
伦敦奥运会中英文介绍:会徽含义 吉祥物 口号

伦敦奥运会会徽 2010年5月20日凌晨(英国当地时间2010年5月19日晚),2012伦敦奥林匹克运动会组织委员会公布了伦敦夏季奥运会吉祥物文洛克(Wenlock),它是以富有激情的萨罗普羊为原型的,这种羊生活在奥林匹克历史上的一个名为马齐文洛克的施罗普希尔村的中心小镇。

2012年伦敦奥运会,即2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会,正式名称为第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会。2005年7月6日,国际奥委会在新加坡举行的第117次国际奥委会会议上宣布,由英国伦敦主办此次奥运会,这是伦敦第3次主办夏季奥运会。在伦敦当地时间2011年7月27日晚上7点,伦敦奥运会开始倒计时一周年活动。2012年4月18日,在伦敦奥运会开幕倒计时100天时,伦敦奥组委公布口号为“Inspire a generation”, 翻译中文为“激励一代人。”


May 20, 2010 morning ( Britain local time in late May 19, 2010), the London 2012 Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced the London Olympics Mascots paper Rock ( Wenlock ), it is full of enthusiasm to the Shropshire as the prototype, the sheep live in the Olympic history of a named Ma Qiwen Rock Luo Pu Shi Hill village centre small town.

In 2012 the London Olympic Games, namely, the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, the official name for the thirtieth Summer Olympic games. In July 6, 2005, the International Olympic Committee in Singapore 's 117th International Olympic Committee meeting, the London is hosting the Olympic Games, this is the third time hosting of the summer Olympic Games in london. In London in July 27, 20117 p.m. local time, the London Olympic Games countdown anniversary event. In April 18, 2012, the London Olympic countdown100 day, the London Olympic Organizing Committee announced the slogan

The emblem of the number


The Rings

The Symbols of the Olympic Games


The Rings


The Olympic Rings are five rings that stand for the five original, (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe) and the athletesfrom around the world.


The colours of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green, and redrespectively. They were chosen because at least one of these colours is found on the flag of every nation.


The Flag

The Flag


On the Olympic flag, the rings appear on a white background.


At the Olympic Games, the flag is brought into the stadium during the opening ceremony. After its arrival, the flag is hoisted up the flagpole. It must fly in the stadium during the whole of the Games. When the flag is lowered at the closing ceremony, it signals the end of the Games.




The motto of the Olympic Games is

奥运会的格言是“更快,更高,更强”。这三个词鼓励运动员在比赛中展现出他或她的最好的一面,并表明努力本身就是一种胜利。 To better understand the motto, we can compare it with the following well-known :


The most important thing is not to win but to take part!


The Flame

The Flame


The Olympic is one of the best-known of the Games.


From the moment the flame is lit to the moment it goes out, a very is laid down :


The lighting

The lighting


In memory of the Olympic Games’ origins, the flame is lit in Olympia, Greece, some months before the opening of the Games. The Olympic flame can only be lit by the sun’s .


The relay route

The route


The torch is carried by relay from Olympia to the host city of the Games.


Arrival at the stadium

Arrival at the stadium


The day of the opening of the Games, the flame enters the stadium. With the lighting of the by the last relay runner the flame is from the torch to the place where it will continue to burn for the entire length of the Games. The flame is extinguished on the final day of the Games at the closing ceremony.



伦敦奥运会中英文介绍:会徽含义 吉祥物 口号

伦敦奥运会会徽 2010年5月20日凌晨(英国当地时间2010年5月19日晚),2012伦敦奥林匹克运动会组织委员会公布了伦敦夏季奥运会吉祥物文洛克(Wenlock),它是以富有激情的萨罗普羊为原型的,这种羊生活在奥林匹克历史上的一个名为马齐文洛克的施罗普希尔村的中心小镇。

2012年伦敦奥运会,即2012年夏季奥林匹克运动会,正式名称为第三十届夏季奥林匹克运动会。2005年7月6日,国际奥委会在新加坡举行的第117次国际奥委会会议上宣布,由英国伦敦主办此次奥运会,这是伦敦第3次主办夏季奥运会。在伦敦当地时间2011年7月27日晚上7点,伦敦奥运会开始倒计时一周年活动。2012年4月18日,在伦敦奥运会开幕倒计时100天时,伦敦奥组委公布口号为“Inspire a generation”, 翻译中文为“激励一代人。”


May 20, 2010 morning ( Britain local time in late May 19, 2010), the London 2012 Olympic Games Organizing Committee announced the London Olympics Mascots paper Rock ( Wenlock ), it is full of enthusiasm to the Shropshire as the prototype, the sheep live in the Olympic history of a named Ma Qiwen Rock Luo Pu Shi Hill village centre small town.

In 2012 the London Olympic Games, namely, the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, the official name for the thirtieth Summer Olympic games. In July 6, 2005, the International Olympic Committee in Singapore 's 117th International Olympic Committee meeting, the London is hosting the Olympic Games, this is the third time hosting of the summer Olympic Games in london. In London in July 27, 20117 p.m. local time, the London Olympic Games countdown anniversary event. In April 18, 2012, the London Olympic countdown100 day, the London Olympic Organizing Committee announced the slogan

The emblem of the number


The Rings

The Symbols of the Olympic Games


The Rings


The Olympic Rings are five rings that stand for the five original, (Africa, America, Asia, Australia, and Europe) and the athletesfrom around the world.


The colours of the rings are blue, yellow, black, green, and redrespectively. They were chosen because at least one of these colours is found on the flag of every nation.


The Flag

The Flag


On the Olympic flag, the rings appear on a white background.


At the Olympic Games, the flag is brought into the stadium during the opening ceremony. After its arrival, the flag is hoisted up the flagpole. It must fly in the stadium during the whole of the Games. When the flag is lowered at the closing ceremony, it signals the end of the Games.




The motto of the Olympic Games is

奥运会的格言是“更快,更高,更强”。这三个词鼓励运动员在比赛中展现出他或她的最好的一面,并表明努力本身就是一种胜利。 To better understand the motto, we can compare it with the following well-known :


The most important thing is not to win but to take part!


The Flame

The Flame


The Olympic is one of the best-known of the Games.


From the moment the flame is lit to the moment it goes out, a very is laid down :


The lighting

The lighting


In memory of the Olympic Games’ origins, the flame is lit in Olympia, Greece, some months before the opening of the Games. The Olympic flame can only be lit by the sun’s .


The relay route

The route


The torch is carried by relay from Olympia to the host city of the Games.


Arrival at the stadium

Arrival at the stadium


The day of the opening of the Games, the flame enters the stadium. With the lighting of the by the last relay runner the flame is from the torch to the place where it will continue to burn for the entire length of the Games. The flame is extinguished on the final day of the Games at the closing ceremony.




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