
  New Year's Day this year, too bad mood, and even the rain the next two days. I stay at home where they can not go. No. 3 was finally clear, and I feel the two.


  今年元旦太不爽了,连下两天雨。我呆在家里哪儿也不能去。3 号终于晴了,我的心情也好了。

  Early in the morning, our family would go out three. Today, people can really go over, not only many people coming and going, even the station also stop a lot of people. We finally got on a ride along the way to Jiqu squeeze up and down, finally to the liberation of parks. Park, when the person may really more crowded. After rainfall, leaves clean, even fresh flowers of the. After rain washed the concrete floor, but also spotless, and many yellow leaves fallen trees, and earth, like a blossoming flower embroidery, so beautiful. We first visited the animals. I bought some bird food, went to Peacock Room. I scattered the food to the peacock, the peacock can be proud head held high, Qiao Zhao wings, even without looking one. By the way, peacocks like Bimei. I hasten to remove the mother's flower scarf to shake the peacock. Sure enough, a few peacocks Shuadeyixia opened the beautiful wings. They also kept twitching, then the wings started really so beautiful, like a multicolored gold screen.


  We also came to the place where pigeons. Pigeons can be nice to visitors, and before I went to my front on the fly. It turned out that she wanted to eat I have food. I feed them food, they actually jump to my hands, arms, shoulders. This is a group of greedy ghosts, even I have to wait for them to eat.


  From the park out of mom and dad took me to eat McDonald's hamburgers. That afternoon, we came to the bookstore. Children may be reading more. I saw that they took a book, sitting on shelves next to the sense of purpose and began to read; some kids bought many books, you may usually learn very nervous, there is no time to browse through bookstores and on New Year's break to take this chance to get to stroll. I also picked a few of my favorite read this book.


  Today's gains can be really big, visiting the park they visited the bookstore, and bought so many books.


  This year's New Year's Day off too happy, too meaningful.


  New Year's Day this year, too bad mood, and even the rain the next two days. I stay at home where they can not go. No. 3 was finally clear, and I feel the two.

  今年元旦太不爽了,连下两天雨。我呆在家里哪儿也不能去。3 号终于晴了,我的心情也好了。

  Early in the morning, our family would go out three. Today, people can really go over, not only many people coming and going, even the station also stop a lot of people. We finally got on a ride along the way to Jiqu squeeze up and down, finally to the liberation of parks. Park, when the person may really more crowded. After rainfall, leaves clean, even fresh flowers of the. After rain washed the concrete floor, but also spotless, and many yellow leaves fallen trees, and earth, like a blossoming flower embroidery, so beautiful. We first visited the animals. I bought some bird food, went to Peacock Room. I scattered the food to the peacock, the peacock can be proud head held high, Qiao Zhao wings, even without looking one. By the way, peacocks like Bimei. I hasten to remove the mother's flower scarf to shake the peacock. Sure enough, a few peacocks Shuadeyixia opened the beautiful wings. They also kept twitching, then the wings started really so beautiful, like a multicolored gold screen.


  We also came to the place where pigeons. Pigeons can be nice to visitors, and before I went to my front on the fly. It turned out that she wanted to eat I have food. I feed them food, they actually jump to my hands, arms, shoulders. This is a group of greedy ghosts, even I have to wait for them to eat.


  From the park out of mom and dad took me to eat McDonald's hamburgers. That afternoon, we came to the bookstore. Children may be reading more. I saw that they took a book, sitting on shelves next to the sense of purpose and began to read; some kids bought many books, you may usually learn very nervous, there is no time to browse through bookstores and on New Year's break to take this chance to get to stroll. I also picked a few of my favorite read this book.


  Today's gains can be really big, visiting the park they visited the bookstore, and bought so many books.


  This year's New Year's Day off too happy, too meaningful.



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