
  Christmas time, people would dress up in their living room on a beautiful Christmas tree, foil gives joy happy festival atmosphere, hung above all kinds of delicate small lights, small gifts, according to legend, in a long time ago, there was a hungry farmer, met a poor child, a child bring only bread and share with farmers, for all the hospitality that children, farmers face before walk to a pine, the child every day watering, become a beautiful tree pine, the full of all kinds of gifts, in return for generous help for children.

  There are many beautiful Christmas tales, wonderful legends, legend has it for many years, now all over the world each year on December 25, will be through a variety of ways to celebrate the arrival of Christmas, Christmas stories in each country also many wonderful stories contain their own characteristics, whether in hard times, or the sweet life, Christmas stories there is always a few small story can let us get inspiration, let's cherish the wonderful life now.


  Christmas time, people would dress up in their living room on a beautiful Christmas tree, foil gives joy happy festival atmosphere, hung above all kinds of delicate small lights, small gifts, according to legend, in a long time ago, there was a hungry farmer, met a poor child, a child bring only bread and share with farmers, for all the hospitality that children, farmers face before walk to a pine, the child every day watering, become a beautiful tree pine, the full of all kinds of gifts, in return for generous help for children.

  There are many beautiful Christmas tales, wonderful legends, legend has it for many years, now all over the world each year on December 25, will be through a variety of ways to celebrate the arrival of Christmas, Christmas stories in each country also many wonderful stories contain their own characteristics, whether in hard times, or the sweet life, Christmas stories there is always a few small story can let us get inspiration, let's cherish the wonderful life now.



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