
  People always think that silent is gold, so they like to be silent when they have argument. Nowadays, when we read the amusement news, we can see all kinds of celebrities’ news, many of these are distorted, some celebrities choose to explain, though the media don’t trust them, while some choose to keep silent. In my opinion, we need to explain when misunderstand happens.



  Some people believe that if they keep silent, all the rumors will disappear one day, at that time, all the things will be solved, things work its own way. But if people don’t make the explanation to others, they will be suspended, people will have bad impression on them, these won’t disappear with the time went by, it only increases.


  Explanation makes things clear, though still some people won’t trust you, when the truth comes out, they will remember you once have made the explanation and will trust what you say since then. Explanation will enhance your charm of your personality.


  Silence is not always gold, we should explain things when misunderstand happens, in that case, misunderstand won’t spread quickly and affect other people’s judgment.


  People always think that silent is gold, so they like to be silent when they have argument. Nowadays, when we read the amusement news, we can see all kinds of celebrities’ news, many of these are distorted, some celebrities choose to explain, though the media don’t trust them, while some choose to keep silent. In my opinion, we need to explain when misunderstand happens.


  Some people believe that if they keep silent, all the rumors will disappear one day, at that time, all the things will be solved, things work its own way. But if people don’t make the explanation to others, they will be suspended, people will have bad impression on them, these won’t disappear with the time went by, it only increases.


  Explanation makes things clear, though still some people won’t trust you, when the truth comes out, they will remember you once have made the explanation and will trust what you say since then. Explanation will enhance your charm of your personality.


  Silence is not always gold, we should explain things when misunderstand happens, in that case, misunderstand won’t spread quickly and affect other people’s judgment.



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