响应用程序需要判断财务报告标准。这是因为大多数国际财务报告准则是基于原则的关注。这就要求会计师做出实质性判断。最近的研究发现,国家文化的影响,不同国家的会计准则的解释和应用。

例如,研究发现了这篇文章的合著者,霍震霆和马丁•里希特(“解读的不确定性的表达:一个跨国研究”,会计,组织与社会 ,2003年1月),德国会计师表现出更保守的偏见比他们的美国同行在他们的建造合同亏损的认同建立的门槛“可能”一词的解释。在此背景下,“可能”是用来作为识别为一个项目,降低收入门槛。德国会计师分配一个较低的数字阈值(66%发生的可能性),“可能”比他们的美国同行(74%发生的可能性),表现出更高水平的保守主义在承认建造合同损失(IAS11)。

另一项研究(“会计师财务报告规则的应用文化的影响,” 珠算 2007年3月)由乔治,T. Tsakumis(这篇文章的主要作者)发现,当出现类似的经济事实和财务报告准则,会计师美国和希腊在其应用国际会计准则第37号“不同的应变识别和披露的决定,规定,或然负债及或然资产。美国会计师超过希腊承认他们的诉讼或然资产或然负债的财务报表会计师保守。只有33%的美国会计师回应时表示,他们很可能会承认有资产的诉讼,而65%的希腊会计师表示,他们将承认或然资产的诉讼。在相同的情况下,72%的美国会计师表示,他们会认识到作为责任的诉讼,而只有59%的希腊会计师当选这样做。从披露的角度看,希腊会计师更不愿透露存在着一个比美国会计师的外部各方的诉讼。

虽然84%的美国会计师表示,他们将财务报表附注中披露的诉讼,只有56%表示希腊会计师披露的偏好。其他研究(“释义盎格鲁和拉丁文化区的言语概率表达的影响,保守主义和保密”,由Doupnik 和埃德森路易斯里奇奥,国际会计学报第3期,2006年)也有发现巴西会计师是不太可能比美国会计师财务报表附注中披露的应急。在两项研究中,希腊和巴西会计师展出超过美国会计师的秘密。

另一项研究(“全国影响力的会计估计的影响:国际会计准则制定的启示”,由约瑟夫•舒尔茨和托马斯•J •洛佩斯,国际会计杂志 ,第36卷,第3期,2001年)发现,法国和德国会计师建议的录音保修估计高于他们的美国同行(更谨慎或保守)。这些研究结果表明,凡是需要专业判断,国家的文化起到了重要的角色会计师如何解释和适用国际财务报告准则。文化是一个普遍的环境因素,可导致不一致的解释和应用融合财务报告准则。这是麻烦的,因为不同的判断,可能会导致在财务报表的显着性差异。这些差异可能会严重影响国家之间的财务报表的可比性。

国际财务报告准则“翻译成各种语言构成另一可比性威胁。国际会计准则委员会的正式工作语言,并在国际财务报告准则公布的语言,是英语。对于非英语有机会获得国际财务报告准则的会计师,他们被翻译成其他语言 国际会计准则委员会基金会(IASCF )创建于1997年正式翻译过程中,与国际财务报告准则首次正式翻译成德语。到2006年底,国际财务报告准则“已被译成近40种语言。主要已被翻译成欧洲语言,但汉语、日语和阿拉伯语的翻译也已做出IASCF 协调


加拿大研究人员在一项研究中(语法比较“国际会计准则:不确定性表达为例,”罗纳德•戴维森和海蒂•克里斯曼,国际会计杂志“卷28,第1期,1993年),审核的会计学生的解释(可能,不太可能 ,合理的保证 )在加拿大的会计准则,建立识别和披露阈值的概率表达式。他们发现:一些英语表达英语国家学生的解释明显是从法语翻译法语学生所作的解释不同。在这项研究中,引早由Dunk 和Richter ,德国会计师英文原版和在国际财务报告准则的概率表达的德语翻译流利的英语的分配值。数表达式,原件和翻译不同的解释。



感谢华北科技学院管理学院的各位老师,是他们毫无保留的的授学和指导,才使得我在四年的大学学习中,学到了很多会计方面的理论知识,也学到了不少的实践经验。在论文的写作过程中也得到了很多同学们的宝贵意见,和同学们的热心帮助,在此一并的致以诚挚的谢意。感谢在这期间所有关心、支持、帮助过我的良师益友。 最后,向在百忙中抽出时间对本文进行评审并提出宝贵意见的各位评审老师表示衷心的感谢!


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  • [摘要]长期以来,政府会计一直以收付实现制(Cash Basis)为核算基础.但是,随着社会主义市场经济体制的发展,收付实现制的弊端日益突出,在执行中暴露出不能全面反映政府资金运动.提供完整的会计报告及反映的受托责任狭窄等问题.为了更加全面 ...查看

  • 探析政府性投资项目资金集中管理对策
  • 探析政府性投资项目资金集中管理对策 作者:周春辉 来源:<财经界·学术版>2015年第11期 摘要:资金就是指经营工商业的本钱或国家用于发展国民经济的物资或货币.对于政府部门来说,资金也是维持其正常运作的重要支持,政府在日常工作 ...查看

  • 浅谈"一事一议资金"科目的使用
  • 龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn 浅谈"一事一议资金"科目的使用 作者:赵小星 来源:<现代经济信息>2014年第23期 摘要:2004年财政部发布了<村集体经济组织会计制度& ...查看

  • 乡镇财政管理存在的问题及对策探析
  • 摘要:近年来,随着财税体制改革的逐步深入,乡镇财政.财务管理的状况备受社会关注,上级部门对乡镇财政.财务管理的要求也越来越来严格,但乡镇政府在财政.财务管理方面仍然存在有法不依.有令不行.有章不循等现象.要做好乡镇财政.财务管理工作,必须充 ...查看

  • 会计毕业论文参考选题方向
  • 会计毕业论文参考选题 会计要素理论的发展及其对会计确认的影响 和解整顿会计初探 从会计信息系统谈中国会计面临的挑战 会计与模糊理论 会计信息的特征与作用 试论会计与决策有用性 公允价值计量属性的探讨 中国现代会计文化特征 知识经济时代传统会 ...查看
