Stepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed.
Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply, and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad.
A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses are entirely dependent on whether the level or frequency. Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Typically, the stepper motor drive circuit from the logic control, power driver circuit, protection circuit and power components. Stepper motor drive controller, once received from the direction of the signal and step pulse, the control circuit on a pre-determined way of the electrical power-phase stepper motor excitation windings of the conduction or cut-off signal. Control circuit output signal power is low, can not provide the necessary stepping motor output power, the need for power amplifier, which is stepper motor driven power drive part. Power stepper motor drive circuit to control the input current winding to form a space for rotating magnetic field excitation, the rotor-driven movement. Protection circuit in the event of short circuit, overload, overheating, such as failure to stop the rapid drive and motor.
Motor is usually for the permanent magnet rotor, when the current flows through the stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of rotation, making a pair of rotor and stator magnetic field direction of the magnetic field direction. When the stator rotating magnetic field vector from a different angle. Also as the rotor magnetic field to a point of view. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor rotation angle step. Its output and input of the angular displacement is proportional to the pulses, with pulse frequency proportional to speed. Power to change the order of winding, the electrical will be reversed. We can, therefore, control the pulse number, frequency and electrical power windings of each phase to control the order of rotation of stepper motor.
Stepper motor types:
Permanent magnet (PM). Magnetic generally two-phase stepper, torque and are smaller and generally stepping angle of 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; put more wind for air-conditioning.
Reactive (VR), the domestic general called BF, have a common three-phase reaction, step angle of 1.5 degrees; also have five-phase reaction. Noise, no torque has been set at a large number of out.
Hybrid (HB), common two-phase hybrid, five-phase hybrid, three-phase hybrid, four-phase hybrid, two-phase can be common with the four-phase drive, five-phase three-phase must be used with their drives;
Two-phase, four-phase hybrid step angle is 1.8 degrees more than a small size, great distance, and low noise;
Five-phase hybrid stepping motor is generally 0.72, the motor step angle small, high resolution, but the complexity of drive circuits, wiring problems, such as the 5-phase system of 10 lines. Three-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle of 1.2 degrees, but according to the use of 1.8 degrees, the three-phase hybrid stepping motor has a two-phase mixed than the five-phase hybrid more pole will help electric folder symmetric angle, it can be more than two-phase, five-phase high accuracy, the error even smaller, run more smoothly.
Stepper motor to maintain torque: stepper motor power means no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is a stepper motor, one of the most important parameters, usually in the low-speed stepper motor torque at the time of close to maintain the torque. As the stepper motor output torque increases with the speed of constant attenuation, the output power also increases with the speed of change, so as to maintain torque on the stepper motor to measure the parameters of one of the most important. For example, when people say that the stepper motor 2N.m, in the absence of special circumstances that means for maintaining the torque of the stepper motor 2N.m.
Precision stepper motors: stepper motor step angle accuracy of 3-5%, not cumulative.
Start frequency of no-load: the stepper motor in case of no-load to the normal start of the pulse frequency, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value of motor does not start, possible to lose steps or blocking. In the case of the load, start frequency should be lower. If you want to achieve high-speed rotation motor, pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, that is, the lower frequency to start, and then rose to a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).
Step angle: that is to send a pulse, the electrical angle corresponding to rotation.
Torque positioning: positioning torque stepper motor does not refer to the case of electricity, locked rotor torque stator.
Operating frequency: step-by-step stepper motor can run without losing the highest frequency. Subdivision Drive: stepper motor drives the main aim is to weaken or eliminate low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor to improve the accuracy of the motor running. Reduce noise. If the step angle is 1.8 ° (full step) the two-phase hybrid stepping motor, if the breakdown of the breakdown of the number of drives for the 8, then the operation of the electrical pulse for each resolution of 0.072 °, the precision of motor can reach or close to 0.225 °, also depends on the breakdown of the breakdown of the drive current control accuracy and other factors, the breakdown of the number of the more difficult the greater the precision of control.
通常电机的转子为永磁体,当电流流过定子绕组时,定子绕组产生一矢量磁场。该磁场会带动转子旋转一角度,使得转子的一对磁场方向与定子的磁场方向一致。当定子的矢量磁场旋转一个角度。转子也随着该磁场转一个角度。每输入一个电脉冲,电动机转动一个角度前进一步。它输出的角位移与输入的脉冲数成正比、转速与脉冲频率成正比。改变绕组通电的顺序,电机就会反转。所以可用控制脉冲数量、频率及电动机各相绕组的通电顺序来控制步进电机的转动。 步进电机的种类:
永磁式(PM) .磁式步进一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一般为7.5度 或15度;多用于空调风摆上。
细分驱动器: 步进电机细分驱动器的主要目的是减弱或消除步进电机的低频振动,提高电机的运转精度。减少噪音。如对于步距角为1.8°(整步)两相混合式步进电机,如果细分驱动器的细分数为8,那么电机的运转分辨率为每个脉冲0.072°,电机的精度能否达到或接近0.225°,还取决于细分驱动器的细分电流控制精度等其他因素,细分数越大精度越难控制。
Stepper motor is an electrical pulse will be converted into angular displacement of the implementing agencies. Put it in simple language-speaking: When the stepper drive pulse signal to a receiver, it drives stepper motor rotation direction by setting a fixed point of view (and the step angle). You can control the number of pulses to control the amount of angular displacement, so as to achieve the purpose of accurate positioning; At the same time, you can by controlling the pulse frequency to control the motor rotation speed and acceleration, so as to achieve the purpose of speed.
Stepper motor directly from the AC-DC power supply, and must use special equipment - stepper motor drive. Stepper motor drive system performance, in addition to their own performance with the motor on the outside, but also to a large extent depend on the drive is good or bad.
A typical stepper motor drive system is operated by the stepper motor controller, stepper motor drives and stepper motor body is composed of three parts. Stepper motor controller stepper pulse and direction signal, each made of a pulse, stepper motor-driven stepper motor drives a rotor rotating step angle, that is, step-by-step further. High or low speed stepper motor, or speed, or deceleration, start or stop pulses are entirely dependent on whether the level or frequency. Decide the direction of the signal controller stepper motor clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Typically, the stepper motor drive circuit from the logic control, power driver circuit, protection circuit and power components. Stepper motor drive controller, once received from the direction of the signal and step pulse, the control circuit on a pre-determined way of the electrical power-phase stepper motor excitation windings of the conduction or cut-off signal. Control circuit output signal power is low, can not provide the necessary stepping motor output power, the need for power amplifier, which is stepper motor driven power drive part. Power stepper motor drive circuit to control the input current winding to form a space for rotating magnetic field excitation, the rotor-driven movement. Protection circuit in the event of short circuit, overload, overheating, such as failure to stop the rapid drive and motor.
Motor is usually for the permanent magnet rotor, when the current flows through the stator windings, the stator windings produce a magnetic field vector. The magnetic field will lead to a rotor angle of rotation, making a pair of rotor and stator magnetic field direction of the magnetic field direction. When the stator rotating magnetic field vector from a different angle. Also as the rotor magnetic field to a point of view. An electrical pulse for each input, the motor rotation angle step. Its output and input of the angular displacement is proportional to the pulses, with pulse frequency proportional to speed. Power to change the order of winding, the electrical will be reversed. We can, therefore, control the pulse number, frequency and electrical power windings of each phase to control the order of rotation of stepper motor.
Stepper motor types:
Permanent magnet (PM). Magnetic generally two-phase stepper, torque and are smaller and generally stepping angle of 7.5 degrees or 15 degrees; put more wind for air-conditioning.
Reactive (VR), the domestic general called BF, have a common three-phase reaction, step angle of 1.5 degrees; also have five-phase reaction. Noise, no torque has been set at a large number of out.
Hybrid (HB), common two-phase hybrid, five-phase hybrid, three-phase hybrid, four-phase hybrid, two-phase can be common with the four-phase drive, five-phase three-phase must be used with their drives;
Two-phase, four-phase hybrid step angle is 1.8 degrees more than a small size, great distance, and low noise;
Five-phase hybrid stepping motor is generally 0.72, the motor step angle small, high resolution, but the complexity of drive circuits, wiring problems, such as the 5-phase system of 10 lines. Three-phase hybrid stepping motor step angle of 1.2 degrees, but according to the use of 1.8 degrees, the three-phase hybrid stepping motor has a two-phase mixed than the five-phase hybrid more pole will help electric folder symmetric angle, it can be more than two-phase, five-phase high accuracy, the error even smaller, run more smoothly.
Stepper motor to maintain torque: stepper motor power means no rotation, the stator locked rotor torque. It is a stepper motor, one of the most important parameters, usually in the low-speed stepper motor torque at the time of close to maintain the torque. As the stepper motor output torque increases with the speed of constant attenuation, the output power also increases with the speed of change, so as to maintain torque on the stepper motor to measure the parameters of one of the most important. For example, when people say that the stepper motor 2N.m, in the absence of special circumstances that means for maintaining the torque of the stepper motor 2N.m.
Precision stepper motors: stepper motor step angle accuracy of 3-5%, not cumulative.
Start frequency of no-load: the stepper motor in case of no-load to the normal start of the pulse frequency, if the pulse frequency is higher than the value of motor does not start, possible to lose steps or blocking. In the case of the load, start frequency should be lower. If you want to achieve high-speed rotation motor, pulse frequency should be to accelerate the process, that is, the lower frequency to start, and then rose to a certain acceleration of the desired frequency (motor speed from low rise to high-speed).
Step angle: that is to send a pulse, the electrical angle corresponding to rotation.
Torque positioning: positioning torque stepper motor does not refer to the case of electricity, locked rotor torque stator.
Operating frequency: step-by-step stepper motor can run without losing the highest frequency. Subdivision Drive: stepper motor drives the main aim is to weaken or eliminate low-frequency vibration of the stepper motor to improve the accuracy of the motor running. Reduce noise. If the step angle is 1.8 ° (full step) the two-phase hybrid stepping motor, if the breakdown of the breakdown of the number of drives for the 8, then the operation of the electrical pulse for each resolution of 0.072 °, the precision of motor can reach or close to 0.225 °, also depends on the breakdown of the breakdown of the drive current control accuracy and other factors, the breakdown of the number of the more difficult the greater the precision of control.
通常电机的转子为永磁体,当电流流过定子绕组时,定子绕组产生一矢量磁场。该磁场会带动转子旋转一角度,使得转子的一对磁场方向与定子的磁场方向一致。当定子的矢量磁场旋转一个角度。转子也随着该磁场转一个角度。每输入一个电脉冲,电动机转动一个角度前进一步。它输出的角位移与输入的脉冲数成正比、转速与脉冲频率成正比。改变绕组通电的顺序,电机就会反转。所以可用控制脉冲数量、频率及电动机各相绕组的通电顺序来控制步进电机的转动。 步进电机的种类:
永磁式(PM) .磁式步进一般为两相,转矩和体积较小,步进角一般为7.5度 或15度;多用于空调风摆上。
细分驱动器: 步进电机细分驱动器的主要目的是减弱或消除步进电机的低频振动,提高电机的运转精度。减少噪音。如对于步距角为1.8°(整步)两相混合式步进电机,如果细分驱动器的细分数为8,那么电机的运转分辨率为每个脉冲0.072°,电机的精度能否达到或接近0.225°,还取决于细分驱动器的细分电流控制精度等其他因素,细分数越大精度越难控制。