
The People’s Republic of China

House Property Ownership Certificate

Made and Supervised by the Construction Ministry of P.R. China

Building Registration No.: 61001

Xi’an House Property Ownership Certificate Weiyang District No.

According to the Constitution of The People ’s Republic of China and the City Real Estate Administrative Law of the People ’s Republic of China and in order to protect the legal rights and benefits of the house owner, the house property listed below in this certificate that its owner has applied for registration has been examined and the relative data has been confirmed. Hereby issue this certificate.

Issuing Authority (sealed): Administration for House Property of Xi’an

Filling Unit (sealed): Administration for House Property of Xi’an Filling Date: 14/10/2009

Plane Figure of the Real Estate

Figure No.


1. This card is the lawful document of house property ownership. House property

ownership is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China.

2. The house owner must strictly observe the national laws, rules and regulations

related to real estate.

3. as well as the rights loss which caused by the losses of house or land, the

expiration of land or the termination of other rights, if the real estate is transferred (transacted, exchanged, granted, inherited, divided up, allocated, transferred, judged, etc.), altered (the change of the ownership, location or number of the house; partly reconstructed or other changes such as dismantled, collapsed, burned), or set with other rights(the rights of mortgage or pawn and so on), the obligee must apply for registration in the local real estate authority with related certificate within the limit time.

4. Besides the certificate authority and the issuing unit, other units or individuals

cannot remark or seal on this certificate.

5. This certificate should be offered when the administration of real estate is

examining the property rights.

6. This certificate should be kept carefully. If loses or spoiled, the oblogee should

apply for reissue in time.

No. 00345678

The People’s Republic of China

House Property Ownership Certificate

Made and Supervised by the Construction Ministry of P.R. China

Building Registration No.: 61001

Xi’an House Property Ownership Certificate Weiyang District No.

According to the Constitution of The People ’s Republic of China and the City Real Estate Administrative Law of the People ’s Republic of China and in order to protect the legal rights and benefits of the house owner, the house property listed below in this certificate that its owner has applied for registration has been examined and the relative data has been confirmed. Hereby issue this certificate.

Issuing Authority (sealed): Administration for House Property of Xi’an

Filling Unit (sealed): Administration for House Property of Xi’an Filling Date: 14/10/2009

Plane Figure of the Real Estate

Figure No.


1. This card is the lawful document of house property ownership. House property

ownership is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China.

2. The house owner must strictly observe the national laws, rules and regulations

related to real estate.

3. as well as the rights loss which caused by the losses of house or land, the

expiration of land or the termination of other rights, if the real estate is transferred (transacted, exchanged, granted, inherited, divided up, allocated, transferred, judged, etc.), altered (the change of the ownership, location or number of the house; partly reconstructed or other changes such as dismantled, collapsed, burned), or set with other rights(the rights of mortgage or pawn and so on), the obligee must apply for registration in the local real estate authority with related certificate within the limit time.

4. Besides the certificate authority and the issuing unit, other units or individuals

cannot remark or seal on this certificate.

5. This certificate should be offered when the administration of real estate is

examining the property rights.

6. This certificate should be kept carefully. If loses or spoiled, the oblogee should

apply for reissue in time.

No. 00345678


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