


Provided such drafts are drawn and presented inaccordance with the terms of this credit. We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders the said drafts shall be honoured on presentation.


Transhipment are permitted at any port against through bill of landing.


Draft(s) drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before...after which date this credit expires.


Documents must presented for negotiation within ...days before the on board date of lading.


Complete set of not less than two clean Ocean Bills of Lading to order and blank endorsed.


Shipped on Board Bills of Lading are essential and the statement Freight paid must appear thereon. The Bills of Lading must cover shipment as detailed below. Short from Bills of Lading are not acceptable.

7、特别条款:单据必须在提单或其他装船单据签发日期之后14天内提示。 Special conditionso :Documents have to be presented within 14 days after the date of issue of the bills of lading or other shipping documents.



We suggest you ship your Stainless Steel Cutlery on consignment in future.


If you accept our consignment offer you won't ran any risk, for we will bear all the expences for the return of unsold goods.


Please sell the consignment before the price go down.

4、我们对你方出售这笔寄售化物的拖延甚感失望,希望尽快得到有关消息。 We fell much disappointed at your delay of selling the consignment ,and we hope to get news about it from you as soon as possible.

5、希望你方对我方目前经营寄售的情况满意,并在以后给予更多的机会。 We hope you are satisfied with our present business on your consignment and hope you will give us more chances.


Many of our foreign friends have expressed their wishes to invest in China for a joint or exclusive engineering project.

7、合资企业的任何一方都可以用现金,实物,专利技术等在该企业中进行投资。 Any party of a joint venture may contribute cash, material objects and intellectual prorerty, etc.to the joint venture as its investment.


The enterprise expects to modernize its technology and equipment through compansation trade or cooperation with western investors.


If any disputes arising between the parties of the joint venture can not be settled by the Board of Directors through consultation, the case shall be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration.


After the payment of income tax and other expenses the net profits of a joint venture shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of registered capital of each party.

一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December

星期一: Monday 星期二: Tuesday 星期三: Wednesday 星期四: Thursday

星期五: Friday 星期六:Saturday 星期天:Sunday



Provided such drafts are drawn and presented inaccordance with the terms of this credit. We hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders the said drafts shall be honoured on presentation.


Transhipment are permitted at any port against through bill of landing.


Draft(s) drawn under this credit must be negotiated in China on or before...after which date this credit expires.


Documents must presented for negotiation within ...days before the on board date of lading.


Complete set of not less than two clean Ocean Bills of Lading to order and blank endorsed.


Shipped on Board Bills of Lading are essential and the statement Freight paid must appear thereon. The Bills of Lading must cover shipment as detailed below. Short from Bills of Lading are not acceptable.

7、特别条款:单据必须在提单或其他装船单据签发日期之后14天内提示。 Special conditionso :Documents have to be presented within 14 days after the date of issue of the bills of lading or other shipping documents.



We suggest you ship your Stainless Steel Cutlery on consignment in future.


If you accept our consignment offer you won't ran any risk, for we will bear all the expences for the return of unsold goods.


Please sell the consignment before the price go down.

4、我们对你方出售这笔寄售化物的拖延甚感失望,希望尽快得到有关消息。 We fell much disappointed at your delay of selling the consignment ,and we hope to get news about it from you as soon as possible.

5、希望你方对我方目前经营寄售的情况满意,并在以后给予更多的机会。 We hope you are satisfied with our present business on your consignment and hope you will give us more chances.


Many of our foreign friends have expressed their wishes to invest in China for a joint or exclusive engineering project.

7、合资企业的任何一方都可以用现金,实物,专利技术等在该企业中进行投资。 Any party of a joint venture may contribute cash, material objects and intellectual prorerty, etc.to the joint venture as its investment.


The enterprise expects to modernize its technology and equipment through compansation trade or cooperation with western investors.


If any disputes arising between the parties of the joint venture can not be settled by the Board of Directors through consultation, the case shall be submitted to the Foreign Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration.


After the payment of income tax and other expenses the net profits of a joint venture shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of registered capital of each party.

一月:January 二月:February 三月:March 四月:April 五月:May 六月:June 七月:July 八月:August 九月:September 十月:October 十一月:November 十二月:December

星期一: Monday 星期二: Tuesday 星期三: Wednesday 星期四: Thursday

星期五: Friday 星期六:Saturday 星期天:Sunday


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