


听力部分(40分) 一、听读句子,选出所读信息。本题听1遍。(10分,每小题各1分) ( )1. A. fishing B, hiking C, playing ( ) 2. A, ride B, rode C, rides ( ) 3.A, Sunday B, Friday C, Monday ( )4. A, busy B, lazy C, easy ( )5.A, plays B, play C, played ( )6.A, shorter B, smaller C, taller ( )7.A, went camping B, went fishing C, went shopping ( )8.A, hurt my foot B, hurt my leg C, hurt my finger ( )9.A, nature park B, forest park C, theme park ( )10.A, went B, goes C, go 二、听录音,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。本题听两遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,填写句子中所缺的单词。本题听2遍(没空一词)(10分) 1. you basketball with your father? 2. Chen Fan fresh yesterday. 3. Tom with his mother. 4. The boy last night. 5.

are you ?


1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5. ( )



( )1. A, name B, happy C, lake

( ( ( ( 六、单项选择。(7分)

( )1. Did you English this morning ?

A, read B, reading C, reads

( )2. The boy into the water and helped her.

A, jump B, jumping C, jumped

( )3. did you go on Mondays?

A ,What B, Who C , Where

( )4. What does your mother do on Sunday? She housework.

A, do B, doing C, does

( ) 5. Jack isn’t happy today. He is very A, excited B, sad C, bored

( ) 6. How heavy are you ? I’m .

A 86cm B, 58kg C, size 9

( )7. Your hair is than mine.

A, bigger B, longer C, thinner


Hello, my is John. I am a student. I mountains

Weekend. On Saturday, I often , but last Saturday , I my . We hiking together. On Saturday evening, I TV my cousins. We happy.


I went hiking yesterday.

They played basketball last weekend.

Yes , he did.

She is riding a horse.

He usually reads books on Mondays.

九、 阅读理解(10分)

Amy is a girl of 13. She is very smart. She likes hiking and taking pictures.

Yesterday she had a cold, She took some medicine and had a rest at home. So she

didn’t do her homework. Today she feels better. She is doing her homework now.

She is going to clean the bedroom this afternoon. Next week she is going to take a

trip with her parents and her sister Ann.

( ) 1. How old is Amy?

A. Thirteen B Fourteen C, Fifteen

( )2. What’s her hobby?

A, She likes taking pictures. B, She likes hiking . C, A and B.

( )3. Amy didn’t yesterday.

A, have a rest B, take some medicine C, do homework

( )4. Now she is .

A, doing her homework B, taking a trip

C, cleaning the bedroom

( )5. Amy didn’t feel well yesterday, because she

A, had a sore throat B, had a cold C, had a toothache




Your friend ,



听力部分(40分) 一、听读句子,选出所读信息。本题听1遍。(10分,每小题各1分) ( )1. A. fishing B, hiking C, playing ( ) 2. A, ride B, rode C, rides ( ) 3.A, Sunday B, Friday C, Monday ( )4. A, busy B, lazy C, easy ( )5.A, plays B, play C, played ( )6.A, shorter B, smaller C, taller ( )7.A, went camping B, went fishing C, went shopping ( )8.A, hurt my foot B, hurt my leg C, hurt my finger ( )9.A, nature park B, forest park C, theme park ( )10.A, went B, goes C, go 二、听录音,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。本题听两遍。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,填写句子中所缺的单词。本题听2遍(没空一词)(10分) 1. you basketball with your father? 2. Chen Fan fresh yesterday. 3. Tom with his mother. 4. The boy last night. 5.

are you ?


1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5. ( )



( )1. A, name B, happy C, lake

( ( ( ( 六、单项选择。(7分)

( )1. Did you English this morning ?

A, read B, reading C, reads

( )2. The boy into the water and helped her.

A, jump B, jumping C, jumped

( )3. did you go on Mondays?

A ,What B, Who C , Where

( )4. What does your mother do on Sunday? She housework.

A, do B, doing C, does

( ) 5. Jack isn’t happy today. He is very A, excited B, sad C, bored

( ) 6. How heavy are you ? I’m .

A 86cm B, 58kg C, size 9

( )7. Your hair is than mine.

A, bigger B, longer C, thinner


Hello, my is John. I am a student. I mountains

Weekend. On Saturday, I often , but last Saturday , I my . We hiking together. On Saturday evening, I TV my cousins. We happy.


I went hiking yesterday.

They played basketball last weekend.

Yes , he did.

She is riding a horse.

He usually reads books on Mondays.

九、 阅读理解(10分)

Amy is a girl of 13. She is very smart. She likes hiking and taking pictures.

Yesterday she had a cold, She took some medicine and had a rest at home. So she

didn’t do her homework. Today she feels better. She is doing her homework now.

She is going to clean the bedroom this afternoon. Next week she is going to take a

trip with her parents and her sister Ann.

( ) 1. How old is Amy?

A. Thirteen B Fourteen C, Fifteen

( )2. What’s her hobby?

A, She likes taking pictures. B, She likes hiking . C, A and B.

( )3. Amy didn’t yesterday.

A, have a rest B, take some medicine C, do homework

( )4. Now she is .

A, doing her homework B, taking a trip

C, cleaning the bedroom

( )5. Amy didn’t feel well yesterday, because she

A, had a sore throat B, had a cold C, had a toothache




Your friend ,


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