
  Nowadays, in some big cities, the government has built the college town. I have been to visit many college towns, I was so impressed by the beautiful environment. College town is the trend, because it has many good sides.



  On the one hand, college town provides students all kinds of study sources. In the college town, there are many colleges, different colleges major in different subjects, as these schools are nearby, so the students can go to visit the schools and have communication with other students. They can share the opinion and experience.


  On the other hand, the college town is always far away from the downtown, so it creates a quiet environment for students to study. When I went to visit the college town in Guangzhou, I was impressed by the clean and quiet environment. In some schools, many commercial shops have moved into the campus, which distract the students from study. But the college town pays attention to the study phenomenon.


  I appreciate the college town’s study phenomenon and its clean environment. In the future, more and more college towns will be built.


  Nowadays, in some big cities, the government has built the college town. I have been to visit many college towns, I was so impressed by the beautiful environment. College town is the trend, because it has many good sides.


  On the one hand, college town provides students all kinds of study sources. In the college town, there are many colleges, different colleges major in different subjects, as these schools are nearby, so the students can go to visit the schools and have communication with other students. They can share the opinion and experience.


  On the other hand, the college town is always far away from the downtown, so it creates a quiet environment for students to study. When I went to visit the college town in Guangzhou, I was impressed by the clean and quiet environment. In some schools, many commercial shops have moved into the campus, which distract the students from study. But the college town pays attention to the study phenomenon.


  I appreciate the college town’s study phenomenon and its clean environment. In the future, more and more college towns will be built.



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